
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
# Header

#region Enum
    STIGS have an associated severity that determines the impact of the finding if it
    is not configured properly

enum severity

    The status enum is used to display the status of the STIG item processing

enum status

    The process enum is used as a flag for further automation. The intent is that if a STIG
    has been fully processed, then the setting can be automatically published to a server. If
    a setting has not been fully processed then it needs to be manually processed. This is
    different from the status enum in that status is a control flag to describe the state
    of the item processing

enum process

enum ensure


#region RegexClass

class RegularExpression
    static [string[]] $TextBetweenQuotes = '["''](.*?)["'']'
    static [bool] MatchTextBetweenQuotes([string] $string)
        return $string -Match [RegularExpression]::TextBetweenQuotes

    static [string[]] $TextBetweenParentheses = '\(([^\)]+)\)'
    static [bool] MatchTextBetweenParentheses([string] $string)
        return $string -Match [RegularExpression]::TextBetweenParentheses

    static [string[]] $CustomFieldSection = 'Under "Custom Fields", verify the following fields'
    static [bool] MatchCustomFieldSection([string] $string)
        return $string -Match [RegularExpression]::CustomFieldSection

    static [string[]] $ExcludeExtendedAscii = '[^\x20-\x7A]+'
    static [bool] MatchExcludeExtendedAscii([string] $string)
        return $string -Match [RegularExpression]::ExcludeExtendedAscii

    static [string[]] $KeyValuePair = '(?<=\").+?(?=\")'
    static [bool] MatchKeyValuePair([string] $string)
        return $string -Match [RegularExpression]::KeyValuePair
#region Footer
foreach ($supportFile in (Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot -Recurse -File -Exclude $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name))
    Write-Verbose "Loading $($supportFile.FullName)"
    . $supportFile.FullName
Export-ModuleMember -Function '*' -Variable '*'