#Requires -version 5.0 <# - Create a local user account called ITApp with a default password. - Create a folder called C:\ITApp and share it as ITApp giving Everyone ReadAccess and the ITApp user full control. - Under C:\ITApp create folders Test_1 to Test_10 - Set the Remote Registry service to auto start - Log each step to a text file called C:\ITAppWF.txt #> Workflow ITAppSetup { Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Password, [string]$Log = "c:\ITAppWF.txt" ) Set-Content -Value "[$((Get-Date).timeofDay)] Starting Setup" -Path $log Add-Content -Value "[$((Get-Date).timeofDay)] Configuring Remote Registry service" -Path $log Set-Service -Name RemoteRegistry -StartupType Automatic Sequence { Add-Content -Value "[$((Get-Date).timeofDay)] Creating local user" -Path $log net user ITApp $Password /add } Sequence { Add-Content -Value "[$((Get-Date).timeofDay)] Testing for C:\ITApp folder" -Path $log if (Test-Path -Path "C:\ITApp") { Add-Content -Value "[$((Get-Date).timeofDay)] Folder already exists." -Path $log $folder = Get-Item -Path "C:\ITApp" } else { Add-Content -Value "[$((Get-Date).timeofDay)] Creating C:\ITApp folder" -Path $log $folder = New-Item -Path C:\ -Name ITApp -ItemType Directory Add-Content -Value "[$((Get-Date).timeofDay)] Created $($folder.fullname)" -Path $log } Add-Content -Value "[$((Get-Date).timeofDay)] Testing for ITApp share" -Path $log if (Get-SmbShare ITApp -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { Add-Content -Value "[$((Get-Date).timeofDay)] File share already exists" -Path $log } else { Add-Content -Value "[$((Get-Date).timeofDay)] Creating file share" -Path $log New-SmbShare -Name ITApp -Path $folder.FullName -Description "ITApp data" -FullAccess "$($env:computername)\ITApp" -ReadAccess Everyone } Add-Content -Value "[$((Get-Date).timeofDay)] Creating subfolders" -Path $log foreach -parallel ($i in (1..10)) { $path = Join-Path -Path $folder.FullName -ChildPath "Test_$i" #add a random offset to avoid contention for the log file $offset = Get-Random -Minimum 500 -Maximum 2000 Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $offset Add-Content -Value "[$((Get-Date).timeofDay)] Creating $path" -Path $log $out = New-Item -Path $folder.FullName -Name "Test_$i" -ItemType Directory } } Add-Content -Value "[$((Get-Date).timeofDay)] Setup complete" -Path $log } #close workflow <# #Undo net user itapp /del remove-smbshare ITApp -force del c:\itapp -recurse del c:\itappwf.txt #> |