Function New-DiskReport { [cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Computername, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidatePattern("\.htm(l)?$")] [string]$Path ) $cimparams = @{ ClassName = 'Win32_logicaldisk' filter = "drivetype=3" ComputerName = $Computername } $data = Get-CimInstance @cimparams | Select-Object -property DeviceID, VolumeName, @{Name="SizeGB";Expression={$_.size / 1gb -as [int32]}}, @{Name="FreeGB";Expression={[math]::Round($_.freespace/1gb,4)}}, @{Name="PctFree";Expression={[math]::Round(($_.freespace /$_.size) * 100,2)}} $htmlParams = @{ Title = "$($Computername.toUpper()) Disk Report" PreContent = "<H1>$($Computername.toUpper())</H1>" } $html = $data | ConvertTo-Html @htmlParams Set-Content -Value $html -Path $Path } #end function Describe New-DiskReport { Mock Get-CimInstance { return @{ DeviceID = "C:" Size = 200GB Free = 100GB VolumeName = "System" } } -ParameterFilter {$classname -eq 'win32_logicaldisk' -AND ` $filter -eq "drivetype=3" -AND $computername -eq 'FOO'} -Verifiable New-DiskReport -Computername FOO -Path TESTDRIVE:\foo.html It "Should call Get-CimInstance" { Assert-VerifiableMock } It "Should create a file" { Test-Path -Path TESTDRIVE:\foo.html | Should be $True } It "Should throw an error with an invalid file extension" { {New-Diskreport -computername FOO -Path TESTDRIVE:\} | Should Throw } } |