
    This class describes a SkippedRule
    The SkippedRule class describes a SkippedRule, the rule id of a specific Stig rule that should be excluded from the Stigs that need to be
    processed. The SkippedRule class instance will move the specific Stig rule into a SkippedRule section of the StigData output Xml so that
    it is documented as having been skipped.
    $skippedRule = [SkippedRule]::new('V-1090')
    This class requires PowerShell v5 or above.

Class SkippedRule
    #region Properties
        The Id of an individual Stig Rule

    [string] $StigRuleId
    #endregion Properties

    #region Constructor
        Parameterless constructor
        A parameterless constructor for SkippedRule. To be used only for
        build/unit testing purposes as Pester currently requires it in order to test
        static methods on powershell classes

        Write-Warning "This constructor is for build testing only."

        A constructor for SkippedRule. Returns a ready to use instance
        of SkippedRule.
    .PARAMETER StigRuleId
        The Id of an individual Stig Rule

    SkippedRule([string] $StigRuleId)
        $this.StigRuleId = $StigRuleId
    #endregion Constructor

    #region Static Methods
        Converts a provided string array of Stig rule ids into a SkippedRule array
        This method returns an SkippedRule array based on the string array provided
        as the parameter.
    .PARAMETER SkippedRules
        A string array of Stig rule ids
        [string[]] $SkippedRuleArray =

    static [SkippedRule[]] ConvertFrom ([string[]] $SkippedRules)
        [System.Collections.ArrayList] $skips = @()
        foreach ($skip in $SkippedRules)
            $rule = [SkippedRule]::new($skip.Trim())

        return $skips
    #endregion Static Methods