# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. using module .\..\Common\Common.psm1 # Header <# .SYNOPSIS This class describes an OrganizationalSetting .DESCRIPTION The OrganizationalSetting class describes OrganizationalSetting, a value for a Stig Rule that is specific to the implementing organization. Stigs requiring organizational settings will be accompanied by a default settings file. These can either be used as-is or replaced with values specific to the implementing organization. This Xml file will subsequently be transformed into OrganizationalSetting objects to be passed into and used in the StigData class constructor. .PARAMETER StigRuleId The Id of an individual Stig Rule .PARAMETER Value The specific organizational value to set for the associated Stig rule .EXAMPLE $organizationalSetting = [OrganizationalSetting]::new('V-1090', '4') .NOTES This class requires PowerShell v5 or above. #> Class OrganizationalSetting { [string] $StigRuleId [string] $Value #region Constructors <# .SYNOPSIS DO NOT USE - For testing only .DESCRIPTION A parameterless constructor for OrganizationalSetting. To be used only for build/unit testing purposes as Pester currently requires it in order to test static methods on powershell classes #> OrganizationalSetting () { Write-Warning "This constructor is for build testing only." } <# .SYNOPSIS A constructor for OrganizationalSetting. Returns a ready to use instance of OrganizationalSetting. .DESCRIPTION A constructor for OrganizationalSetting. Returns a ready to use instance of OrganizationalSetting. .PARAMETER StigRuleId The Id of an individual Stig Rule .PARAMETER Value The specific organizational value to set for the associated Stig rule #> OrganizationalSetting ([string] $StigRuleId, [string] $Value) { $this.StigRuleId = $StigRuleId $this.Value = $Value } #endregion #region Static Methods <# .SYNOPSIS The mapping of Stig rule types to the property needing to be modified within the Stig rule .DESCRIPTION This method returns a Hashtable containing a mapping between a specific Stig rule type and the property of that Stig rule type that needs to be modified by the organizational setting .NOTES This method calls the Get-PropertyMap function which simply returns a variable that is only available in the module scope. This eliminates the need to load the module just to get access to a variable. #> static [Hashtable] PropertyMap () { return Get-PropertyMap } <# .SYNOPSIS Converts a provided Xml document into an OrganizationalSetting array .DESCRIPTION This method returns an OrganizationalSetting array based on the Xml document provided as the parameter. The Xml document must follow the same schema as the associated default org settings file for a given Stig .PARAMETER OrganizationalSettingsXml An Xml document describing the implementing organization's settings for Stig rules with a valid range [xml] $OrgSettingXml = @" <OrganizationalSettings version="2.9"> <OrganizationalSetting id="V-1114" value="xGuest" /> <OrganizationalSetting id="V-1115" value="xAdministrator" /> <OrganizationalSetting id="V-3472.a" value="NT5DS" /> <OrganizationalSetting id="V-4108" value="90" /> <OrganizationalSetting id="V-4113" value="300000" /> <OrganizationalSetting id="V-8322.b" value="NT5DS" /> <OrganizationalSetting id="V-26482" value="Administrators" /> <OrganizationalSetting id="V-26579" value="32768" /> <OrganizationalSetting id="V-26580" value="196608" /> <OrganizationalSetting id="V-26581" value="32768" /> </OrganizationalSettings> "@ #> static [OrganizationalSetting[]] ConvertFrom ([xml] $OrganizationalSettingsXml) { [System.Collections.ArrayList] $orgSettings = @() foreach ($orgSetting in $OrganizationalSettingsXml.OrganizationalSettings.OrganizationalSetting) { $org = [OrganizationalSetting]::new($, $orgSetting.Value) $orgSettings.Add($org) } return $orgSettings } <# .SYNOPSIS Converts a provided Hashtable into an OrganizationalSetting array .DESCRIPTION This method returns an OrganizationalSetting array based on the Hashtable provided as the parameter. The Hashtable must follow the schema specified below. .PARAMETER OrganizationalSettingsHashtable A Hashtable describing the implementing organization's settings for Stig rules with a valid range [hashtable] $OrgSettingHashtable = @{ "V-1114"="xGuest"; "V-1115"="xAdministrator"; "V-3472.a"="NT5DS"; "V-4108"="90"; "V-4113"="300000"; "V-8322.b"="NT5DS"; "V-26482"="Administrators"; "V-26579"="32768"; "V-26580"="196608"; "V-26581"="32768" } #> static [OrganizationalSetting[]] ConvertFrom ([hashtable] $OrganizationalSettingsHashtable) { [System.Collections.ArrayList] $orgSettings = @() foreach ($orgSetting in $OrganizationalSettingsHashtable.Keys) { $org = [OrganizationalSetting]::new($orgSetting, $OrganizationalSettingsHashtable.$orgSetting) $orgSettings.Add($org) } return $orgSettings } #endregion } # Footer $exclude = @($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name,'Template.*.txt') Foreach ($supportFile in Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot -Exclude $exclude) { Write-Verbose "Loading $($supportFile.FullName)" . $supportFile.FullName } Export-ModuleMember -Function '*' -Variable '*' |