enum ModuleUpdateStatus { Unknown InPSGalleryNotFound UpToDate UpdateNeed } class ModuleInfo { [string]$Name [version]$LocalVersion [version]$GalleryVersion [ModuleUpdateStatus]$UpdateStatus [string] $LocalModulePath } <# .SYNOPSIS Overview of modules that could be updated. .DESCRIPTION All local modules are available with an existing version in the Power Shell Gallery compared to a newer module version. #> function Get-ModuleUpdate { [CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact = 'Low')] param ( [Parameter()] [string]$Name = '*', [Parameter()] [switch]$ShowAll ) process { Get-Module -Name $Name -ListAvailable | Sort-Object -Property 'Name' | ForEach-Object -Process { $GalleyModule = $_ | Find-Module -ErrorAction Ignore | Sort-Object -Property 'Version' -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 $Result = [ModuleInfo]::new() $Result.Name = $_.Name $Result.LocalModulePath = $_.ModuleBase $Result.LocalVersion = $_.Version $Result.UpdateStatus = [ModuleUpdateStatus]::InPSGalleryNotFound if ($null -ne $GalleyModule) { $Result.GalleryVersion = $GalleyModule.Version $Result.UpdateStatus = [ModuleUpdateStatus]::UpToDate if ([version]($GalleyModule.Version) -gt $_.Version) { $Result.UpdateStatus = [ModuleUpdateStatus]::UpdateNeed } } if($ShowAll -or $Result.UpdateStatus -eq [ModuleUpdateStatus]::UpdateNeed -or $Name -eq $_.Name) { return $Result } } } } <# Update-FormatData -PrependPath .\Modules\PowerShellBuddy\Public\Get-ModuleUpdate.format.ps1xml Get-ModuleUpdate Get-ModuleUpdate -ShowAll Get-ModuleUpdate -Name Pester Get-ModuleUpdate | Update-Module -PassThru #> |