#get hotfix data $data = Get-Hotfix -ComputerName $env:computername | Select Caption,InstalledOn,InstalledBy,HotfixID,Description #create a name mapping hashtable $map = [ordered]@{ 'update-id' = 'HotFixID' 'update-type' = 'Description' 'install-date' = 'InstalledOn' 'install-by' = 'InstalledBy' caption = 'Caption' } #create document [xml]$Doc = New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument #create declaration $dec = $Doc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0","UTF-8",$null) #append to document $doc.AppendChild($dec) | Out-Null #create a comment and append it in one line $text = @" Hotfix Inventory $(Get-Date) "@ $doc.AppendChild($doc.CreateComment($text)) | Out-Null #create root Node $root = $doc.CreateNode("element","Computer",$null) #create a Name tag $name = $doc.CreateElement("Name") #set the value $name.InnerText = $env:computername $root.AppendChild($name) | Out-Null #create the hotfixes node $hf = $doc.CreateNode("element","Updates",$null) #loop through the data and create an entry for each one foreach ($item in $data) { $h = $doc.CreateNode("element","Update",$null) #create the entry values from the mapping hash table $map.GetEnumerator() | foreach { $e = $doc.CreateElement($_.Name) $e.innerText = $item.$($_.value) #append to Update $h.AppendChild($e) | Out-Null } #append the element $hf.AppendChild($h) | Out-Null } #append the Updates node to the root $root.AppendChild($hf) | Out-Null #append root to document $doc.AppendChild($root) | Out-Null #save file $doc.Save("c:\work\hotfix.xml") |