
using namespace OpenAI
using namespace System.Net.Http
using namespace System.Net.Http.Headers
using namespace System.Collections.Generic
using namespace System.Management.Automation

$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
#TODO: This should be better
$debugBinPath = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot '/bin/Debug/net6.0'
if (Test-Path $debugBinPath) {
    Write-Warning "Debug build detected. Using assemblies at $debugBinPath"
    Add-Type -Path $debugBinPath/*.dll
} else {
    Add-Type -Path $PSScriptRoot/*.dll

#These are the cheapest models for testing, opt into more powerful models
$SCRIPT:aiDefaultModel = 'ada'
$SCRIPT:aiDefaultChatModel = 'gpt-3.5-turbo'
$SCRIPT:aiDefaultCodeModel = 'code-davinci-002'

#region Public
function Connect-AI {
        # Provide your API Key as the password, and optionally your organization ID as the username

        # By default, this uses the OpenAI API. Specify this if you want to use GitHub Copilot (UNSUPPORTED)

        # Don't set this client as the default client. You can pass the client to the various commands instead. Implies -PassThru

        # Return the client for use in other commands

        #Replace the existing default client if it exists
    if ($SCRIPT:aiClient -and (-not $NoDefault -and -not $Force)) {
        Write-Warning 'Already connected to an AI engine. You can use -NoDefault to not set this client as the default client, or -Force to replace the existing default client.'

    if (-not $APIKey -and $env:OPENAI_API_KEY) {
        Write-Verbose 'Using API key from environment variable OPENAI_API_KEY'
        $APIKey = $env:OPENAI_API_KEY

    $client = New-AIClient @newAIClientParams -APIKey $APIKey -GithubCopilot:$GitHubCopilot

    if ($NoDefault) {
        $PassThru = $true
    } else {
        $SCRIPT:aiClient = $client

    if ($PassThru) {
        return $client

filter Get-AIModel {
        # The ID of the model to get. If not specified, returns all models.
        [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][OpenAI.Client]$Client = $SCRIPT:aiClient
    if (-not $Client) {
        $Client = $SCRIPT:aiClient

    if ($Id) {
        return $Client.RetrieveModel($Id)


function Get-AIEngine {
        [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][OpenAI.Client]$Client = $SCRIPT:aiClient
    Write-Warning 'Engines are deprecated. Use Get-AIModel instead.'
    if (-not $Client) {
        $Client = $SCRIPT:aiClient

    | ConvertFrom-ListResponse

function Get-AICompletion {
        #The name of the model to use.
        [ValidateSet([AvailableModels])][String]$Model = $SCRIPT:aiDefaultModel,
        [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][OpenAI.Client]$Client = $SCRIPT:aiClient,
        [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][uint]$MaxTokens = 1000,
        [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][uint]$Temperature = 0
    if (-not $Client) {
        $Client = $SCRIPT:aiClient

    $request = [CreateCompletionRequest]@{
        Prompt      = $Prompt
        Stream      = $false
        Model       = $Model
        Max_tokens  = $MaxTokens
        Temperature = $Temperature

function Get-AICode {
    Utilizes the Codex models to fetch a code completion given a prompt.

        #The name of the model to use.
        $Language = 'PowerShell 7',
        [ValidateSet([AvailableModels])][String]$Model = $SCRIPT:aiDefaultCodeModel,
        [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][OpenAI.Client]$Client = $SCRIPT:aiClient,
        [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][uint]$MaxTokens = 1000,
        [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][uint]$Temperature = 0
    if (-not $Client) {
        $Client = $SCRIPT:aiClient

    #Add a language specifier to the prompt
    $Prompt.Insert(0, "#$Language")

    Get-AICompletion -Prompt $Prompt -Model $Model -MaxTokens $MaxTokens -Temperature $Temperature

function Get-AIChat {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Prompt')]
        #Include one or more prompts to start the conversation
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline, ParameterSetName = 'Prompt')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ChatSession')]

        #Supply a previous chat session to add new responses to it
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ParameterSetName = 'ChatSession')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Prompt')]

        #The name of the model to use.
        [String]$Model = $SCRIPT:aiDefaultChatModel,

        [OpenAI.Client]$Client = $SCRIPT:aiClient,

        [uint]$MaxTokens = 1000,

        [uint]$Temperature = 0
    if (-not $Client) {
        $Client = $SCRIPT:aiClient

    $ChatSession ??= [ChatConversation]@{
        Request = @{
            Messages    = [List[ChatCompletionRequestMessage]]@()
            Stream      = $false
            Model       = $Model
            Max_tokens  = $MaxTokens
            Temperature = $Temperature

    #Append any response to the initial request. This is the continuation of a chat.
    $responseChoices = $ChatSession.Response.Choices
    $requestMessages = $ChatSession.Request.Messages
    if ($responseChoices.Count -gt 0) {
        if ($responseChoices.count -gt 1) {
            Write-Error 'The previous chat response contained more than one choice. Continuing a conversation with multiple choices is not supported.' -Category 'NotImplemented'

    foreach ($PromptItem in $Prompt) {

    $chatResponse = $Client.CreateChatCompletion($ChatSession.Request)
    $chatSession.Response = $chatResponse

    $price = Get-UsagePrice -Model $chatResponse.Model -Total $chatResponse.Usage.Total_tokens

    Write-Verbose "Chat usage - $($chatResponse.Usage) $($price ? "$price " : $null)for Id $($chatResponse.Id)"

    return $chatSession
#endregion Public

#Region Private
function New-AIClient {

    if (-not $APIKey) {
        Write-Error 'You must supply an OpenAI API key via the -APIKey parameter or by setting the OPENAI_API_KEY variable'

    if ($SCRIPT:client -and -not $Force) {
        Write-Warning 'Assistant is already connected. Please use -Force to reset the client.'
    $httpClient = [HttpClient]::new()
    $httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = [AuthenticationHeaderValue]::new('Bearer', $APIKey)

    $aiClient = [Client]::new($httpClient)

    if ($GitHubCopilot) {
        $aiClient.BaseUrl = 'https://copilot-proxy.githubusercontent.com'

    return $aiClient

function Assert-Connected {
    if (-not $SCRIPT:aiClient) {

#If the returned result was a list, return the actual data
filter ConvertFrom-ListResponse {
    if ($PSItem.Object -ne 'list') { return }
    return $PSItem.Data

#endregion Private

# function Connect-Copilot {
# [CmdletBinding()]
# param(
# # Provide your Copilot API Key as the password, and optionally your organization ID as the username
# [string]$Token,

# #Reset if a client already exists
# [Switch]$Force
# )
# $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

# if ($SCRIPT:GHClient -and -not $Force) {
# Write-Warning 'Copilot is already connected. Please use -Force to reset the client.'
# return
# }

# if ($SCRIPT:GHCopilotToken -and -not $Force) {
# Write-Warning 'GitHub Copilot is already connected. Please use -Force to reset the client.'
# return
# }

# $SCRIPT:GHCopilotToken = if (-not $Token) {
# #Try to autodiscover it from GitHub Copilot CLI
# if (-not (Test-Path $HOME/.copilot-cli-access-token)) {
# Write-Error "To use PowerShell Assistant with GitHub Copilot, you must install GitHub Copilot CLI and run 'github-copilot-cli auth' at least once to generate a Copilot Personal Access Token (PAT)"
# return
# }
# Get-Content $HOME/.copilot-cli-access-token
# } else {
# $Token
# }

# $config = [OpenAIOptions]@{
# ApiKey = Update-GitHubCopilotToken $SCRIPT:GHCopilotToken
# BaseDomain = 'https://copilot-proxy.githubusercontent.com'
# DefaultEngineId = 'copilot-labs-codex'
# }

# $SCRIPT:GHClient = [OpenAIService]::new($config)
# }

# function Get-CopilotSuggestion {
# [CmdletBinding()]
# param(
# [Parameter(Mandatory)][string]$prompt,
# [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]$client = $SCRIPT:GHClient
# )

# if (-not $SCRIPT:GHClient) { Connect-Copilot }
# $request = [CompletionCreateRequest]@{
# N = 1
# StopAsList = [string[]]@('---', '\n')
# MaxTokens = 256
# Temperature = 0
# TopP = 1
# Prompt = $prompt
# Stream = $true
# }
# $resultStream = $client.Completions.CreateCompletionAsStream($request).GetAwaiter.GetResult()
# foreach ($resultItem in $resultStream) {
# Write-Host -NoNewline 'NEW TOKEN'
# #This gives us intellisense in vscode
# [CompletionCreateResponse]$result = $resultItem
# if ($result.Error) {
# Write-Error $result.Error
# return
# }
# $token = $result.Choices[0].Text
# Write-Host -NoNewline -fore DarkGray $token
# }
# Write-Host 'DONE'
# }

# function Assert-Connected {
# if (-not $SCRIPT:client) { Connect-Assistant }
# }

function Update-GitHubCopilotToken {
    Fetches the latest token for GitHub Copilot

        $GitHubToken = $SCRIPT:GHCopilotToken
    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
    $response = Invoke-RestMethod 'https://api.github.com/copilot_internal/v2/token' -Headers @{
        Authorization = "token $($GitHubToken.trim())"
    return $response.token

function Get-Chat {
    Provides an interactive assistant for PowerShell. Mostly a frontend to Get-AIChat

        #Provide a chat prompt to initiate the conversation

        #If you just want the result and don't want to be prompted for further replies, specify this

        #By default, the latest code recommendation is copied to your clipboard, specify this to disable the behavior

        #Specify a prompt that guides Chat how to behave. By default, it is told to prefer PowerShell as a language.
        [string]$SystemPrompt = 'PowerShell syntax and be brief',

        #Maximum tokens to generate. Defaults to 500 to minimize accidental API billing
        [uint]$MaxTokens = 500,

        #TODO: Figure out how to autocomplete this
    begin {
        $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
        [List[ChatCompletionRequestMessage]]$chatHistory = @(
                Role    = [ChatCompletionRequestMessageRole]::System
                Content = $SystemPrompt
    process {
        do {
            $chatPrompt ??= Read-Host -Prompt 'You'
            foreach ($promptItem in $chatPrompt) {

            $chatParams = @{
                Prompt    = $chatHistory
                MaxTokens = $MaxTokens
            if ($Model) { $chatParams.Model = $Model }

            $result = Get-AIChat @chatParams

            foreach ($message in $result.Choices.Message) {

            Write-Output $result.Response

            if (-not $NoClipboard) {
                | Convert-ChatCodeToClipboard
                | Out-Null

            #TODO: Move this into the formatter
            # switch ($aiResponse.FinishReason) {
            # 'stop' {} #This is the normal response
            # 'length' {
            # Write-Warning "$MaxTokens tokens reached. Consider increasing the value of -MaxTokens for longer responses."
            # }
            # $null {
            # Write-Debug 'Null FinishReason received. This seems to occur on occasion and may or may not be a bug.'
            # }
            # default {
            # Write-Warning "Chat response finished abruply due to: $($aiResponse.FinishReason)"
            # }
            # }

            $chatPrompt = $null
            if (-not $NoReply) {
                Write-Host -Fore Cyan '<Ctrl-C to exit>'
        } while (
            -not $NoReply

filter Convert-ChatCodeToClipboard {
    Given a string, take the last occurance of text surrounded by a fenced code block, and copy it to the clipboard.
    It will also pass through the string for further filtering

    $fencedCodeBlockRegex = '(?s)```[\r|\n|powershell]+(.+?)```'
    $matchResult = $PSItem -match $fencedCodeBlockRegex
    $savedMatches = $matches
    $cbMatch = $savedMatches.($savedMatches.Keys | Sort-Object | Select-Object -Last 1)
    if (-not $matchResult) {
        Write-Debug 'No code block detected, skipping this step'
        return $PSItem

    Write-Verbose "Copying last suggested code block to clipboard:`n$cbMatch"
    Set-Clipboard -Value $cbMatch

    return $PSItem

class AvailableModels : IValidateSetValuesGenerator {
    [String[]] GetValidValues() {
        trap { Write-Host ''; Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red "Validation Error: $PSItem" }
        $models = Get-AIModel
        return $models.Id

filter Format-ChatCode {
    Given a string, for any occurance of text surrounded by backticks, replace the backticks with ANSI escape codes

    $codeBlockRegex = '(?s)```[\r|\n|powershell]+(.+?)```'
    $codeSnippetRegex = '(?s)`(.+?)`'
    $boldSelectedText = ($PSStyle.Italic + '$1' + $PSStyle.ItalicOff)
    $PSItem -replace $codeBlockRegex, $boldSelectedText -replace $codeSnippetRegex, $boldSelectedText

filter Format-ChatMessage {

    $role = $message.Role
    $roleColor = switch ($role) {
        'System' { 'DarkYellow' }
        'Assistant' { 'Green' }
        'User' { 'DarkCyan' }
        default { 'DarkGray' }
    $formattedMessage = $message.Content.Trim() | Format-ChatCode
    "$($PSStyle.Foreground.$roleColor)$role`:$($PSStyle.Reset) $($PSStyle.ForeGround.BrightBlack)$formattedMessage"

function Format-Choices2 {
    $PSStyle.Foreground.BrightCyan +
    "Choice $([int]$choice.Index + 1): " +
    (Format-ChatMessage $choice.Message)

filter Format-CreateChatCompletionRequest {
    $request.messages | Format-ChatMessage
filter Format-CreateChatCompletionResponse {
    if ($response.Choices.Count -eq 1) {
        Format-ChatMessage $response.Choices[0].Message
    } else {

function Format-ChatConversation {
    $messages = @()

    $messages += $conversation.Request | Format-CreateChatCompletionRequest
    $messages += $conversation.Response | Format-CreateChatCompletionResponse
    return $messages -join ($PSStyle.Reset + [Environment]::NewLine)

function Get-UsagePrice {

    #Taken from: https://openai.com/pricing
    $pricePerToken = @{
        'code'          = 0
        'gpt-3.5-turbo' = .002 / 1000
        'ada'           = .0004 / 1000
        'babbage'       = .0005 / 1000
        'curie'         = .002 / 1000
        'davinci'       = .002 / 1000

    foreach ($priceItem in $pricePerToken.GetEnumerator()) {
        if ($Model.Contains($priceItem.key)) {
            #Will return the first match
            $totalPrice = $total * $priceItem.Value

            #Formats as currency ($3.2629) and strips trailing zeroes
            return $totalPrice.ToString('C15').TrimEnd('0')

    #Return an empty string if no pricing engine found.
    return [string]::Empty
