
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
using module .\..\Common\Common.psm1
using module .\..\Stig.StigException\Stig.StigException.psm1
using module .\..\Stig.SkippedRuleType\Stig.SkippedRuleType.psm1
using module .\..\Stig.SkippedRule\Stig.SkippedRule.psm1
using module .\..\Stig.OrganizationalSetting\Stig.OrganizationalSetting.psm1
using module .\..\Stig.TechnologyRole\Stig.TechnologyRole.psm1
using module .\..\Stig.TechnologyVersion\Stig.TechnologyVersion.psm1
# Header

        This class describes a STIG

        The STIG class describes a STIG, the collection of rules for a given
        technology that need to be implemented in order to enforce the security
        posture those rules define. STIG takes in instances of many other classes
        that describe the given technology and the implementing organizations
        specific settings, exceptions, and rules to skip. Upon creation of a
        STIG instance, the resulting Xml is immediately available for those preconditions.

    .PARAMETER StigVersion
        The document/published version of the Stig to select

    .PARAMETER OrganizationalSettings
        An array of settings/values specific to an organization to apply to specific rules

    .PARAMETER Technology
        The type of the technology of the Stig to select

    .PARAMETER TechnologyRole
        The role of the technology of the Stig to select

    .PARAMETER TechnologyVersion
        The version of the technology of the Stig to select

    .PARAMETER StigExceptions
        An array of names of Stig exceptions to apply to specific rules

    .PARAMETER SkippedRuleTypes
        An array of names of rule types to skip all rules of

    .PARAMETER SkippedRules
        An array of Stig rules to skip and move into the SkipRule rule type

    .PARAMETER StigXml
        The loaded Xml document of the Stig loaded from StigPath

    .PARAMETER StigPath
        The file path to the Stig Xml file in the StigData directory

        $STIG = [STIG]::new([string] $StigVersion, [OrganizationalSetting[]] $OrganizationalSettings, [Technology] $Technology, [TechnologyRole] $TechnologyRole, [TechnologyVersion] $TechnologyVersion, [StigException[]] $StigExceptions, [SkippedRuleType[]] $SkippedRuleTypes, [SkippedRule[]] $SkippedRules)

        This class requires PowerShell v5 or above.

Class STIG
    [Version] $StigVersion
    [OrganizationalSetting[]] $OrganizationalSettings
    [Technology] $Technology
    [TechnologyRole] $TechnologyRole
    [TechnologyVersion] $TechnologyVersion
    [StigException[]] $StigExceptions
    [SkippedRuleType[]] $SkippedRuleTypes
    [SkippedRule[]] $SkippedRules
    [xml] $StigXml
    [string] $StigPath

    #region Constructor

            DO NOT USE - For testing only

            A parameterless constructor for STIG. To be used only for
            build/unit testing purposes as Pester currently requires it in order to test
            static methods on powershell classes

    STIG ()
        Write-Warning "This constructor is for build testing only."

            A constructor for STIG. Returns a ready to use instance of STIG.

            A constructor for STIG. Returns a ready to use instance of STIG.

        .PARAMETER StigVersion
            The document/published version of the Stig to select

        .PARAMETER OrganizationalSettings
            An array of settings/values specific to an organization to apply to specific rules

        .PARAMETER Technology
            The type of the technology of the Stig to select

        .PARAMETER TechnologyRole
            The role of the technology of the Stig to select

        .PARAMETER TechnologyVersion
            The version of the technology of the Stig to select

        .PARAMETER StigExceptions
            An array of names of Stig exceptions to apply to specific rules

        .PARAMETER SkippedRuleTypes
            An array of names of rule types to skip all rules of

        .PARAMETER SkippedRules
            An array of Stig rules to skip and move into the SkipRule rule type

    STIG ([string] $StigVersion, [OrganizationalSetting[]] $OrganizationalSettings, [Technology] $Technology, [TechnologyRole] $TechnologyRole, [TechnologyVersion] $TechnologyVersion, [StigException[]] $StigExceptions, [SkippedRuleType[]] $SkippedRuleTypes, [SkippedRule[]] $SkippedRules)
        if (($null -eq $Technology) -or !($TechnologyRole) -or !($TechnologyVersion))
            throw("Technology, TechnologyVersion, and TechnologyRole must be provided.")

        if (!($StigVersion))
            $this.StigVersion = [STIG]::GetHighestStigVersion($Technology, $TechnologyRole, $TechnologyVersion)
            $this.StigVersion = $StigVersion

        $this.Technology = $Technology
        $this.TechnologyRole = $TechnologyRole
        $this.TechnologyVersion = $TechnologyVersion

        $this.OrganizationalSettings = $OrganizationalSettings
        $this.StigExceptions = $StigExceptions
        $this.SkippedRuleTypes = $SkippedRuleTypes
        $this.SkippedRules = $SkippedRules


    #region Methods

            Determines and sets the StigPath

            This method determines the value of Stig path given the passed in
            StigVersion, Technology, TechnologyVersion, and TechnologyRole. It
            also validates that a file exists at that determined path.

    [void] SetStigPath ()
        $path = "$([STIG]::GetRootPath())\$($this.Technology.ToString())-$($this.TechnologyVersion.Name)-$($this.TechnologyRole.Name)-$($this.StigVersion).xml"

        if (Test-Path -Path $path)
            $this.StigPath = $path
            throw("No STIG exists matching the supplied Technology, TechnologyRole, and TechnologyVersion. Please check configuration and try again.")

            Processes properties into Stig Xml

            This method processes all the class properties and merges them into the default Stig

    [void] ProcessStigData ()
        $this.StigXml = [xml] (Get-Content -Path $this.StigPath -Raw)


            Merges OrganizationalSetting property into StigXml

            This method merges the OrganizationalSettings property into StigXml. If OrganizationalSettings
            are null it will load in the associated default OrganizationalSettings from the default
            file stored in PowerStig. A partial or complete OrganizationalSettings property will be
            merged with the defaults prior to being merged into StigXml.

    [void] MergeOrganizationalSettings ()
        $propertyMap = [OrganizationalSetting]::PropertyMap()

        # Check if default Org Settings exists for STIG
        $orgSettingPath = $this.StigPath -replace "\.xml", ".org.default.xml"
        $orgSettingsExists = Test-Path -Path $orgSettingPath

        # Check if STIG has Org Settings
        if ($orgSettingsExists)
            [xml] $orgSettingsXml = Get-Content -Path $orgSettingPath -Raw
            $mergedOrgSettings = [OrganizationalSetting]::ConvertFrom($orgSettingsXml)

            # Merge default Org Settings with passed in Org Settings
            if ($this.OrganizationalSettings)
                foreach ($orgSetting in $mergedOrgSettings)
                    $matchingOrgSetting = $this.OrganizationalSettings.Where({$PSItem.StigRuleId -eq $orgSetting.StigRuleId})
                    if ($matchingOrgSetting)
                        $orgSetting.Value = $matchingOrgSetting.Value

            $this.OrganizationalSettings = $mergedOrgSettings

            # Merge Org Settings into StigXml

            foreach ( $node in $this.StigXml.DISASTIG.ChildNodes.Name )
                # Get the list of STIG settings for the current type

                foreach ( $rule in $this.StigXml.DISASTIG.$node.Rule )
                    if ( $rule.OrganizationValueRequired -eq $true )
                        $orgSetting = $this.OrganizationalSettings.where({$PSItem.StigRuleId -eq $})

                        if ( -not $orgSetting )
                            Write-Warning "An organizational setting was not found for $( $ )."

                        if ( -not ( & ( [Scriptblock]::Create( "$($rule.OrganizationValueTestString)" -f $orgSetting.Value.ToString() ) ) ) )
                            Write-Warning "The local setting ($($orgSetting.Value.ToString())) for $($ is not within the specified range ($($rule.OrganizationValueTestString))
                            Please check and update the Organizational Setting array passed in."


                        $propertyToOverride = $propertyMap.$node
                        $rule.$propertyToOverride = $orgSetting.Value

            Merges StigExceptions property into StigXml

            This method merges the StigExceptions property into StigXml. If StigExceptions
            are null it will skip any additional execution.

    [void] MergeStigExceptions ()
        if ($this.StigExceptions)
            foreach ($Exception in $this.StigExceptions)
                # Lookup the STIG Id in the data
                $ruleToOverride = ( $this.StigXml.DISASTIG |
                                Select-Xml -XPath "//Rule[@id='$( $Exception.StigRuleId )']" -ErrorAction Stop ).Node

                # If an Id is not found we can continue, but notify the user.
                if ($null -eq $ruleToOverride)
                    Write-warning "$($Exception.StigRuleId) was not found"

                # Append [Exception] to the STIG title
                $ruleToOverride.title = "[Exception]" + $ruleToOverride.title
                # Select and Update the property to override
                $propertiesToOverride = $Exception.Properties
                foreach ($property in $propertiesToOverride)
                    $propertyToOverride = $property.Name
                    $ruleToOverride.$propertyToOverride = $property.Value.ToString()

            Processes SkippedRuleTypes property into SkippedRules

            This method processes the SkippedRuleTypes and adds the individual rules
            for each type into the SkippedRules property.

    [void] ProcessSkippedRuleTypes ()
        if ($this.SkippedRuleTypes)
            foreach ($ruleType in $this.SkippedRuleTypes)
                # Collects the Id's of the rules of the RuleType
                $ruleToOverride = $this.StigXml.DISASTIG.$($RuleType.StigRuleType)

                # If an Id is not found we can continue, but notify the user.
                if ($null -eq $ruleToOverride)
                    Write-Warning "SkippedRuleType of $($ruleType.StigRuleType) was not found"
                    foreach ($rule in $ruleToOverride)
                        $newSkipRule = [SkippedRule]::new($rule)
                        $this.SkippedRules += $newSkipRule

            Merges SkippedRules property into StigXml

            This method merges the SkippedRules property into StigXml. All Stig rules within
            the SkippedRules array will be moved from their associated Stig rule type into
            a new 'SkipRule' Stig rule type within StigXml.

    [void] MergeSkippedRules ()
        if ($this.SkippedRules)
            # This creates a Skip rule XML element and appends it to $stigContent
            [System.XML.XMLElement] $skipNode = $this.StigXml.CreateElement("SkipRule")
            [void] $this.StigXml.DISASTIG.AppendChild($skipNode)

            foreach ($rule in $this.SkippedRules)
                # Lookup the STIG Id in the data
                $ruleToOverride = ( $this.StigXml.DISASTIG | Select-Xml -XPath "//Rule[@id='$( $rule.StigRuleId )']" -ErrorAction Stop ).Node

                # If an Id is not found we can continue, but notify the user.
                if ($null -eq $ruleToOverride)
                    Write-Warning "STIG rule with Id '$($rule.StigRuleId)' was not found"
                    $ruleToOverride.title = "[Skip]" + $ruleToOverride.title
                    [void] $this.StigXml.SelectSingleNode("//SkipRule").AppendChild($ruleToOverride)

    #region Static Methods

            Returns the root path to the StigData directory

            Returns the root path to the StigData directory which contains all the Stig XML files
            currently available for PowerStig

    static [string] GetRootPath ()
        # The path needs to take into account the version folder that changes with each release
        $rootPath = (Resolve-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot\..\..).Path

        return (Join-Path -Path $rootPath -ChildPath 'StigData\Processed')

            Returns the highest available Stig version

            Returns the highest available Stig version for a given Technology, TechnologyVersion, and TechnologyRole

        .PARAMETER Technology
            The type of the technology of the Stig to select

        .PARAMETER TechnologyRole
            The role of the technology of the Stig to select

        .PARAMETER TechnologyVersion
            The version of the technology of the Stig to select

    static [Version] GetHighestStigVersion ([Technology] $Technology, [TechnologyRole] $TechnologyRole, [TechnologyVersion] $TechnologyVersion)
        $highestStigVersionInTarget = (Get-ChildItem -Path $([STIG]::GetRootPath()) -Exclude "*org*").BaseName |
                                        Where-Object {$PSItem -like "*$($Technology.Name)-$($TechnologyVersion.Name)-$($TechnologyRole.Name)*"} |
                                            Foreach-Object {($PsItem -split "-")[3]} |
                                                Select-Object -unique |
                                                    Sort-Object |
                                                        Select-Object -First 1

        return [Version]::new($highestStigVersionInTarget)

            Returns all available Stigs

            Returns all of the currently available for PowerStig along with their
            associated Technology, TechnologyVersion, TechnologyRole, and StigVersion

    static [PSObject[]] ListAvailable ()
        $childItemParameters = @{
            Path = "$([STIG]::GetRootPath())"
            Exclude = "*.org.*"
            Include = "*.xml"
            File = $true
            Recurse = $true

        $stigList = Get-ChildItem @childItemParameters

        [System.Collections.ArrayList] $returnList = @()

        foreach ($stig in $stigList)
            $stigProperties = $stig.BaseName -Split "-"

            $stigPropertyList = New-Object PSObject
            $stigPropertyList | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Technology' -Value $stigProperties[-4]
            $stigPropertyList | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'TechnologyVersion' -Value $stigProperties[-3]
            $stigPropertyList | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'TechnologyRole' -Value $stigProperties[-2]
            $stigPropertyList | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'StigVersion' -Value $stigProperties[-1]

            [void] $ReturnList.Add($stigPropertyList)

        return $returnList


# Footer
$exclude = @($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name,'Template.*.txt')
foreach ($supportFile in Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot -Exclude $exclude)
    Write-Verbose "Loading $($supportFile.FullName)"
    . $supportFile.FullName
Export-ModuleMember -Function '*' -Variable '*'