This script is used to download, configure and start a PowerShell Universal agent that can be used to receive BurntToast notifications from a PSU server. This script is part of a PowerShell Universal extension module that provides a published folder to host this script alongside the PowerShell Universal Agent binaries. Below is an example command you can run to run this script. iex ((iwr "http://localhost:5000/burnttoast/install.ps1").Content) #> $PSUURL = "http://localhost:5000" # Install BurntToast $Module = Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name 'BurntToast' if (-not $Module) { Install-Module 'BurntToast' -Scope CurrentUser -Force } # Set up the agent $PSUDirectory = Join-Path $ENV:APPDATA "PowerShellUniversal" if (-not (Test-Path $PSUDirectory)) { New-Item $PSUDirectory -ItemType Directory } $AgentConfigPath = Join-Path $PSUDirectory "agent.json" Out-File -FilePath $AgentConfigPath -InputObject (@{ Connections = @( @{ Url = "$PSUURL" Hub = "BurntToast" } ) } | ConvertTo-Json) # Download the agent $OutputZip = Join-Path $ENV:TMP "" Invoke-WebRequest "$PSUURL\BurntToast\" -OutFile $OutputZip $AgentFolder = Join-Path $ENV:USERPROFILE ".psuagent" if (-not (Test-Path $AgentFolder)) { New-Item $AgentFolder -ItemType Directory } Expand-Archive -Path $OutputZip -DestinationPath $AgentFolder Start-Process (Join-Path $AgentFolder "psuagent.exe") # todo: setup to run on login # cleanup Remove-Item $OutputZip |