
#region Main Functions
        Enforces the behavior of getting the domain name.
        If a domain name is provided, it will be used.
        If a domain name is not provided, the domain name of the generating system will be used.
            The FQDN on the domain PowerStig will be running against
            Outputs the FQDN of the domain. This would be the default behavior.
            Ouputs the Netbios name of the FQDN provided.
            Outputs the Distinguished Name (dn) of the FQDN provided.
        General notes

function Get-DomainName

    $domain = [string]::Empty

    if ( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $Name ) )
        $domain = $env:USERDNSDOMAIN
        $domain = $Name

    if ($FQDN)
        return $domain
    if ($NetbiosName)
        return Get-NetbiosName $domain
    if ($DistinguishedName)
        return Get-DistinguishedName $domain

    return $domain

#endregion Main Functions
#region Support Functions
function Get-NetbiosName

    $parts = Get-DomainParts $FQDN
    return $parts[0]

function Get-DistinguishedName

    $parts = Get-DomainParts $FQDN
    return Format-DistinguishedName $parts

function Format-DistinguishedName

    $distinguishedName = ""
    $lastIndex = $Parts.Count - 1

    foreach ($part in $Parts)
        if ($part -eq $Parts[$lastIndex])
            $distinguishedName += 'DC=' + $part.ToString()
            $distinguishedName += 'DC=' + $part.ToString() + ','

    return $distinguishedName.ToString()

function Get-DomainParts

    return $FQDN.Split('{.}')
#endregion Support Functions