return "This is a snippets file" Function Get-Bits { [cmdletbinding()] Param([string[]]$Computername = $env:computername) Begin { $file = "{0}_{1}.txt" -f (Get-Date -f "yyyy_MMddhhmm"), $($myinvocation.MyCommand) $tfile = Join-Path -Path $env:temp -ChildPath $file [void](Start-Transcript -Path $tfile) Write-Verbose "Starting $($myinvocation.MyCommand)" $PSBoundParameters | Out-String | Write-Verbose } Process { foreach ($computer in $Computername) { Write-Host "Getting BITS from $computer" -ForegroundColor green Get-Service -Name Bits -ComputerName $computer } } End { Write-Verbose "Ending $($myinvocation.MyCommand)" [void](Stop-Transcript) } } #end function Function Get-Bits { [cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline)] [string[]]$Computername = $env:computername ) Begin { $start = Get-Date $msg = "[$start] Starting $($myinvocation.MyCommand)" Write-Verbose $msg Write-Information $msg -Tags meta,begin $count = 0 $errorcount = 0 $PSBoundParameters | Out-String | Write-Verbose $cim = @{ ClassName = 'Win32_Service' Filter = "name='bits'" ErrorAction = "Stop" Computername = "" } } Process { foreach ($computer in $Computername) { $count++ $cim.Computername = $Computer Write-Information "Query $computer" -Tags process Try { Write-Host "Getting BITS from $computer" -ForegroundColor green Get-CimInstance @cim | Select-Object @{Name = "Computername";Expression = {$_.SystemName}}, Name, State, StartMode } Catch { $errorcount++ $msg = "Failed to query $computer. $($_.exception.message)" Write-Warning $msg Write-Information $msg -Tags process, error } } } End { $end = Get-Date $timespan = New-Timespan -start $start -end $end $sum = "Processed $count computer(s) with $errorcount error(s) in $timespan" Write-Information $sum -Tags meta,end $msg = "[$end] Ending $($myinvocation.MyCommand)" Write-Information $msg -Tags meta,end Write-Verbose $msg } } #end function $r = "thinkp1","srv1","srv3","bovine320" | Get-Bits -InformationVariable iv -Verbose $iv | Select-Object -property TimeGenerated,MessageData,tags $iv | Where-Object tags -contains meta | Select-Object -property TimeGenerated,User,MessageData | format-Table -GroupBy User -Property TimeGenerated,MessageData #add to the End Block $xml = "$($env:computername)-{0}_{1}.xml" -f (Get-Date -f "yyyy_MMddhhmm"),$($myinvocation.MyCommand) $export = Join-Path -path C:\work -ChildPath $xml $PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue($PSBoundParameters["InformationVariable"]) | Export-Clixml $export #set this $PSDefaultParameterValues["Get-Bits:InformationVariable"]="myIV" |