
#region Header
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
using module .\..\Common\Common.psm1
using module .\..\Stig.StigProperty\Stig.StigProperty.psm1
#region Class
        This class describes a StigException

        The StigException class describes a StigException, the collection of StigProperty to override on a specific Stig rule.

        $stigException = [StigException]::new([string] $StigRuleId, [StigProperty[]] $Properties)

        This class requires PowerShell v5 or above.

Class StigException
    #region Properties
            The Id of an individual Stig Rule

    [string] $StigRuleId

            An array of properties and their values to override on a Stig rule

    [StigProperty[]] $Properties
    #region Constructors
            Parameterless constructor

            A parameterless constructor for StigException. To be used only for
            build/unit testing purposes as Pester currently requires it in order to test
            static methods on powershell classes

        Write-Warning "This constructor is for build testing only."


            A constructor for StigException. Returns a ready to use instance
            of StigException.

        .PARAMETER StigRuleId
            The Id of an individual Stig Rule

        .PARAMETER Properties
            An array of properties and their values to override on a Stig rule

    StigException([string] $StigRuleId, [StigProperty[]] $Properties)
        $this.StigRuleId = $StigRuleId
        $this.Properties = $Properties
    #region Methods
            Adds a StigPropery instance to the StigException Properties property

            Adds a StigPropery instance to the StigException Properties property

        .PARAMETER StigProperty
            A StigProperty instance

    [void] AddProperty ([StigProperty] $StigProperty)
        $this.Properties += $StigProperty

            Adds a StigPropery instance to the StigException Properties property

            Adds a StigPropery instance to the StigException Properties property based on the provided key/value pair

        .PARAMETER Name
            A Stig property name

        .PARAMETER Value
            A Stig property value

    [void] AddProperty ([string] $Name, [string] $Value)
        $this.Properties += [StigProperty]::new($Name, $Value)
    #endregion Methods
    #region Static Methods
            Converts a provided hashtable of Stig exceptions into a StigException array

            This method returns an StigException array based on the hashtable provided
            as the parameter

        .PARAMETER ExceptionsHashtable
            A hashtable of Stig exceptions

            [hashtable] $StigExceptionHashtable =
                    "V-26606" = @{'ServiceState' = 'Running';
                                'StartupType'= 'Automatic'};
                    "V-15683" = @{'ValueData' = '1'};
                    "V-26477" = @{'Identity' = 'Administrators'};

    static [StigException[]] ConvertFrom ([Hashtable] $ExceptionsHashtable)
        [System.Collections.ArrayList] $stigExceptions = @()

        foreach ($rule in $ExceptionsHashtable.GetEnumerator())
            [System.Collections.ArrayList] $stigProperties = @()

            foreach ($prop in $rule.Value.GetEnumerator())
                $stigProperties.Add([StigProperty]::new($prop.Key, $prop.Value))

            $stigException = [StigException]::new($rule.Key, $stigProperties)

        return $stigExceptions
#region Footer
Foreach ($supportFile in (Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot -Exclude $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name))
    Write-Verbose "Loading $($supportFile.FullName)"
    . $supportFile.FullName
Export-ModuleMember -Function '*' -Variable '*'