<# .SYNOPSIS Uses the PS tokenize process to parse out all the commands to be executed .DESCRIPTION Creates a alias that can take params like UNIX alias command, it will also place the $arg at the end so you can add commands. .EXAMPLE C:\PS> alias fred=start-process winword C:\PS> fred helloworld.docx This will start work with whatever you add at the end. [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize("cd -Path ..; dir -Path c:; get-ChildItem -Path d:",[ref]$null) Resolve-Aliases "cd -Path ..; dir -Path c:; get-ChildItem -Path d:" Set-Location Get-ChildItemth ..; dir -Path c:; get-ChildItem -Path d: #> function script:Resolve-Aliases { param($line) $newCommandLine = "" # Replaice the Aliases with the full internal command. [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($line,[ref]$null) | ForEach-Object { $type = $_.Type $content = $_.Content switch ($type) { "Command" { $cmd = @(Get-Command $content)[0] if($cmd.CommandType -eq "Alias") { $newCommandLine += $cmd.Definition #$line = $line.Remove( $_.StartColumn -1, $_.Length ).Insert( $_.StartColumn -1, $cmd.Definition ) } else { $newCommandLine += $content } } "CommandParameter" {$newCommandLine += $content} "CommandArgument" {$newCommandLine += $content} "StatementSeparator" {$newCommandLine += $content} "String" {$newCommandLine += "`"" + $content + "`""} default {$newCommandLine += $content} } $newCommandLine += " " } $newCommandLine } |