using module ..\Rule\Rule.psm1 <# .SYNOPSIS Get the STIG Rule Details for a given rule supported by PowerSTIG. .DESCRIPTION Get the STIG Rule Details for a given rule supported by PowerSTIG. .PARAMETER VulnId VulnId within PowerSTIG is typically labled as the RuleId, which may not be consistent with DISA terminology. .PARAMETER ProcessedXmlPath Either the folder where the processed xml resides or a specific xml path. The default is .\StigData\Processed\*.xml .EXAMPLE PS> Get-StigRule -VulnId 'V-1114', 'V-1115' This example will return the rule details for V-1114 and V-1115 from the Windows Server 2012 R2 Member Server and Domain Controller STIGs. #> function Get-StigRule { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([PSCustomObject])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [ValidateScript({$_ -match '^V-\d{1,}(|\.[a-z])$'})] [Alias("RuleId")] [string[]] $VulnId, [Parameter()] [ValidateScript({Test-Path -Path $_})] [string] $ProcessedXmlPath = (Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath '..\..\StigData\Processed\*.xml'), [Parameter()] [switch] $Detailed ) $processedXml = Select-String -Path $ProcessedXmlPath -Pattern $VulnId -Exclude '*.org.default.xml' | Sort-Object -Property Pattern if ($null -eq $processedXml) { Write-Warning -Message "The VulnId(s) specified were not found in $ProcessedXmlPath" return } # hashtable to store rule property lookups when multiple rule types are specified $ruleTypeProperty = @{} foreach ($technologyXml in $processedXml) { # based on the VulnId specificed use XPath to search the xml object $ruleIdXPath = '//Rule[@id = "{0}"]' -f $technologyXml.Pattern [xml] $xml = Get-Content -Path $technologyXml.Path $ruleData = $xml.DISASTIG.SelectNodes($ruleIdXPath) $ruleType = $ruleData.ParentNode.ToString() # if the current rule type is not stored in the hashtable, run Get-UniqueRuleTypeProperty and store the results for future use if (-not $ruleTypeProperty.ContainsKey($ruleType)) { $uniqueRuleTypeProperty = Get-UniqueRuleTypeProperty -Rule $ruleData $ruleTypeProperty.Add($ruleType, $uniqueRuleTypeProperty) } # pulling the VulnDiscussion as the description out of the xml using a regex capture group $ruleDescriptionMatch = [regex]::Match($ruleData.description.Replace("`n", ' '), '<VulnDiscussion>(?<description>.*)<\/VulnDiscussion>') # address edge case where an out of place OS Control charactor [char]157 in the STIG's description, i.e. Adobe Reader / V-64919, removing it $ruleDescriptionValue = $ruleDescriptionMatch.Groups.Item('description').Value -replace '\u009D' # using PSv3 "ordered" to create an ordered hashtable for PSCustomObject property list display order if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Detailed')) { $ruleDetail = [ordered] @{ StigId = $xml.DISASTIG.stigid StigVersion = $xml.DISASTIG.fullversion VulnId = $ Severity = $ruleData.severity Title = $ruleData.title Description = $ruleDescriptionValue RuleType = $ruleType DscResource = $ruleData.dscresource DuplicateOf = $ruleData.DuplicateOf OrganizationValueRequired = $ruleData.OrganizationValueRequired OrganizationValueTestString = $ruleData.OrganizationValueTestString } } else { $ruleDetail = [ordered] @{ RuleType = $ruleType VulnId = $ } } # adding the rule specific properties to the ordered hashtable and then casting to PSCustomObject foreach ($value in $ruleTypeProperty[$ruleType]) { $ruleDetail.Add($value, $ruleData.$value) } [PSCustomObject] $ruleDetail } } <# .SYNOPSIS Get the unique rule type properties given a specific rule type. .DESCRIPTION Get the unique rule type properties given a specific rule type. .PARAMETER Rule A rule by leveraging the selected XmlNodeList from a processed xml. .EXAMPLE PS> Get-UniqueRuleTypeProperty -Rule $xml.DISASTIG.RegistryRule.Rule[0] Returns the delta properties between the RegistryRule and Base Rule class #> function Get-UniqueRuleTypeProperty { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([string[]])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Object] $Rule ) $blankRule = New-Object -TypeName Rule $commonProperties = ($blankRule | Get-Member -MemberType Property).Name $ruleProperty = ($Rule | Get-Member -MemberType 'NoteProperty', 'Property').Name $compareObjResult = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $ruleProperty -DifferenceObject $commonProperties $filteredCompareResult = $compareObjResult | Where-Object -FilterScript {$PSItem.SideIndicator -eq '<=' -and $PSItem -notmatch 'Stig(Id|Version)|VulnId|RuleType'} return $filteredCompareResult.InputObject } <# .SYNOPSIS Returns a string of all properties of a given rule and structured for use within a PowerSTIG configuraiton. .DESCRIPTION Returns a string of all properties of a given rule and structured for use within a PowerSTIG configuraiton. .PARAMETER Rule A rule object which was created through Get-StigRule .PARAMETER Formatted By default the function will return a single line string which represents the rule exception, when Formatted is supplied, the funciton will return a formatted string, i.e.: V-1155 = @{ Constant = 'SeDenyNetworkLogonRight' DisplayName = 'Deny access to this computer from the network' Force = 'False' Identity = '' } .EXAMPLE PS> $rule = Get-StigRule -RuleId V-1155 | Select-Object -First 1 PS> Get-StigRuleExceptionString -Rule $rule Returns the following exception string: V-1155 = @{Constant = 'SeDenyNetworkLogonRight'; DisplayName = 'Deny access to this computer from the network'; Force = 'False'; Identity = ''} .EXAMPLE PS> $rule = Get-StigRule -RuleId V-1155 | Select-Object -First 1 PS> Get-StigRuleExceptionString -Rule $rule -Formatted Returns the following exception string: V-1155 = @{ Constant = 'SeDenyNetworkLogonRight' DisplayName = 'Deny access to this computer from the network' Force = 'False' Identity = '' } #> function Get-StigRuleExceptionString { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([string])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [PSObject[]] $Rule, [Parameter()] [switch] $Formatted ) begin { $ruleTypeProperty = @{} } process { foreach ($ruleData in $Rule) { if (-not $ruleTypeProperty.ContainsKey($ruleData.RuleType)) { $uniqueRuleTypeProperty = Get-UniqueRuleTypeProperty -Rule $ruleData $ruleTypeProperty.Add($ruleData.RuleType, $uniqueRuleTypeProperty) } $ruleDetail = [ordered] @{} foreach ($value in $ruleTypeProperty[$ruleData.RuleType]) { if ($value -ne $ruleData.RuleType) { $ruleDetail.Add($value, $ruleData.$value) } } $exceptionString = New-Object -TypeName System.Text.StringBuilder [void] $exceptionString.Append("$($ruleData.VulnId) = @{") foreach ($key in $ruleDetail.Keys) { [void] $exceptionString.Append("$key = '$($ruleDetail[$key])'; ") } $exceptionString = $exceptionString.ToString() -replace ';\s$', '}' if ($Formatted) { $exceptionString -replace ';\s?', "`n " -replace '@{', "@{`n " -replace '}', "`n}" } else { $exceptionString } } } } |