
#requires -version 5.1

Function Stop-RemoteProcess {
[cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "computer")]
        ParameterSetName = "computer",
        Position = 0,
        HelpMessage = "Enter the name of a computer to query."
        ParameterSetName = "computer",
        HelpMessage = "Enter a credential object or username."
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "computer")]

        ParameterSetName = "session",

    [ValidateScript( {$_ -ge 0})]
    [int32]$ThrottleLimit = 32,

    [Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage = "Specify the process to stop.")]

    [Parameter(HelpMessage = "Write the stopped process to the pipeline")]

    [Parameter(HelpMessage = "Run the remote command with -WhatIf")]
DynamicParam {
    #Add an SSH dynamic parameter if in PowerShell 7
    if ($isCoreCLR) {

        $paramDictionary = New-Object -Type System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary

        #a CSV file with dynamic parameters to create
        #this approach doesn't take any type of parameter validation into account
        $data = @"
HostName,string[],1,,"Enter the remote host name."
UserName,string,0,,"Enter the remote user name."
Subsystem,string,0,"powershell","The name of the ssh subsystem. The default is powershell."
Port,int32,0,,"Enter an alternate SSH port"
KeyFilePath,string,0,,"Specify a key file path used by SSH to authenticate the user"
SSHTransport,switch,0,,"Use SSH to connect."

        $data | ConvertFrom-Csv | ForEach-Object -begin { } -process {
            $attributes = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
            $attributes.Mandatory = ([int]$_.mandatory) -as [bool]
            $attributes.HelpMessage = $_.Help
            $attributes.ParameterSetName = "SSH"
            $attributeCollection = New-Object -Type System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
            $dynParam = New-Object -Type System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($, $($_.type -as [type]), $attributeCollection)
            $dynParam.Value = $_.Default
            $paramDictionary.Add($, $dynParam)
        } -end {
            return $paramDictionary
} #dynamic param

Begin {
    $start = Get-Date
    #the first verbose message uses a pseudo timespan to reflect the idea we're just starting
    Write-Verbose "[00:00:00.0000000 BEGIN ] Starting $($myinvocation.mycommand)"

    #a script block to be run remotely
    Write-Verbose "[$(New-TimeSpan -start $start) BEGIN ] Defining the scriptblock to be run remotely"

    $sb = {
    param([string]$ProcessName,[bool]$Passthru,[string]$VerbPref = "SilentlyContinue", [bool]$WhatPref)

    $VerbosePreference = $VerbPref
    $WhatIfPreference = $WhatPref

    Try {
        Write-Verbose "[$(New-TimeSpan -start $using:start) REMOTE ] Getting Process $ProcessName on $([System.Environment]::MachineName)"
        $procs = Get-Process -Name $ProcessName -ErrorAction stop
        Try {
          Write-Verbose "[$(New-TimeSpan -start $using:start) REMOTE ] Stopping $($procs.count) Processes on $([System.Environment]::MachineName)"
          $procs | Stop-Process -ErrorAction Stop -PassThru:$Passthru
        Catch {
          Write-Warning "[$(New-TimeSpan -start $using:start) REMOTE ] Failed to stop Process $ProcessName on $([System.Environment]::MachineName). $($_.Exception.message)."
    Catch {
        Write-Verbose "[$(New-TimeSpan -start $using:start) REMOTE ] Process $ProcessName not found on $([System.Environment]::MachineName)"

} #scriptblock

    #parameters to splat to Invoke-Command
    Write-Verbose "[$(New-TimeSpan -start $start) BEGIN ] Defining parameters for Invoke-Command"

    #remove my parameters from PSBoundparameters because they can't be used with New-PSSession
    $myparams = "ProcessName","WhatIfRemote","passthru"
    foreach ($my in $myparams) {
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey($my)) {

    $icmParams = @{
      Scriptblock      = $sb
      Argumentlist     = @($ProcessName,$Passthru,$VerbosePreference,$WhatIfRemote)
      HideComputerName = $False
      ThrottleLimit    = $ThrottleLimit
      ErrorAction      = "Stop"
      Session          = $null

    #initialize an array to hold session objects
    [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession[]]$All = @()

    If ($Credential.username) {
        Write-Verbose "[$(New-TimeSpan -start $start) BEGIN ] Using alternate credential for $($credential.username)"

} #begin

Process {
    Write-Verbose "[$(New-TimeSpan -start $start) PROCESS] Detected parameter set $($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName)."

    $remotes = @()
    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -match "computer|ssh") {
        if ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ssh') {
            $remotes += $PSBoundParameters.HostName
            $param = "HostName"
        else {
            $remotes += $PSBoundParameters.ComputerName
            $param = "ComputerName"

        foreach ($remote in $remotes) {
            $PSBoundParameters[$param] = $remote
            $PSBoundParameters["ErrorAction"] = "Stop"
            Try {
                #create a session one at a time to better handle errors
                Write-Verbose "[$(New-TimeSpan -start $start) PROCESS] Creating a temporary PSSession to $remote"
                #save each created session to $tmp so it can be removed at the end
                $all += New-PSSession @PSBoundParameters -OutVariable +tmp
            } #Try
            Catch {
                #TODO: Decide what you want to do when the new session fails
                Write-Warning "Failed to create session to $remote. $($_.Exception.Message)."
                #Write-Error $_
            } #catch
        } #foreach remote
    Else {
        #only add open sessions
        foreach ($sess in $session) {
            if ($sess.state -eq 'opened') {
                Write-Verbose "[$(New-TimeSpan -start $start) PROCESS] Using session for $($sess.ComputerName.toUpper())"
                $all += $sess
            } #if open
        } #foreach session
    } #else sessions
} #process

End {

    $icmParams["session"] = $all

    Try {
        Write-Verbose "[$(New-TimeSpan -start $start) END ] Querying $($all.count) computers"

        Invoke-Command @icmParams | ForEach-Object {
        } #foreach result
    } #try
    Catch {
        Write-Error $_
    } #catch

    if ($tmp) {
        Write-Verbose "[$(New-TimeSpan -start $start) END ] Removing $($tmp.count) temporary PSSessions"
        $tmp | Remove-PSSession
    Write-Verbose "[$(New-TimeSpan -start $start) END ] Ending $($myinvocation.mycommand)"
} #end
} #close function