using System;
using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Management.Automation; namespace PowerShellStandardModule1.Commands.MemoryReport; [Cmdlet(VerbsCommon.Get, "MemoryReport")] [OutputType(typeof(MemoryRecord))] public class MemoryReportCommand : PSCmdlet { protected override void ProcessRecord() { var result = new Impl().GetProcessMemoryUsageReport(); WriteObject(result); } } public record MemoryRecord { private const int MemoryUnit = 1024; public string Name { get; set; } = ""; public decimal Memory { get; set; } public double MemoryPercent { get; set; } public int ProcessCount { get; set; } public double RunningMemorySumPercent { get; set; } public decimal RunningMemorySum { get; set; } public MemoryRecord IncreaseUnit(int units) { var multiplier = (long)Math.Pow(MemoryUnit, units); return this with { Memory = Memory * multiplier, RunningMemorySum = RunningMemorySum * multiplier }; } public MemoryRecord DecreaseUnit(int units) { var divisor = (long)Math.Pow(MemoryUnit, units); return this with { Memory = Memory / divisor, RunningMemorySum = RunningMemorySum / divisor }; } public Process? GetProcess() { var process = Process.GetProcessesByName(Name).FirstOrDefault(); return process; } } file class Impl { public List<MemoryRecord> GetProcessMemoryUsageReport() { var processes = Process.GetProcesses().ToList(); var totalMemory = processes.Sum(process => process.PrivateMemorySize64); var data = processes .AsParallel() .GroupBy(p => p.ProcessName) .Select(g => new MemoryRecord { Name = g.Key, Memory = g.Sum(p => p.PrivateMemorySize64), ProcessCount = g.Count(), }) .Select(x => x with { MemoryPercent = (double)x.Memory / totalMemory * 100 }) .OrderBy(x => x.Memory) .ToList(); decimal runningMemorySum = 0; double runningMemorySumPercent = 0; foreach (var process in data) { runningMemorySumPercent += process.MemoryPercent; runningMemorySum += process.Memory; process.RunningMemorySumPercent = runningMemorySumPercent; process.RunningMemorySum = runningMemorySum; } return data; } } |