
function Set-TMServiceLogon {
Sets service login name and password.
This command uses either CIM (default) or WMI to
set the service password, and optionally the logon
user name, for a service, which can be running on
one or more remote machines. You must run this command
as a user who has permission to peform this task,
remotely, on the computers involved.
.PARAMETER ServiceName
The name of the service. Query the Win32_Service class
to verify that you know the correct name.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
One or more computer names. Using IP addresses will
fail with CIM; they will work with WMI. CIM is always
attempted first.
.PARAMETER NewPassword
A plain-text string of the new password.
Optional; the new logon user name, in DOMAIN\USER
.PARAMETER ErrorLogFilePath
If provided, this is a path and filename of a text
file where failed computer names will be logged.







    ForEach ($computer in $ComputerName) {

        Write-Verbose "Connect to $computer on WS-MAN"
        $option = New-CimSessionOption -Protocol Wsman
        $session = New-CimSession -SessionOption $option `
                                  -ComputerName $Computer

        If ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('NewUser')) {
            $args = @{'StartName'=$NewUser
        } Else {
            $args = @{'StartPassword'=$NewPassword}
            Write-Warning "Not setting a new user name"

        Write-Verbose "Setting $servicename on $computer"
        $params = @{'CimSession'=$session
                    'Query'="SELECT * FROM Win32_Service " +
                            "WHERE Name = '$ServiceName'"
        $ret = Invoke-CimMethod @params

        switch ($ret.ReturnValue) {
            0  { $status = "Success" }
            22 { $status = "Invalid Account" }
            Default { $status = "Failed: $($ret.ReturnValue)" }

        $props = @{'ComputerName'=$computer
        $obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $props
        Write-Output $obj

        Write-Verbose "Closing connection to $computer"
        $session | Remove-CimSession

    } #foreach


} #function