.SYNOPSIS Shows official news on the subject of Powershell from Microsoft. .EXAMPLE Get-PowerShellNews Shows official news on the subject of Powershell from Microsoft. .OUTPUTS [System.String] #> function Get-PowerShellNews { [CmdletBinding()] param( [datetime]$AfterDate = [datetime]::MinValue ) begin { $My = [HashTable]::Synchronized(@{}) $My.ESC = [char]0x1b $My.FormatHeader = "$($My.ESC)[95m" $My.FormatDefault = "$($My.ESC)[0m" if (-not $host.UI.SupportsVirtualTerminal) { $My.FormatHeader = [String]::Empty $My.FormatDefault = [String]::Empty } "$($My.FormatHeader) $($My.FormatDefault)" | Out-Host "$($My.FormatHeader)Microsoft PowerShell Blog News ($($My.FormatDefault)" | Write-Host try { $My.Content = [xml](Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Content) } catch { "Vermutlich ist das Internet aktuelle nicht zu erreichen. Daher können keine News abgerufen werden." | Write-Warning exit } $ | Select-Object -Property @{Name = 'ReleaseDate'; Expression = { [DateTime]$_.pubDate } }, title, link | Where-Object -Property ReleaseDate -GE -Value $AfterDate | ForEach-Object -Process { return [PSCustomObject]@{ Release = [datetime]$_.ReleaseDate News = "`e]8;;$($`e\$($_.Title)`e]8;;`e\" + $My.FormatDefault } } } } |