
Retrieves messages from a specific thread in the OAIBeta API.
The Get-OAIMessage function retrieves messages from a specific thread in the OAIBeta API. It allows you to specify various parameters such as thread ID, limit, order, after, and before to filter the messages.
The ID of the thread from which to retrieve messages.
The maximum number of messages to retrieve. The default value is 20.
The order in which the messages should be retrieved. Valid values are 'asc' (ascending) and 'desc' (descending). The default value is 'desc'.
Retrieve messages after the specified date/time.
Retrieve messages before the specified date/time.
Get-OAIMessage -ThreadId 12345 -Limit 10 -Order 'asc' -After $ -Before $
Retrieves the 10 oldest messages from the thread with ID 12345, in ascending order, between messages 1 and 5.

function Get-OAIMessage {
        $Limit = 20,
        [ValidateSet('asc', 'desc')]
        $Order = 'desc',

    Process {

        if($null -eq $ThreadId) {

        $Method = 'Get'
        $url = $baseUrl + "/threads/$ThreadId/messages"

        $urlParams = @()
        if ($limit) {
            $urlParams += "limit=$limit"
        if ($order) {
            $urlParams += "order=$order"
        if ($after) {
            $urlParams += "after=$after"
        if ($before) {
            $urlParams += "before=$before"

        $urlParams = "?" + ($urlParams -join '&')
        Invoke-OAIBeta -Uri ($url + $urlParams) -Method $Method