function Invoke-PodClone { param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $SourceResourcePool, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Target, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [int] $Pods, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Tag, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Boolean] $AssignPortGroups, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [int] $FirstPodNumber, [Boolean] $CompetitionSetup=$True, [Boolean] $CreateUsers, [String] $Domain, [String] $Role, [Boolean] $CreateRouters, [String] $WanPortGroup='0010_DefaultNetwork' ) try { Get-Tag -Name $Tag -ErrorAction Stop| Out-Null } catch { New-TagCategory -Name $Tag -Description $tag -EntityType VApp, DistributedPortGroup, VM | Out-Null New-Tag -Name $Tag -Category (Get-TagCategory -Name $Tag) | Out-Null } $CreatedPortGroups = New-PodPortGroups -Portgroups $Pods -StartPort $FirstPodNumber -EndPort ($FirstPodNumber + $Pods + 20) -Tag $Tag -AssignPortGroups $AssignPortGroups for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Pods; $i++) { Write-Host 'Creating' ( -join ($CreatedPortGroups[$i], '_Pod...')) New-VApp -Name ( -join ($CreatedPortGroups[$i], '_Pod')) -Location (Get-ResourcePool -Name $Target -ErrorAction Stop) -ErrorAction Stop | New-TagAssignment -Tag $Tag | Out-Null } $VMsToClone = Get-ResourcePool -Name $SourceResourcePool | Get-VM $VMsToClone | ForEach-Object { if (Get-Snapshot -VM $_ | Where-Object name -eq SnapshotForCloning) { $_ | Get-Snapshot -Name SnapshotForCloning | Remove-Snapshot -Confirm:$false } New-Snapshot -VM $_ -Name SnapshotForCloning } foreach ($VM in $VMsToClone) { Get-VApp -Tag $Tag | ForEach-Object { New-VM -VM $VM -Name ( -join (($_.Name.Split("P")[0]), $VM.Name)) -ResourcePool (Get-VApp -Name ($_.Name)).Name -LinkedClone -ReferenceSnapshot "SnapshotForCloning" -RunAsync } } $CloningCompletion = $false While (!$CloningCompletion) { $testNetAdapter = Get-VApp -Tag $Tag | Get-VM | Get-NetworkAdapter if ($testNetAdapter.Count -eq (($VMsToClone.Count) * $Pods)) { $CloningCompletion = $true Write-Progress -Activity "Cloning in Progress..." -Status "percent complete: 100" -PercentComplete 100 } else { $CloningCompletion = $false $PercentComplete = [math]::Round(($testNetAdapter.Count / (($VMsToClone.Count) * $Pods)) * 100, 2) Write-Progress -Activity "Cloning in Progress..." -Status "percent complete: $PercentComplete" -PercentComplete $PercentComplete Start-Sleep 2 } } if ($CreateRouters -eq $true) { Write-Host 'Creating the pod routers...' if ($CompetitionSetup -eq $True) { for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Pods; $i++) { Write-Host 'Creating' ( -join ($CreatedPortGroups[$i], '_Pod Router...')) New-PodRouter -Target ( -join ($CreatedPortGroups[$i], '_Pod')) -WanPortGroup $WanPortGroup -LanPortGroup ( -join ($CreatedPortGroups[$i], '_PodNetwork')) -PFSenseTemplate '1:1NAT_PodRouter' -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null } } else { for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Pods; $i++) { Write-Host 'Creating' ( -join ($CreatedPortGroups[$i], '_Pod Router...')) New-PodRouter -Target ( -join ($CreatedPortGroups[$i], '_Pod')) -WanPortGroup $WanPortGroup -LanPortGroup ( -join ($CreatedPortGroups[$i], '_PodNetwork')) -PFSenseTemplate 'pfSense Blank' | Out-Null } } } if ($AssignPortGroups) { #Set Variables $CloningCompletion = $true $Routers = Get-VApp -Tag $Tag -ErrorAction Stop | Get-VM | Where-Object -Property Name -Like '*PodRouter*' $VMs = Get-VApp -Tag $Tag -ErrorAction Stop | Get-VM | Where-Object -Property Name -NotLike '*PodRouter*' #Set VM Port Groups if ($VMs) { $VMs | ForEach-Object { Get-NetworkAdapter -VM $_ -Name "Network adapter 1" -ErrorAction Stop | Set-NetworkAdapter -Portgroup (Get-VDPortGroup -name ( -join ($_.Name.Split("_")[0], '_PodNetwork'))) -Confirm:$false -RunAsync | Out-Null } } #Set Router Port Groups $Routers | ForEach-Object { Get-NetworkAdapter -VM $_ -Name "Network adapter 1" -ErrorAction Stop | Set-NetworkAdapter -Portgroup (Get-VDPortgroup -Name $WanPortGroup) -Confirm:$false -RunAsync | Out-Null Get-NetworkAdapter -VM $_ -Name "Network adapter 2" -ErrorAction Stop | Set-NetworkAdapter -Portgroup (Get-VDPortGroup -name ( -join ($_.Name.Split("_")[0], '_PodNetwork'))) -Confirm:$false -RunAsync | Out-Null } } $names = @() if ($CreateUsers -eq $true) { foreach ($name in $CreatedPortGroups) { $names += ( -join ($name, '_Pod')) } Write-Host 'Creating the pod users...' New-PodUsers -Pods $names -Role $Role -Description $Tag -Domain | Out-Null } <# .SYNOPSIS Clones the given vSphere vApp a specified number of times. .PARAMETER Template Specifies the vApp template to be cloned. .PARAMETER Target Specifies the resource pool the pods will be cloned to. .PARAMETER Pods Specifies the number of pods to be cloned. .PARAMETER Tag Specifies the tag applied to the vApps, Port Groups, and Users. .PARAMETER FirstPortGroup Specifies the first port group Invoke-PodClone will check for port groups. .PARAMETER CreateUsers Specify if users will also be created for their respective pods. .PARAMETER Role Specify the vSphere role new users will be given. .PARAMETER CreateRouters Specify if pod routers will be created. .INPUTS None. You cannot pipe objects to Invoke-PodClone. .OUTPUTS Invoke-PodClone does not return any output. .EXAMPLE PS> Invoke-PodClone -Template EvansTemplate -Target 02-07_Evan -Pods 20 -Tag 'RvB Tag' -FirstPortGroup 1230 -CreateUsers $true -Role 01_RvBDirector -CreateRouters $true .LINK PowerRvB's Github Repository: https://github.com/cpp-swift/PowerRvB #> } # Password generation function function Get-RandomPassword { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateRange(4, [int]::MaxValue)] [int] $length, [int] $upper = 1, [int] $lower = 1, [int] $numeric = 1, [int] $special = 1 ) if ($upper + $lower + $numeric + $special -gt $length) { throw "number of upper/lower/numeric/special char must be lower or equal to length" } $uCharSet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" $lCharSet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" $nCharSet = "0123456789" $sCharSet = "/*-+,!?=()@;:._" $charSet = "" if ($upper -gt 0) { $charSet += $uCharSet } if ($lower -gt 0) { $charSet += $lCharSet } if ($numeric -gt 0) { $charSet += $nCharSet } if ($special -gt 0) { $charSet += $sCharSet } $charSet = $charSet.ToCharArray() $rng = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider $bytes = New-Object byte[]($length) $rng.GetBytes($bytes) $result = New-Object char[]($length) for ($i = 0 ; $i -lt $length ; $i++) { $result[$i] = $charSet[$bytes[$i] % $charSet.Length] } $password = (-join $result) $valid = $true if ($upper -gt ($password.ToCharArray() | Where-Object { $_ -cin $uCharSet.ToCharArray() }).Count) { $valid = $false } if ($lower -gt ($password.ToCharArray() | Where-Object { $_ -cin $lCharSet.ToCharArray() }).Count) { $valid = $false } if ($numeric -gt ($password.ToCharArray() | Where-Object { $_ -cin $nCharSet.ToCharArray() }).Count) { $valid = $false } if ($special -gt ($password.ToCharArray() | Where-Object { $_ -cin $sCharSet.ToCharArray() }).Count) { $valid = $false } if (!$valid) { $password = Get-RandomPassword $length $upper $lower $numeric $special } return $password } function New-DevPod { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $Target, [Boolean] $CreateRouter, [String] $WanPortGroup ) # Creates the Dev Port Group, vApp, and Router $DevPortGroup = New-PodPortGroups -Portgroups 1 -StartPort 1300 -EndPort 1350 -AssignPortGroups $true New-VApp -Location $Target -Name $Name | Out-Null if ($CreateRouter -eq $true) { New-PodRouter -Target $Name -WanPortGroup $WanPortGroup -LanPortGroup ( -join ($DevPortGroup[0], '_PodNetwork')) -PFSenseTemplate "pfSense Blank" -ErrorAction Stop| Out-Null } $Templates = Get-Template | Sort-Object foreach ($template in $Templates) { Write-Host $Templates.IndexOf($template)'-' "$template" `n } $boxes = (Read-Host "Enter the boxes to be created in this Developer Pod (Ex: 0, 2, 1). Press enter to continue").split(',') $boxes = $boxes | ForEach-Object { $_ -Replace '\s', '' } if ($Boxes) { for ($i = 0; $i -ile $Boxes.Count; $i++) { New-VM -Name $Templates.Get($Boxes[$i].ToString()).Name ` -ResourcePool (Get-VApp -Name ($Name)).Name ` -Datastore (Get-DataStore -Name Ursula) ` -Template $Templates.get($Boxes[$i].ToString()) -RunAsync -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null } Write-Host 'IMPORTANT: Do not continue until all VMs are created. Press any key to continue...' -ForegroundColor Red $null = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey('NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown'); for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Boxes.Count; $i++) { Get-ResourcePool (Get-VApp -Name ($Name)).Name -ErrorAction Stop | Get-VM | Where-Object -Property Name -NotLike '*PodRouter*' | Get-NetworkAdapter -Name "Network adapter 1" | Set-NetworkAdapter -Portgroup (Get-VDPortGroup -Name ( -join ($DevPortGroup[0], '_PodNetwork'))) -Confirm:$false -RunAsync | Out-Null } } <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a Development vApp with the desired virtual machines and functional networking. .PARAMETER Name Specifies the name of the vApp to be created. .PARAMETER Target Specifies the resource pool the vApp will be created in. .PARAMETER CreateRouter Specifies if pod router will be created. .PARAMETER WanPortGroup Specifies the WAN port used on the router. .INPUTS None. You cannot pipe objects to New-DevPod. .OUTPUTS New-DevPod does not return any output. .EXAMPLE PS> New-DevPod -Name EvansDevPod3 -Target 02-07_Evan -CreateRouter $true -WanPortGroup 0010_DefaultNetwork .LINK PowerRvB's Github Repository: https://github.com/cpp-swift/PowerRvB #> } function New-PodPortGroups { param( [ValidateRange(1, 100)] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [int] $Portgroups, [ValidateRange(1000, 2000)] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [int] $StartPort, [ValidateRange(1000, 2000)] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [int] $EndPort, [String] $Tag, [Boolean] $AssignPortGroups ) $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" # Gets the list of existing port groups in the range $PortGroupList = Get-VDPortgroup -VDSwitch Main_DSW | Select-Object -ExpandProperty name | Sort-Object $PortGroupList = $PortGroupList | ForEach-Object { [int]$PortGroupList[$PortGroupList.indexOf($_)].Substring(0, $PortGroupList[$PortGroupList.indexOf($_)].indexOf('_')) } $PortGroupList = $PortGroupList.where{ $_ -IN $StartPort..$EndPort } # Check if Port Groups can be created if ($EndPort - $StartPort - $PortGroupList.Count + 1 -lt $Portgroups) { $temp = $EndPort - $StartPort - $PortGroupList.Count + 1 Write-Error -Message "There are not enough port groups available in this range. Only $temp can be created." } # Creates the port groups $j = $StartPort $i = 0 While ($i -le $Portgroups - 1) { if ($PortGroupList.IndexOf($j) -ne -1) { $j++; continue } if ($j -gt $EndPort) { Write-Error -Message "There are no more available port groups in the specified range." } else { if ($AssignPortGroups) { Write-Host "Creating Port Group $j..." New-VDPortgroup -VDSwitch Main_DSW -Name ( -join ($j, '_PodNetwork')) -VlanId $j | Out-Null if ($Tag) { Get-VDPortGroup -Name ( -join ($j, '_PodNetwork')) | New-TagAssignment -Tag (Get-Tag -Name $Tag) | Out-Null } } $j $j++ $i++ } } return $CreatedPortGroups <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a specified number of port groups within the given range. .DESCRIPTION Finds the first available port group and every subsequent available port group in the range until a specified amount of port groups are created. Errors out if the range does not have enough available port groups. .PARAMETER PortGroups Specifies the number of port groups to be created. .PARAMETER StartPort Specifies the first usable port. .PARAMETER EndPort Specifies the last usable port. .PARAMETER Tag Specifies the Tag applied to the port groups. .INPUTS None. You cannot pipe objects to New-PodPortGroups. .OUTPUTS Int32 Array. New-PodPortGroups returns an array of the VLAN IDs used by the created port groups. .EXAMPLE PS> New-PodPortGroups -PortGroups 10 -StartPort 1200 -EndPort 1300 .LINK PowerRvB's Github Repository: https://github.com/cpp-swift/PowerRvB #> } # Creates a pfSense Router for the vApp function New-PodRouter { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $Target, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $WanPortGroup, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $LanPortGroup, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $PFSenseTemplate ) # Creating the Router $name = ( -join ($LanPortGroup.Substring(0, 4), '_PodRouter')) New-VM -Name $name ` -ResourcePool (Get-Vapp -Name $Target).Name ` -Datastore (Get-DataStore -Name Ursula) ` -Template (Get-Template -Name $PFSenseTemplate) | Out-Null Get-VM -Name $name | Start-VM $SSHTest = $True if ($PFSenseTemplate -eq '1:1NAT_PodRouter') { Start-Sleep 30 while ($SSHTest) { $ThirdOctet = $LanPortGroup.Substring(2, 2) if ($ThirdOctet.StartsWith('0')) { $ThirdOctet = $ThirdOctet.Substring(1,1) } $commands = "sed 's/172.16.254/172.16.$ThirdOctet/g' /cf/conf/config.xml > tempconf.xml; cp tempconf.xml /cf/conf/config.xml; rm /tmp/config.cache; /etc/rc.reload_all start" ssh "admin@" $commands -ErrorAction continue $SSHTest = $false } } # Assigning port groups to the interfaces <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a router in a specified vApp. .DESCRIPTION Creates a router with a specified WAN port group and a specified LAN port group. .PARAMETER Target Specifies the vApp the Router will be created in. .PARAMETER WanPortGroup Specifies the WAN port group. .PARAMETER LanPortGroup Specifies the LAN port group. .INPUTS None. You cannot pipe objects to New-PodRouter. .OUTPUTS New-PodRouter does not return any output. .EXAMPLE PS> New-PodRouter -Target EvansvApp -WanPortgroup 0010_DefaultNetwork -LanPortgroup 1200_PodNetwork .LINK PowerRvB's Github Repository: https://github.com/cpp-swift/PowerRvB #> } function New-PodUsers { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String[]] $Pods, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $Role, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $Description, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $Domain ) # Creating the User Accounts Import-Module ActiveDirectory $file = ( -join ("$env:USERPROFILE\Desktop\", $Description , "Users.csv")) ForEach ($Pod in $Pods) { $Password = Get-RandomPassword 12 1 1 1 1 $Name = ( -join ($Pod, 'User')) $SecurePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $Password -Force Write-Host 'Creating user' $Name New-ADUser -Name $Name -ChangePasswordAtLogon $false -AccountPassword $SecurePassword -Enabled $true -Description $Description -UserPrincipalName (-join ($Name, '@', $Domain))| Out-Null Add-ADGroupMember -Identity 'RvB Competitors' -Members $Name # Creating the Roles Assignments on vSphere New-VIPermission -Role (Get-VIRole -Name $Role -ErrorAction Stop) -Entity (Get-VApp -Name $Pod) -Principal ($Domain.Split(".")[0] + '\' + $Name) | Out-Null #Append User to CSV $out = "$Name,$Password" $out | Out-File $file -Append -Force } <# .SYNOPSIS Creates AD Users that correspond to specified pods and assigns them a specified vSphere role. .PARAMETER Pods Specifies the pods to create users for. .PARAMETER Role Specifies the vSphere role to be applied. .PARAMETER Description Specifies a description that is given to the users in AD. .INPUTS None. You cannot pipe objects to New-PodUsers. .OUTPUTS CSV File. On the cmdlet user's desktop, a CSV of usernames and passwords is generated. .EXAMPLE PS> New-PodUsers -Pods '1200_Pod','1201_Pod' -Role 01_RvBCompetitors -Description 'RvB Tag' .LINK PowerRvB's Github Repository: https://github.com/cpp-swift/PowerRvB #> } function Invoke-RvByeBye { param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Tag ) Get-VApp -Tag $Tag | Get-VM | Stop-VM -Confirm:$false | Out-Null Get-VApp -Tag $Tag | Get-VM | Remove-VM -DeletePermanently | Out-Null Get-Vapp -Tag $Tag | Remove-VApp -DeletePermanently | Out-Null Get-VDPortgroup -Tag $Tag -ErrorAction Stop | Remove-VDPortGroup -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null Get-ADUser -Filter { Description -eq $Tag } | Remove-ADUser -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null Get-TagCategory -Name $Tag -ErrorAction Stop | Remove-TagCategory -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null <# .SYNOPSIS Removes all resources with a specified tag. .PARAMETER Tag Specifies the tag to be used. .INPUTS None. You cannot pipe objects to Invoke-RvByeBye. .OUTPUTS Invoke-RvByeBye does not return any output. .EXAMPLE PS> Invoke-RvByeBye -Tag 'RvB Tag' .LINK PowerRvB's Github Repository: https://github.com/cpp-swift/PowerRvB #> } function Invoke-ConfigureVMs { param ( [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Object] $VM, [string] $NewTag=$null, [string] $Name, [int] $NewPortGroup=$null, [int] $NumCpu=$null, [int] $MemoryGB=$null, [Boolean] $CpuHotAddEnabled, [Boolean] $CpuHotRemoveEnabled, [Boolean] $MemoryHotAddEnabled ) begin { if($NewPortGroup) { try { Get-VDPortgroup -Name ( -join ($NewPortGroup, '_PodNetwork')) -ErrorAction Stop } catch { New-VDPortgroup -VDSwitch Main_DSW -Name ( -join ($NewPortGroup, '_PodNetwork')) -VlanId $NewPortGroup | Out-Null Get-VDPortGroup -Name ( -join ($NewPortGroup, '_PodNetwork')) | New-TagAssignment -Tag (Get-Tag -Name $NewTag) } } } process { #$ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' if ($NewTag) { $VM | New-TagAssignment -Tag (Get-Tag -Name $NewTag)} if ($NewPortGroup) { $VM | Get-NetworkAdapter -Name "Network adapter 1" | Set-NetworkAdapter -Portgroup (Get-VDPortgroup -Name ( -join ($NewPortGroup, "_PodNetwork"))) -Confirm:$false -RunAsync | Out-Null } if ($NumCpu) { $VM | Set-VM -NumCpu $NumCpu -Confirm:$false -RunAsync } if ($MemoryGB) { $VM | Set-VM -MemoryGB $MemoryGB -Confirm:$false -RunAsync } if ($Name) { $VM | Set-VM -Name $Name -RunAsync -Confirm:$false } if ($MemoryHotAddEnabled) {$VM | Stop-VM -Confirm:$false | Set-VM -MemoryHotAddEnabled $MemoryHotAddEnabled -Confirm:$false -RunAsync } if ($CpuHotAddEnabled) {$VM | Stop-VM -Confirm:$false | Set-VM -CpuHotAddEnabled $CpuHotAddEnabled -Confirm:$false -RunAsync } if ($CpuHotRemoveEnabled) { $VM | Stop-VM -Confirm:$false | Set-VM -CpuHotRemoveEnabled $CpuHotRemoveEnabled -Confirm:$false -RunAsync } } } |