
function Invoke-Portscan

Simple portscan module

PowerSploit Function: Invoke-Portscan
Author: Rich Lundeen (
License: BSD 3-Clause
Required Dependencies: None
Optional Dependencies: None


Does a simple port scan using regular sockets, based (pretty) loosely on nmap


Include these comma seperated hosts (supports IPv4 CIDR notation) or pipe them in


Input hosts from file rather than commandline

.PARAMETER ExcludeHosts

Exclude these comma seperated hosts


Include these comma seperated ports (can also be a range like 80-90)


Input ports from a file


Include the x top ports - only goes to 1000, default is top 50

.PARAMETER ExcludedPorts

Exclude these comma seperated ports

.PARAMETER SkipDiscovery

Treat all hosts as online, skip host discovery


Ping scan only (disable port scan)

.PARAMETER DiscoveryPorts

Comma separated ports used for host discovery. -1 is a ping


number of max threads for the thread pool (per host)


number of hosts to concurrently scan


Timeout time on a connection in miliseconds before port is declared filtered


Wait before thread checking, in miliseconds


How often (in terms of hosts) to sync threads and flush output


[0-5] shortcut performance options. Default is 3. higher is more aggressive. Sets (nhosts, threads,timeout)
    5 {$nHosts=30; $Threads = 1000; $Timeout = 750 }
    4 {$nHosts=25; $Threads = 1000; $Timeout = 1200 }
    3 {$nHosts=20; $Threads = 100; $Timeout = 2500 }
    2 {$nHosts=15; $Threads = 32; $Timeout = 3000 }
    1 {$nHosts=10; $Threads = 32; $Timeout = 5000 }


Greppable output file


output XML file

.PARAMETER ReadableOut

output file in 'readable' format

.PARAMETER AllformatsOut

output in readable (.nmap), xml (.xml), and greppable (.gnmap) formats

.PARAMETER noProgressMeter

Suppresses the progress meter


supresses returned output and don't store hosts in memory - useful for very large scans

.PARAMETER ForceOverwrite

Force Overwrite if output Files exist. Otherwise it throws exception


C:\PS> Invoke-Portscan -Hosts ",," -TopPorts 50

Scans the top 50 ports for hosts found for,, and


C:\PS> echo | Invoke-Portscan -oG test.gnmap -f -ports "80,443,8080"

Does a portscan of "", and writes a greppable output file


C:\PS> Invoke-Portscan -Hosts -T 4 -TopPorts 25 -oA localnet

Scans the top 20 ports for hosts found in the range, outputs all file formats


    [CmdletBinding()]Param (
        #Host, Ports

                   Mandatory = $True)]
                   [String[]] $Hosts,

                   Mandatory = $True)]
                   [String]  $HostFile,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
                   [String] $ExcludeHosts,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
                   [String] $Ports,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
                   [String] $PortFile,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
                   [String] $TopPorts,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
                   [String] $ExcludedPorts,

        #Host Discovery
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
                   [Switch] $SkipDiscovery,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
                   [Switch] $PingOnly,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
                   [string] $DiscoveryPorts = "-1,445,80,443",

        #Timing and Performance
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
                   [int] $Threads = 100,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
                   [int] $nHosts = 25,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
                   [int] $Timeout = 2000,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
                   [int] $SleepTimer = 500,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
                   [int] $SyncFreq = 1024,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
                   [int] $T,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
                   [String] $GrepOut,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
                   [String] $XmlOut,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
                   [String] $ReadableOut,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
                   [String] $AllformatsOut,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
                   [Switch] $noProgressMeter,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
                   [Switch] $quiet,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
                   [Switch] $ForceOverwrite

        #TODO add script parameter
        #TODO add resume parameter


        Set-StrictMode -Version 2.0

        $version = .13
        $hostList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
        $portList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
        $hostPortList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

        $scannedHostList = @()

        function Parse-Hosts
            Param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [String] $Hosts

            [String[]] $iHosts = $Hosts.Split(",")

            foreach($iHost in $iHosts)
                $iHost = $iHost.Replace(" ", "")


                    $netPart = $iHost.split("/")[0]
                    [uint32]$maskPart = $iHost.split("/")[1]

                    $address = [System.Net.IPAddress]::Parse($netPart)

                    if ($maskPart -ge $address.GetAddressBytes().Length * 8)
                        throw "Bad host mask"

                    $numhosts = [System.math]::Pow(2,(($address.GetAddressBytes().Length *8) - $maskPart))

                    $startaddress = $address.GetAddressBytes()

                    $startaddress = [System.BitConverter]::ToUInt32($startaddress, 0)
                    [uint32]$startMask = ([System.math]::Pow(2, $maskPart)-1) * ([System.Math]::Pow(2,(32 - $maskPart)))
                    $startAddress = $startAddress -band $startMask

                    #in powershell 2.0 there are 4 0 bytes padded, so the [0..3] is necessary
                    $startAddress = [System.BitConverter]::GetBytes($startaddress)[0..3]

                    $address = [System.Net.IPAddress] [byte[]] $startAddress


                    for ($i=0; $i -lt $numhosts-1; $i++)

                        $nextAddress =  $address.GetAddressBytes()
                        $nextAddress =  [System.BitConverter]::ToUInt32($nextAddress, 0)
                        $nextAddress ++
                        $nextAddress = [System.BitConverter]::GetBytes($nextAddress)[0..3]

                        $address = [System.Net.IPAddress] [byte[]] $nextAddress



        function Parse-ILHosts
           Param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [String] $HostFile

            Get-Content $HostFile | ForEach-Object {
                Parse-Hosts $_

        function Exclude-Hosts
            Param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [String] $excludeHosts

            [String[]] $iHosts = $excludeHosts.Split(",")

            foreach($iHost in $iHosts)
                $iHost = $iHost.Replace(" ", "")

        function Get-TopPort
            Param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
                [int] $numPorts

            #list of top 1000 ports from nmap from Jun 2013
            [int[]] $topPortList = @(80,23,443,21,3389,110,445,139,143,53,135,3306,8080,22

        function Parse-Ports
            Param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [String] $Ports,
                [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] $pList

            foreach ($pRange in $Ports.Split(","))

                #-1 is a special case for ping
                if ($pRange -eq "-1")
                elseif ($pRange.Contains("-"))
                    [int[]] $range = $pRange.Split("-")
                    if ($range.Count -ne 2 -or $pRange.Split("-")[0] -eq "" -or $pRange.split("-")[1] -eq "")
                        throw "Invalid port range"


            foreach ($p in $pList)
                if ($p -lt -1 -or $p -gt 65535)
                    throw "Port $p out of range"

        function Parse-IpPorts
           Param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [String] $PortFile

            Get-Content $PortFile | ForEach-Object {
                Parse-Ports -Ports $_ -pList $portList

        function Remove-Ports
            Param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [string] $ExcludedPorts

            [int[]] $ExcludedPorts = $ExcludedPorts.Split(",")

            foreach ($x in $ExcludedPorts)

        function Write-PortscanOut
            Param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName="Comment")] [string] $comment,
                [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName="HostOut")] [string] $outhost,
                [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName="HostOut")] [bool] $isUp,
                [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName="HostOut")] $openPorts,
                [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName="HostOut")] $closedPorts,
                [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName="HostOut")] $filteredPorts,
                [Parameter()] [bool] $SkipDiscovery,
                [Parameter()] [System.IO.StreamWriter] $grepStream,
                [Parameter()] [System.Xml.XmlWriter] $xmlStream,
                [Parameter()] [System.IO.StreamWriter] $readableStream

            switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)

                    Write-Verbose $comment

                    if ($grepStream) {
                        $grepStream.WriteLine("# " + $comment)
                    if ($xmlStream) {
                    if ($readableStream) {
                    $oPort = [string]::join(",", $openPorts.ToArray())
                    $cPort = [string]::join(",", $closedPorts.ToArray())
                    $fPort = [string]::join(",", $filteredPorts.ToArray())

                    if ($grepStream) {
                       #for grepstream use tabs - can be ugly, but easier for regex
                       if ($isUp -and !$SkipDiscovery) {
                            $grepStream.writeline("Host: $outhost`tStatus: Up")
                        if ($isUp -or $SkipDiscovery) {
                            if ($oPort -ne "") {
                                $grepStream.writeline("Host: $outhost`tOpen Ports: $oPort")
                            if ($cPort -ne "") {
                                $grepStream.writeline("Host: $outhost`tClosed Ports: $cPort")
                            if ($fPort -ne "") {
                                $grepStream.writeline("Host: $outhost`tFiltered Ports: $fPort")
                        elseif (!$SkipDiscovery) {
                            $grepStream.writeline("Host: $outhost`tStatus: Down")
                    if ($xmlStream) {

                        $xmlStream.WriteAttributeString("id", $outhost)
                        if (!$SkipDiscovery) {
                            if ($isUp) {
                                $xmlStream.WriteAttributeString("Status", "Up")
                             else {
                                $xmlStream.WriteAttributeString("Status", "Downs")

                        foreach($p in $openPorts) {
                            $xmlStream.WriteAttributeString("id", [string]$p)
                            $xmlStream.WriteAttributeString("state", "open")

                        foreach ($p in $closedPorts) {
                            $xmlStream.WriteAttributeString("id", [string]$p)
                            $xmlStream.WriteAttributeString("state", "closed")
                        foreach ($p in $filteredPorts) {
                            $xmlStream.WriteAttributeString("id", [string]$p)
                            $xmlStream.WriteAttributeString("state", "filtered")

                    if ($readableStream) {
                        $readableStream.writeline("Porscan.ps1 scan report for $outhost")
                        if ($isUp) {
                            $readableStream.writeline("Host is up")

                        if ($isUp -or $SkipDiscovery) {

                            $readableStream.writeline(("{0,-10}{1,0}" -f "PORT", "STATE"))

                            [int[]]$allports = $openPorts + $closedPorts + $filteredPorts
                            foreach($p in ($allports| Sort-Object))
                                if ($openPorts.Contains($p)) {
                                    $readableStream.writeline(("{0,-10}{1,0}" -f $p, "open"))
                                elseif ($closedPorts.Contains($p)) {
                                    $readableStream.writeline(("{0,-10}{1,0}" -f $p, "closed"))
                                elseif ($filteredPorts.Contains($p)) {
                                    $readableStream.writeline(("{0,-10}{1,0}" -f $p, "filtered"))

                        elseif(!$SkipDiscovery) {
                            $readableStream.writeline("Host is Down")

        #function for Powershell v2.0 to work
        function Convert-SwitchtoBool
            Param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] $switchValue
            If ($switchValue) {
                return $True
            return $False


            [bool] $SkipDiscovery = Convert-SwitchtoBool ($SkipDiscovery)
            [bool] $PingOnly = Convert-SwitchtoBool ($PingOnly)
            [bool] $quiet  = Convert-SwitchtoBool ($quiet)
            [bool] $ForceOverwrite  = Convert-SwitchtoBool ($ForceOverwrite)

            #parse arguments

            [Environment]::CurrentDirectory=(Get-Location -PSProvider FileSystem).ProviderPath

            if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "cmdHosts")
                foreach($h in $Hosts)
                    Parse-Hosts($h) | Out-Null
                Parse-ILHosts($HostFile) | Out-Null
            if (($TopPorts -and $Ports) -or ($TopPorts -and $PortFile))
                throw "Cannot set topPorts with other specific ports"
                Parse-Ports -Ports $Ports -pList $portList | Out-Null
                Parse-IpPorts($PortFile) | Out-Null
            if($portList.Count -eq 0)
                if ($TopPorts)
                    Get-TopPort($TopPorts) | Out-Null
                    #if the ports still aren't set, give the deftault, top 50 ports
                    Get-TopPort(50) | Out-Null
            if ($ExcludedPorts)
                Remove-Ports -ExcludedPorts $ExcludedPorts | Out-Null

                switch ($T)
                    5 {$nHosts=30;  $Threads = 1000; $Timeout = 750 }
                    4 {$nHosts=25;  $Threads = 1000; $Timeout = 1200 }
                    3 {$nHosts=20;  $Threads = 100;  $Timeout = 2500 }
                    2 {$nHosts=15;  $Threads = 32;   $Timeout = 3000 }
                    1 {$nHosts=10;  $Threads = 32;   $Timeout = 5000 }
                    default {
                        throw "Invalid T parameter"

            $grepStream = $null
            $xmlStream = $null
            $readableStream = $null

                if ($GrepOut -or $XmlOut -or $ReadableOut) {
                     Write-Warning "Both -oA specified with other output... going to ignore -oG/-oN/-oX"
                $GrepOut = $AllformatsOut + ".gnmap"
                $XmlOut = $AllformatsOut + ".xml"
                $ReadableOut = $AllformatsOut + ".nmap"
            if ($GrepOut) {
                if (!$ForceOverwrite -and (Test-Path $GrepOut)) {
                    throw "Error: $AllformatsOut already exists. Either delete the file or specify the -f flag"
                $grepStream = [System.IO.StreamWriter] $GrepOut
            if ($ReadableOut) {
                if (!$ForceOverwrite -and (Test-Path $ReadableOut)) {
                    throw "Error: $ReadableOut already exists. Either delete the file or specify the -f flag"
                $readableStream = [System.IO.StreamWriter] $ReadableOut
            if ($XmlOut) {
                if (!$ForceOverwrite -and (Test-Path $XmlOut)) {
                    throw "Error: $XmlOut already exists. Either delete the file or specify the -f flag"

                $xmlStream =   [System.xml.xmlwriter]::Create([string]$XmlOut)
                $xmlStream.WriteAttributeString("version", $version)


            Parse-Ports -Ports $DiscoveryPorts -pList $hostPortList | Out-Null

            $startdate = Get-Date
            $myInvocationLine = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.Line
            $startMsg = "Invoke-Portscan.ps1 v$version scan initiated $startdate as: $myInvocationLine"

            #TODO deal with output
            Write-PortscanOut -comment $startMsg -grepStream $grepStream -xmlStream $xmlStream -readableStream $readableStream

            #converting back from int array gives some argument error checking
            $sPortList = [string]::join(",", $portList)
            $sHostPortList = [string]::join(",", $hostPortList)

            #Port Scan Code - run on a per host basis
            $portScanCode = {
                param (
                    [Parameter( Mandatory = $True)] [string] $thost,
                    [Parameter( Mandatory = $True)][bool] $SkipDiscovery,
                    [Parameter( Mandatory = $True)][bool] $PingOnly,
                    [Parameter( Mandatory = $True)][int] $Timeout,
                    [Parameter( Mandatory = $True)] $PortList,
                    [Parameter( Mandatory = $True)] $hostPortList,
                    [Parameter( Mandatory = $True)][int] $maxthreads)
                $openPorts = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
                $closedPorts = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
                $filteredPorts = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

                $sockets = @{}
                $timeouts = New-Object Hashtable

                #set maximum $async threads
                $fThreads = New-Object int
                $aThreads = New-Object int
                [System.Threading.ThreadPool]::GetMaxThreads([ref]$fThreads, [ref]$aThreads) | Out-Null
                [System.Threading.ThreadPool]::SetMaxThreads($fthreads,$maxthreads) | Out-Null

                function New-ScriptBlockCallback {

                    #taken from
                    if (-not ("CallbackEventBridge" -as [type])) {
                        Add-Type @"
                            using System;

                            public sealed class CallbackEventBridge
                                public event AsyncCallback CallbackComplete = delegate { };

                                private CallbackEventBridge() {}

                                private void CallbackInternal(IAsyncResult result)

                                public AsyncCallback Callback
                                    get { return new AsyncCallback(CallbackInternal); }

                                public static CallbackEventBridge Create()
                                    return new CallbackEventBridge();


                    $bridge = [CallbackEventBridge]::Create()
                    Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $bridge -EventName CallbackComplete -Action $Callback | Out-Null



                function Test-Port {

                    Param (
                        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [String] $h,
                        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [int] $p,
                        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [int] $timeout

                    try {
                        $pAddress = [System.Net.IPAddress]::Parse($h)
                        $sockets[$p] = new-object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient $pAddress.AddressFamily

                    catch {
                        #we're assuming this is a host name
                        $sockets[$p] = new-object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient

                    $scriptBlockAsString = @"

                        #somewhat of a race condition with the timeout, but I don't think it matters
                        if ( `$sockets[$p] -ne `$NULL)
                            if (!`$timeouts[$p].Disposed) {

                            `$status = `$sockets[$p].Connected;
                            if (`$status -eq `$True)
                                #write-host "$p is open"
                                #write-host "$p is closed"



                    $timeoutCallback = @"
                        #write-host "$p is filtered"
                        if (!`$timeouts[$p].Disposed) {

                    $timeoutCallback = [scriptblock]::Create($timeoutCallback)

                    $timeouts[$p] = New-Object System.Timers.Timer
                    Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $timeouts[$p] -EventName Elapsed -Action $timeoutCallback | Out-Null
                    $timeouts[$p].Interval = $timeout
                    $timeouts[$p].Enabled = $true

                    $myscriptblock = [scriptblock]::Create($scriptBlockAsString)
                    $x = $sockets[$p].beginConnect($h, $p,(New-ScriptBlockCallback($myscriptblock)) , $null)


                function PortScan-Alive
                    Param (
                        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [String] $h


                        if ($hostPortList.Contains(-1))
                            $ping = new-object System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping
                            $pResult = $ping.send($h)
                            if ($pResult.Status -eq "Success")
                                return $True
                        foreach($Port in $hostPortList)
                            if ($Port -ne -1)
                                Test-Port -h $h -p $Port -timeout $Timeout

                        do {
                            Start-Sleep -Milli 100
                            if (($openPorts.Count -gt 0) -or ($closedPorts.Count -gt 0)) {
                                return $True
                        While ($sockets.Count -gt 0)

                        Write-Error "Exception trying to host scan $h"
                        Write-Error $_.Exception.Message;

                    return $False

                function Portscan-Port
                    Param (
                        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [String] $h

                    [string[]]$Ports = @()

                    foreach($Port in $Portlist)
                            Test-Port -h $h -p $Port -timeout $Timeout
                            Write-Error "Exception trying to scan $h port $Port"
                            Write-Error $_.Exception.Message;
                [bool] $hostResult = $False

                    [bool] $hostResult = PortScan-Alive $thost
                if((!$PingOnly) -and ($hostResult -or $SkipDiscovery))
                    Portscan-Port $thost
                while ($sockets.Count -gt 0) {
                    Start-Sleep -Milli 500

                return @($hostResult, $openPorts, $closedPorts, $filteredPorts)

            # the outer loop is to flush the loop.
            # Otherwise Get-Job | Wait-Job could clog, etc

            [int]$saveIteration = 0
            while (($saveIteration * $SyncFreq) -lt $hostList.Count)

                Get-Job | Remove-Job -Force
                $sIndex = ($saveIteration*$SyncFreq)
                $eIndex = (($saveIteration+1)*$SyncFreq)-1

                foreach ($iHost in $hostList[$sIndex..$eIndex])
                    $ctr = @(Get-Job -state Running)
                    while ($ctr.Count -ge $nHosts)
                        Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $SleepTimer
                        $ctr = @(Get-Job -state Running)

                        Write-Progress -status "Port Scanning" -Activity $startMsg -CurrentOperation "starting computer $computersDone"  -PercentComplete ($computersDone / $hostList.Count * 100)

                    Start-Job -ScriptBlock $portScanCode -Name $iHost -ArgumentList @($iHost, $SkipDiscovery, $PingOnly, $Timeout, $portList, $hostPortList, $Threads)  | Out-Null

                Get-Job | Wait-Job | Out-Null

                foreach ($job in Get-Job)
                    $jobOut = @(Receive-Job $job)
                    [bool]$hostUp = $jobOut[0]
                    $jobName = $job.Name

                    $openPorts = $jobOut[1]
                    $closedPorts = $jobOut[2]
                    $filteredPorts = $jobOut[3]

                    if($hostUp) {
                        $upHosts ++

                    if (!$quiet)
                        $hostDate = Get-Date
                        $hostObj = New-Object System.Object
                        $hostObj | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name Hostname -Value $jobName

                        $hostObj | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name alive -Value $hostUp
                        $hostObj | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name openPorts -Value $openPorts
                        $hostObj | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name closedPorts -Value $closedPorts
                        $hostObj | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name filteredPorts -Value $filteredPorts
                        $hostObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name finishTime -Value $hostDate

                        $scannedHostList += $hostobj

                    Write-PortscanOut -outhost $jobName -isUp $hostUp -openPorts $openPorts -closedPorts $closedPorts -filteredPorts $filteredPorts -grepStream $grepStream -xmlStream $xmlStream -readableStream $readableStream -SkipDiscovery $SkipDiscovery

                if ($grepStream) {
                if ($xmlStream) {
                if($readableStream) {

                $saveIteration ++

            $enddate = Get-Date
            $totaltime = ($enddate - $startdate).TotalSeconds
            $endMsg = "Port scan complete at $enddate ($totaltime seconds)"
            if (!$SkipDiscovery) {
                $endMsg += ", $upHosts hosts are up"

            Write-PortscanOut -comment $endMsg -grepStream $grepStream -xmlStream $xmlStream -readableStream $readableStream

            if($grepStream) {
            if ($xmlStream) {
            if($readableStream) {

            return $scannedHostList

            Write-Error $_.Exception.Message;