
Opens a PowerShellRun selector with all available options.
Opens a PowerShellRun selector with all available options. It takes an array of PowerShellRun.SelectorEntry and returns a PowerShellRun.SelectorResult.
An array of PowerShellRun.SelectorEntry. Each entry has properties for customizations.
Use this command to see what properties are available:
[PowerShellRun.SelectorEntry]::new() | Get-Member -MemberType Properties
.PARAMETER MultiSelection
Specifies if the selector accepts multiple selections.
Specifies an PowerShellRun.SelectorOption that is only effective for this invocation.
By default, the selector option that is set by Set-PSRunDefaultSelectorOption is used.
Specifies the initial state of the selector.
An array of PowerShellRun.SelectorEntry.
$result = Get-Process | ForEach-Object {
    $entry = [PowerShellRun.SelectorEntry]::new()
    $entry.UserData = $_
    $entry.Name = $_.Name
} | Invoke-PSRunSelectorCustom
$actionKey = [PowerShellRun.ActionKey]::new('Ctrl+h', 'This is a custom action')
Get-ChildItem | ForEach-Object {
    $entry = [PowerShellRun.SelectorEntry]::new()
    $entry.UserData = $_
    $entry.Icon = if ($_.PSIsContainer) {'📁'} else {'📄'}
    $entry.Name = $_.Name
    $entry.Description = $_.FullName
    $entry.ActionKeys = $actionKey
} | Invoke-PSRunSelectorCustom

function Invoke-PSRunSelectorCustom {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]


        [PowerShellRun.SelectorOption]$Option = $script:globalStore.defaultSelectorOption,


    begin {
        $isPipelineInput = $MyInvocation.ExpectingInput
        if ($isPipelineInput) {
            $entries = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PowerShellRun.SelectorEntry]]::new()
    process {
        if ($isPipelineInput) {
    end {
        $mode = if ($MultiSelection) { [PowerShellRun.SelectorMode]::MultiSelection } else { [PowerShellRun.SelectorMode]::SingleSelection }
        if ($isPipelineInput) {
            $result = [PowerShellRun.Selector]::Open($entries, $mode, $Option, $Context)
        } else {
            $result = [PowerShellRun.Selector]::Open($Entry, $mode, $Option, $Context)