using System;
using System.Management.Automation; namespace PowerShellStandardModule1.Commands.PrintTree; [Cmdlet(verbName: VerbsCommon.Get, nounName: "PrintTree")] [Alias("PrintTree")] [OutputType(typeof(string))] public partial class PrintTreeCommand { [Parameter( Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = true, HelpMessage = "The directory to start the search from. Defaults to the current directory." )] public string StartingDirectory { get => _startingDirectory ?? CurrentProviderLocation("FileSystem") .ProviderPath; set => _startingDirectory = value; } [Parameter( Position = 1, HelpMessage = "The maximum depth to search. Defaults to 3. Negative numbers are rounded to 0." )] public int Depth { get; set; } = 3; [Parameter( HelpMessage = "The maximum amount of children an individual node should have. Defaults to int32 max. Negative numbers are rounded to 0." )] public int NodeChildren { get; set; } = Int32.MaxValue; [Parameter( HelpMessage = "How many results to process before stopping. Defaults to int32 max. Negative numbers are rounded to 0." )] public int Limit { get; set; } = Int32.MaxValue; [Parameter( HelpMessage = "The maximum amount of lines the entire tree should have. Defaults to int32 max. Negative numbers are rounded to 0." )] public int Width { get; set; } = Int32.MaxValue; [Parameter( HelpMessage = "Maximum children for the root node. Defaults to a negative value (-1), which will coerce it into the NodeChildren if this is the case." )] public int RootNodeChildren { get; set; } = -1; [Parameter( HelpMessage = """ Type: Func<FileSystemInfo,object> A scriptblock to select the string to display for each node. It should return a serializable object at minimum. Defaults to the Name property. Properties of the FileSystemInfo object are available here https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.io.filesysteminfo?view=net-8.0 """ )] public ScriptBlock? StringSelector { get; set; } [Parameter( HelpMessage = """ The property to sort by of a FileSystemInfo object. Available options are: Name, CreationTime, LastAccessTime, LastWriteTime, Extension, Attributes, ChildCount Defaults to Name. """ )] public FsOrdererType OrderBy { get; set; } = FsOrdererType.Name; [Parameter(HelpMessage = "Sort order is ascending by default. Enable to sort in descending order.")] public SwitchParameter Descending { get; set; } [Parameter( HelpMessage = "Type: Func<FileSystemInfo, bool> Script block which determines whether or not to include a directory. Defaults to always true." )] public ScriptBlock? Where { get; set; } [Parameter( HelpMessage = "Modifies behavior of Where clause. All ancestor directories of nodes that meet this filter will be included." )] public SwitchParameter Within { get; set; } [Parameter( HelpMessage = "Enable to also receive files. Related options such as StringSelector or Where will also receive files." )] public SwitchParameter File { get; set; } [Parameter( HelpMessage = "Modifies behavior of Where clause. Targets only directories with no children and/or files. All directories with children will be included regardless of filter. If this is enabled, Within is disabled." )] public SwitchParameter Leaf { get; set; } } public enum FsOrdererType { Name, CreationTime, LastAccessTime, LastWriteTime, Extension, Attributes, Exists, ChildCount } |