Return "This is a snippets file not a script to run." # exporting drive information Get-CimInstance win32_logicaldisk -filter "drivetype=3" | Export-Clixml .\ disks.xml # import the file $d = Import-Clixml .\disks.xml # importing native XML [xml]$data = Get-Content .\BandData.xml # manipulate the data $ | Select-Object -property @{Name="Name";Expression = {$'#text'}}, @{Name="Founded";Expression={$}}, @{Name="Lead";Expression={$_.lead}}, @{Name="Members";Expression={$_.members.member}} # filtering $p = $ | where {$_.Name.'#text' -eq 'Poison'} $p # searching $data.SelectNodes("//Bands/Band[Name='Poison']") $ $ = '1983' $ = 'Mechanicsburg, PA' $ # example XML <Band> <Name Year="1966" City="London, England">Cream</Name> <Lead>Eric Clapton</Lead> <Members> <Member>Ginger Baker</Member> <Member>Jack Bruce</Member> </Members> </Band> # create element $band = $data.CreateNode("element","Band","") # create name $name = $data.CreateElement("Name") # set name $name.InnerText = "Cream" # attributes $y = $data.CreateAttribute("Year") $y.InnerText = "1966" $c = $data.CreateAttribute("City") $c.InnerText = "London, England" # append $name.Attributes.Append($y) $name.Attributes.Append($c) # verify $name.OuterXml # append $band.AppendChild($name) # lead element $LeadMember = $data.CreateElement("Lead") $LeadMember.InnerText = "Eric Clapton" $band.AppendChild($LeadMember) # members $members = $data.CreateNode("element","Members","") $people = "Ginger Baker", "Jack Bruce" foreach ($item in $people) { $m = $data.CreateElement("Member") $m.InnerText = $item $members.AppendChild($m) } #add members to the band node $band.AppendChild($members) # append it all $data.Bands.AppendChild($band) # save it $data.Save('c:\work\banddata.xml') # converting to XML Get-CimInstance win32_service | ConvertTo-Xml # selectivity $s = Get-CimInstance win32_service -ComputerName $env:computername | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty CimClass,Cim*Properties | ConvertTo-Xml $s.objects.object[0] $s.objects.object[0].Property $s.Save("c:\work\services.xml") # get some data $data = Get-Hotfix -ComputerName $env:computername | Select-Object -property Caption,InstalledOn,InstalledBy,HotfixID,Description # create name map $map = [ordered]@{ 'update-id' = 'HotFixID' 'update-type' = 'Description' 'install-date' = 'InstalledOn' 'install-by' = 'InstalledBy' caption = 'Caption' } # new XML doc [xml]$Doc = New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument # doc properties $dec = $Doc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0","UTF-8",$null) $doc.AppendChild($dec) | Out-Null # append info $text = @" Hotfix Inventory $(Get-Date) "@ $doc.AppendChild($doc.CreateComment($text)) | Out-Null # create node $root = $doc.CreateNode("element","Computer",$null) $name = $doc.CreateElement("Name") $name.InnerText = $env:computername $root.AppendChild($name) | Out-Null # updates $hf = $doc.CreateNode("element","Updates",$null) # add items foreach ($item in $data) { $h = $doc.CreateNode("element","Update",$null) #create the entry values from the mapping hash table $map.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { $e = $doc.CreateElement($_.Name) $e.innerText = $item.$($_.value) #append to Update $h.AppendChild($e) | Out-Null } #append the element $hf.AppendChild($h) | Out-Null } # finish up $root.AppendChild($hf) | Out-Null $doc.AppendChild($root) | Out-Null $doc.Save("c:\work\hotfix.xml") # final XML <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- Hotfix Inventory 02/06/2017 15:11:44 --> <Computer> <Name>CLI01</Name> <Updates> <Update> <update-id>KB2899189_Microsoft-Windows-CameraCodec-Package</update-id> <update-type>Update</update-type> <install-date>12/11/2013 00:00:00</install-date> <install-by>NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM</install-by> <caption></caption> </Update> <Update> <update-id>KB2693643</update-id> <update-type>Update</update-type> <install-date>11/26/2013 00:00:00</install-date> <install-by>CLI01\Jeff</install-by> <caption> </caption> </Update> ... </Updates> </Computer> |