
Retrieves the OpenAI function call specification for a given function.
The Get-OAIFunctionCallSpec function retrieves the OpenAI function call specification for a given function. It takes a FunctionInfo object as input and returns the function call specification in a tool-specific format.
.PARAMETER functionInfo
Specifies the FunctionInfo object representing the function for which to retrieve the function call specification.
Function Test-Func {param($x)}; $functionInfo = Get-Command -Name "Test-Func"
Get-OAIFunctionCallSpec -functionInfo $functionInfo
This example retrieves the function call specification for the "Get-Process" function.
Accepts a FunctionInfo object representing the function for which to retrieve the function call specification.
Returns the function call specification in a tool-specific format.

function Get-OAIFunctionCallSpec {

    if ($null -eq $functionInfo) {

    $functions = foreach ($function in $functionInfo) {
        $fnd = Get-FunctionDefinition $function
        ConvertTo-OpenAIFunctionSpec $fnd -Raw

    ConvertTo-ToolFormat $functions