
function Invoke-PSUBTTrigger {
        Sends a BurntToast notification during a PowerShell Universal Trigger
        .PARAMETER Job
        The job object for a job-based trigger.

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Job')]

    if ($Job) {
        Send-PSUBTNotification -User $Job.Identity.Name -Text "Job $($Job.Id) has completed with status $($Job.Status)"

function Send-PSUBTNotification {
        Send a BurntToast notification from PowerShell Universal to a connected client event hub.
        .PARAMETER Computer
        The name of the computer to send the notification to.
        .PARAMETER User
        The user to send the notification to.
        .PARAMETER Text
        The text of the notification.

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Computer', Mandatory)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'User', Mandatory)]

    $Parameters = @{
        Text = $Text

    if ($Computer) {
        Invoke-PSUCommand -Hub 'BurntToast' -Computer $Computer -Command "New-BurntToastNotification" -Parameters $Parameters -Integrated
    else {
        $Connection = Get-PSUEventHubConnection -Active -Integrated | Where-Object RemoteUserName -eq $User
        if (-not $Connection) {
            throw "Connection for user $User not found";

        Invoke-PSUCommand -Hub 'BurntToast' -ConnectionId $Connection.ConnectionId -Command "New-BurntToastNotification" -Parameters $Parameters -Integrated