using System;
using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Immutable; using System.Linq; using PowerShellStandardModule1.Lib.Extensions; namespace PowerShellStandardModule1.Models; public enum Indents { None, Middle, Last, Padding, PaddedBranch, } public static class IndentExtensions { public static string Value(this Indents indent) => indent switch { Indents.None => "", Indents.Middle => "├── ", Indents.Last => "└── ", Indents.Padding => " ", Indents.PaddedBranch => "│ ", _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(indent), indent, null) }; public static Indents Parse(string value) => value switch { "" => Indents.None, "├── " => Indents.Middle, "└── " => Indents.Last, " " => Indents.Padding, "│ " => Indents.PaddedBranch, _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(value), value, null) }; public static string ToValueString(this IEnumerable<Indents> indents) => indents .Select(x => x.Value()) .StringJoin(""); } public class PrintNode<T> { public required TreeNode<T> Value; public int Index; public PrintNode<T>? Parent; public bool IsRoot => Parent == null; private IImmutableList<Indents> Indent { get; set; } = []; public Func<TreeNode<T>, string> StringValueSelector = PrintNode.DefaultStringValueSelector; private static Func<PrintNode<T>, TreeNode<T>, int, PrintNode<T>> ChildConstructor => DefaultChildConstructor; public Func<PrintNode<T>, IEnumerable<TreeNode<T>>> ChildProvider = PrintNode.DefaultChildProvider; public string StringValue => StringValueSelector(Value); // if iterating over children in reverse order, last child is now index 0 private bool IsLast => Index == 0; private Indents Prefix => IsLast ? Indents.Last : Indents.Middle; public string Line => IsRoot ? StringValue : CompiledIndent.ToValueString() + StringValue; public IImmutableList<Indents> CompiledIndent => IsRoot ? [] : Indent.Add(Prefix); private Indents PaddingBranch => IsRoot ? Indents.None : IsLast ? Indents.Padding : Indents.PaddedBranch; // if it's the last child of its parent, then do not have line in padding private IImmutableList<Indents> NextIndent => Indent.Add(PaddingBranch); public IEnumerable<PrintNode<T>> Children => ChildProvider(this) .Reverse() .Select(CreateChild); private PrintNode<T> CreateChild(TreeNode<T> node, int index) { // override private properties var child = ChildConstructor(this, node, index); child.Indent = NextIndent; return child; } public PrintNode<T> Clone() { return (PrintNode<T>)MemberwiseClone(); } private static PrintNode<T> DefaultChildConstructor(PrintNode<T> parent, TreeNode<T> node, int index) { var n = parent.Clone(); n.Value = node; n.Index = index; n.Parent = parent; return n; } } public static class PrintNode { public static PrintNode<T> ToPrintNode<T>(this TreeNode<T> node) => From(node); public static PrintNode<T> From<T>(TreeNode<T> node) => new() { Value = node}; public static string DefaultStringValueSelector<T>(AbstractNode<T> node) => node.Value?.ToString() ?? Indents.None.Value(); public static IEnumerable<TreeNode<T>> DefaultChildProvider<T>(PrintNode<T> node) => node.Value.Children; } |