Power Remote Desktop Version 1.0 beta 2 REL: January 2022. In loving memory of my father. Thanks for all you've done. you will remain in my heart forever. .Developer Jean-Pierre LESUEUR (@DarkCoderSc) https://www.twitter.com/darkcodersc https://github.com/DarkCoderSc www.phrozen.io jplesueur@phrozen.io PHROZEN .License Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004 http://www.apache.org/licenses/ .Why - Prove PowerShell is as "PowerFul" as compiled language. - Improve my PowerShell skills. - Because Remote Desktop Powershell Scripts doesn't exists so far. .Important This PowerShell Application is not yet marked as Stable / Final. It is not recommended to use it in a production environment at this time. Wait for final 1.0 version. .Disclaimer We are doing our best to prepare the content of this app. However, PHROZEN SASU cannot warranty the expressions and suggestions of the contents, as well as its accuracy. In addition, to the extent permitted by the law, PHROZEN SASU shall not be responsible for any losses and/or damages due to the usage of the information on our app. By using our app, you hereby consent to our disclaimer and agree to its terms. Any links contained in our app may lead to external sites are provided for convenience only. Any information or statements that appeared in these sites or app are not sponsored, endorsed, or otherwise approved by PHROZEN SASU. For these external sites, SubSeven Legacy cannot be held liable for the availability of, or the content located on or through it. Plus, any losses or damages occurred from using these contents or the internet generally. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------#> Add-Type -Assembly System.Windows.Forms Add-Type -Assembly System.Drawing Add-Type -MemberDefinition '[DllImport("User32.dll")] public static extern bool SetProcessDPIAware();' -Name User32 -Namespace W; $global:PowerRemoteDesktopVersion = "1.0.3.beta.4" enum TransportMode { Raw = 1 Base64 = 2 } function Write-Banner { <# .SYNOPSIS Output cool information about current PowerShell module to terminal. #> Write-Host "" Write-Host "Power Remote Desktop Server- Version " -NoNewLine Write-Host $global:PowerRemoteDesktopVersion -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host "Jean-Pierre LESUEUR (" -NoNewLine Write-Host "@DarkCoderSc" -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host ") " -NoNewLine Write-Host "#" -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor Blue Write-Host "#" -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor White Write-Host "#" -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "https://" -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "www.github.com/darkcodersc" Write-Host "https://" -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "www.phrozen.io" Write-Host "" Write-Host "License: Apache License (Version 2.0, January 2004)" Write-Host "https://" -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "www.apache.org/licenses/" Write-Host "" } function Test-PasswordComplexity { <# .SYNOPSIS Check if password is sufficiently complex. .DESCRIPTION To return True, Password must follow bellow complexity rules: * Minimum 12 Characters. * One of following symbols: "!@#%^&*_". * At least of lower case character. * At least of upper case character. .PARAMETER PasswordCandidate The Password to test. #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $PasswordCandidate ) $complexityRules = "(?=^.{12,}$)(?=.*[!@#%^&*_]+)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).*$" return ($PasswordCandidate -match $complexityRules) } function New-DefaultX509Certificate { <# .SYNOPSIS Generate and install a new self-signed X509 Certificate and install on local machine. .DESCRIPTION This function is called only if no custom certificate are defined when starting a new Remote Desktop Server. Important Notice: This function requires administrator privileges to enroll / install certificate on local machine. If you don't provide your own certificate, you will need to run Remote Desktop Server through an elevated PowerShell version. You can generate your own certificate using the following OpenSSL commands: * openssl req -x509 -sha512 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout phrozen.key -out phrozen.crt * openssl pkcs12 -export -out phrozen.p12 -inkey phrozen.key -in phrozen.crt Then use the CertificateFile option and use the p12 file. You can also export the newly created certificate in Base64 and use it with EncodedCertificate option. * base64 -i phrozen.p12 .PARAMETER X509_CN Certificate Common Name. .PARAMETER X509_O Certificate Organisation. .PARAMETER X509_L Certificate Locality (City) .PARAMETER X509_S Certificate State. .PARAMETER X509_C Certificate Company Name. .PARAMETER X509_OU Certificate Organizational Unit. .PARAMETER HashAlgorithmName Certificate Hash Algorithm. Example: SHA128, SHA256, SHA512... .PARAMETER CertExpirationInDays Certificate Expiration in days. #> param ( [string] $X509_CN = "PowerRemoteDesktop.Server", [string] $X509_O = "Phrozen", [string] $X509_L = "Maisons Laffitte", [string] $X509_S = "Yvelines", [string] $X509_C = "FR", [string] $X509_OU = "Freeware", [string] $HashAlgorithmName = "SHA512", [int] $CertExpirationInDays = 365 ) enum X500NameFlags { XCN_CERT_NAME_STR_NONE XCN_CERT_SIMPLE_NAME_STR XCN_CERT_OID_NAME_STR XCN_CERT_X500_NAME_STR XCN_CERT_XML_NAME_STR XCN_CERT_NAME_STR_SEMICOLON_FLAG XCN_CERT_NAME_STR_NO_PLUS_FLAG XCN_CERT_NAME_STR_NO_QUOTING_FLAG XCN_CERT_NAME_STR_CRLF_FLAG XCN_CERT_NAME_STR_COMMA_FLAG XCN_CERT_NAME_STR_REVERSE_FLAG XCN_CERT_NAME_STR_FORWARD_FLAG XCN_CERT_NAME_STR_AMBIGUOUS_SEPARATOR_FLAGS XCN_CERT_NAME_STR_DISABLE_IE4_UTF8_FLAG XCN_CERT_NAME_STR_ENABLE_T61_UNICODE_FLAG XCN_CERT_NAME_STR_ENABLE_UTF8_UNICODE_FLAG XCN_CERT_NAME_STR_FORCE_UTF8_DIR_STR_FLAG XCN_CERT_NAME_STR_DISABLE_UTF8_DIR_STR_FLAG XCN_CERT_NAME_STR_ENABLE_PUNYCODE_FLAG XCN_CERT_NAME_STR_DS_ESCAPED } enum CAPICOM_KEY_SPEC { CAPICOM_KEY_SPEC_KEYEXCHANGE = 1 CAPICOM_KEY_SPEC_SIGNATURE = 2 } enum ObjectIdGroupId { XCN_CRYPT_ANY_GROUP_ID = 0 XCN_CRYPT_ENCRYPT_ALG_OID_GROUP_ID = 2 XCN_CRYPT_ENHKEY_USAGE_OID_GROUP_ID = 7 XCN_CRYPT_EXT_OR_ATTR_OID_GROUP_ID = 6 XCN_CRYPT_FIRST_ALG_OID_GROUP_ID = 1 XCN_CRYPT_GROUP_ID_MASK = 65535 XCN_CRYPT_HASH_ALG_OID_GROUP_ID = 1 XCN_CRYPT_KEY_LENGTH_MASK = 268369920 XCN_CRYPT_LAST_ALG_OID_GROUP_ID = 4 XCN_CRYPT_LAST_OID_GROUP_ID = 10 XCN_CRYPT_OID_DISABLE_SEARCH_DS_FLAG = -2147483648 XCN_CRYPT_OID_INFO_OID_GROUP_BIT_LEN_MASK = 268369920 XCN_CRYPT_OID_INFO_OID_GROUP_BIT_LEN_SHIFT = 16 XCN_CRYPT_OID_PREFER_CNG_ALGID_FLAG = 1073741824 XCN_CRYPT_POLICY_OID_GROUP_ID = 8 XCN_CRYPT_PUBKEY_ALG_OID_GROUP_ID = 3 XCN_CRYPT_RDN_ATTR_OID_GROUP_ID = 5 XCN_CRYPT_SIGN_ALG_OID_GROUP_ID = 4 XCN_CRYPT_TEMPLATE_OID_GROUP_ID = 9 } enum X509ContentType { Authenticode = 6 Cert = 1 Pfx = 3 Pkcs12 = 3 Pkcs7 = 5 SerializedCert = 2 SerializedStore = 4 Unknown = 0 } enum X509PrivateKeyExportFlags { XCN_NCRYPT_ALLOW_EXPORT_NONE XCN_NCRYPT_ALLOW_EXPORT_FLAG XCN_NCRYPT_ALLOW_PLAINTEXT_EXPORT_FLAG XCN_NCRYPT_ALLOW_ARCHIVING_FLAG XCN_NCRYPT_ALLOW_PLAINTEXT_ARCHIVING_FLAG } enum ObjectIdPublicKeyFlags { XCN_CRYPT_OID_INFO_PUBKEY_ANY XCN_CRYPT_OID_INFO_PUBKEY_SIGN_KEY_FLAG XCN_CRYPT_OID_INFO_PUBKEY_ENCRYPT_KEY_FLAG } enum X509CertificateEnrollmentContext { ContextNone ContextUser ContextMachine ContextAdministratorForceMachine } enum InstallResponseRestrictionFlags { AllowNone AllowNoOutstandingRequest AllowUntrustedCertificate AllowUntrustedRoot } enum EncodingType { XCN_CRYPT_STRING_BASE64HEADER XCN_CRYPT_STRING_BASE64 XCN_CRYPT_STRING_BINARY XCN_CRYPT_STRING_BASE64REQUESTHEADER XCN_CRYPT_STRING_HEX XCN_CRYPT_STRING_HEXASCII XCN_CRYPT_STRING_BASE64_ANY XCN_CRYPT_STRING_ANY XCN_CRYPT_STRING_HEX_ANY XCN_CRYPT_STRING_BASE64X509CRLHEADER XCN_CRYPT_STRING_HEXADDR XCN_CRYPT_STRING_HEXASCIIADDR XCN_CRYPT_STRING_HEXRAW XCN_CRYPT_STRING_BASE64URI XCN_CRYPT_STRING_ENCODEMASK XCN_CRYPT_STRING_CHAIN XCN_CRYPT_STRING_TEXT XCN_CRYPT_STRING_PERCENTESCAPE XCN_CRYPT_STRING_HASHDATA XCN_CRYPT_STRING_STRICT XCN_CRYPT_STRING_NOCRLF XCN_CRYPT_STRING_NOCR } # Create X.509 Certificate $distinguishedName = New-Object -ComObject 'X509Enrollment.CX500DistinguishedName.1' # Feel free to edit bellow information with your own. $distinguishedName.Encode( "CN=${X509_CN},O=${X509_O},L=${X509_L},S=${X509_S},C=${X509_C},OU=${X509_OU}", [int][X500NameFlags]::XCN_CERT_NAME_STR_NONE ) # Generate new Private Key $privateKey = New-Object -ComObject 'X509Enrollment.CX509PrivateKey.1' $privateKey.ProviderName = "Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider" $privateKey.ExportPolicy = [int][X509PrivateKeyExportFlags]::XCN_NCRYPT_ALLOW_PLAINTEXT_EXPORT_FLAG $privateKey.KeySpec = [int][CAPICOM_KEY_SPEC]::CAPICOM_KEY_SPEC_KEYEXCHANGE $privateKey.Length = 4096 $privateKey.MachineContext = $true $privateKey.Create() # Create Hash Algorithm Object $hashAlgorithm = New-Object -ComObject 'X509Enrollment.CObjectId.1' $hashAlgorithm.InitializeFromAlgorithmName( [int][ObjectIdGroupId]::XCN_CRYPT_FIRST_ALG_OID_GROUP_ID, [int][ObjectIdGroupId]::XCN_CRYPT_ANY_GROUP_ID, [int][ObjectIdPublicKeyFlags]::XCN_CRYPT_OID_INFO_PUBKEY_ANY, $HashAlgorithmName ) # Generate Certificate $certificate = New-Object -ComObject 'X509Enrollment.CX509CertificateRequestCertificate.1' $certificate.InitializeFromPrivateKey( [int][X509CertificateEnrollmentContext]::ContextAdministratorForceMachine, $privateKey, "" ) $certificate.Subject = $distinguishedName $certificate.Issuer = $distinguishedName $certificate.HashAlgorithm = $hashAlgorithm $certificate.NotBefore = [DateTime]::Now.AddDays(-1) $certificate.NotAfter = [DateTime]::Now.AddDays($CertExpirationInDays) $certificate.Encode() # Enroll $enroll = New-Object -ComObject 'X509Enrollment.CX509Enrollment.1' $enroll.InitializeFromRequest($certificate) $enroll.CertificateFriendlyName = "Phrozen, PowerRemoteDesktop Server" $certificateContent = $enroll.CreateRequest() # Install Certificate $Enroll.InstallResponse( [int][InstallResponseRestrictionFlags]::AllowUntrustedCertificate, $certificateContent, [int][EncodingType]::XCN_CRYPT_STRING_BASE64, "" # No password ) } function Get-X509CertificateFromStore { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve a X509 Certificate from local machine certificate store using its Subject Name. .DESCRIPTION Notice, as for generating a new self-signed certificate. This function requires an administrator privilege to recover the complete certificate (including the private key). It then needs to be run inside an elevated PowerShell session. To avoid this issue, as for generating a self-signed certificate, you must provide your own certificate when starting a new Remote Desktop Server. .PARAMETER SubjectName The certificate Subject Name to retrieve from local machine certificate store. .EXAMPLE Get-X509CertificateFromStore -SubjectName "PowerRemoteDesktop.Server" #> param ( [string] $SubjectName = "PowerRemoteDesktop.Server" ) enum StoreLocation { CurrentUser = 1 LocalMachine = 2 } enum OpenFlags { IncludeArchived = 8 MaxAllowed = 2 OpenExistingOnly = 4 ReadOnly = 0 ReadWrite = 1 } enum StoreName { AddressBook = 1 AuthRoot = 2 CertificateAuthority = 3 Disallowed = 4 My = 5 Root = 6 TrustedPeople = 7 TrustedPublisher = 8 } enum X509FindType { FindByApplicationPolicy = 10 FindByCertificatePolicy = 11 FindByExtension = 12 FindByIssuerDistinguishedName = 4 FindByIssuerName = 3 FindByKeyUsage = 13 FindBySerialNumber = 5 FindBySubjectDistinguishedName = 2 FindBySubjectKeyIdentifier = 14 FindBySubjectName = 1 FindByTemplateName = 9 FindByThumbprint = 0 FindByTimeExpired = 8 FindByTimeNotYetValid = 7 FindByTimeValid = 6 } $store = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store( [StoreName]::My, [StoreLocation]::LocalMachine ) $store.Open([OpenFlags]::ReadOnly) try { $certCollection = $store.Certificates return $certCollection.Find( [X509FindType]::FindBySubjectName, $SubjectName, $false )[0] } finally { $store.Close() } } function Get-SHA512FromString { <# .SYNOPSIS Return the SHA512 value from string. .PARAMETER String A String to hash. .EXAMPLE Get-SHA512FromString -String "Hello, World" #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $String ) $buffer = [IO.MemoryStream]::new([byte[]][char[]]$String) return (Get-FileHash -InputStream $buffer -Algorithm SHA512).Hash } function Resolve-AuthenticationChallenge { <# .SYNOPSIS Algorithm to solve the server challenge during password authentication. .DESCRIPTION Server needs to resolve the challenge and keep the solution in memory before sending the candidate to remote peer. .PARAMETER Password Registered password string for server authentication. .PARAMETER Candidate Random string used to solve the challenge. This string is public and is set across network by server. Each time a new connection is requested to server, a new candidate is generated. .EXAMPLE Resolve-AuthenticationChallenge -Password "s3cr3t!" -Candidate "rKcjdh154@]=Ldc" #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $Password, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $Candidate ) $solution = -join($Candidate, ":", $Password) for ([int] $i = 0; $i -le 1000; $i++) { $solution = Get-SHA512FromString -String $solution } return $solution } function Get-LocalMachineInformation { <# .SYNOPSIS Generate an object containing few useful information about current machine. .DESCRIPTION Most important part is the target screen information. Without this information, remote viewer will not be able to correctly draw / adjust desktop image and simulate mouse events. This function is expected to be progressively updated with new required session information. #> $screens = @() $i = 0 foreach ($screen in ([System.Windows.Forms.Screen]::AllScreens | Sort-Object -Property Primary -Descending)) { $i++ $screens += New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property @{ Id = $i Name = $screen.DeviceName Primary = $screen.Primary Width = $screen.Bounds.Width Height = $screen.Bounds.Height X = $screen.Bounds.X Y = $screen.Bounds.Y } } return New-Object PSCustomObject -Property @{ MachineName = [Environment]::MachineName Username = [Environment]::UserName WindowsVersion = [Environment]::OSVersion.VersionString Screens = ($screens) } } class ServerSession { <# .SYNOPSIS PowerRemoteDesktop Session Class. #> [string] $Id = "" [string] $TiedAddress = "" [string] $Screen = "" ServerSession([string] $RemoteAddress) { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a new session. .PARAMETER RemoteAddress IP Address to be tied with session and avoid session impersonation outside of the network. #> $this.Id = (SHA512FromString -String (-join ((33..126) | Get-Random -Count 128 | ForEach-Object{[char] $_}))) $this.TiedAddress = $RemoteAddress } [bool] CompareWith([string] $Id, [string] $RemoteAddress) { return ($this.Id -eq $Id) -and ($this.TiedAddress -eq $RemoteAddress) } } class ClientIO { <# .SYNOPSIS Extended version of TcpClient that automatically creates and releases required streams with other useful methods. Supports SSL/TLS. #> [System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient] $Client = $null [System.IO.StreamWriter] $Writer = $null [System.IO.StreamReader] $Reader = $null [System.Net.Security.SslStream] $SSLStream = $null [TransportMode] $TransportMode = "Raw" ClientIO( [System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient] $Client, [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2] $Certificate, [bool] $TLSv1_3, [TransportMode] $TransportMode ) { <# .SYNOPSIS Class constructor. .PARAMETER Client TcpClient instance returned by listener. .PARAMETER Certificate X509 Certificate used for SSL/TLS encryption tunnel. .PARAMETER TLSv1_3 Define whether or not SSL/TLS v1.3 must be used. .PARAMETER TransportMode Define transport method for streams (Base64 or Raw) #> if ((-not $Client) -or (-not $Certificate)) { throw "ClientIO Class requires both a valid TcpClient and X509Certificate2." } $this.Client = $Client $this.TransportMode = $TransportMode Write-Verbose "Create new SSL Stream..." $this.SSLStream = New-Object System.Net.Security.SslStream($this.Client.GetStream(), $false) if ($TLSv1_3) { $TLSVersion = [System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols]::TLS13 } else { $TLSVersion = [System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols]::TLS12 } Write-Verbose "Authenticate as server using ${TLSVersion}..." $this.SSLStream.AuthenticateAsServer( $Certificate, $false, $TLSVersion, $false ) if (-not $this.SSLStream.IsEncrypted) { throw "Could not established an encrypted tunnel with remote peer." } Write-Verbose "Open communication channels..." $this.Writer = New-Object System.IO.StreamWriter($this.SSLStream) $this.Writer.AutoFlush = $true $this.Reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($this.SSLStream) Write-Verbose "Connection ready for use." } [bool]Authentify([string] $Password) { <# .SYNOPSIS Handle authentication process with remote peer. .PARAMETER Password Password used to validate challenge and grant access for a new Client. .EXAMPLE .Authentify("s3cr3t!") #> try { if (-not $Password) { throw "During client authentication, a password cannot be blank." } Write-Verbose "New authentication challenge..." $candidate = (-join ((33..126) | Get-Random -Count 128 | ForEach-Object{[char] $_})) $candidate = Get-SHA512FromString -String $candidate $challengeSolution = Resolve-AuthenticationChallenge -Candidate $candidate -Password $Password Write-Verbose "@Challenge:" Write-Verbose "Candidate: ""${candidate}""" Write-Verbose "Solution: ""${challengeSolution}""" Write-Verbose "---" $this.Writer.WriteLine($candidate) Write-Verbose "Candidate sent to client, waiting for answer..." $challengeReply = $this.Reader.ReadLine() Write-Verbose "Replied solution: ""${challengeReply}""" # Challenge solution is a Sha512 Hash so comparison doesn't need to be sensitive (-ceq or -cne) if ($challengeReply -ne $challengeSolution) { $this.Writer.WriteLine("KO.") throw "Client challenge solution does not match our solution." } else { $this.Writer.WriteLine("OK.") Write-Verbose "Password Authentication Success" return 280121 # True } } catch { throw "Password Authentication Failed. Reason: `r`n $($_)" } } [void]Hello([ServerSession] $Session) { <# .SYNOPSIS This method is called if a sessio .PARAMETER Session A ServerSession Object Containing Viewer Sesion Information. #> Write-Verbose "Session authentication with remote peer..." try { $receivedSessionId = $this.Reader.ReadLine() Write-Verbose "Peer Session Id: ${receivedSessionId}." if ($Session.CompareWith($receivedSessionId, $this.RemoteAddress())) { $this.Writer.WriteLine("HELLO.") Write-Verbose "Session authentication successful." } else { $this.Writer.WriteLine("BYE.") throw "Session authentication failed." } } catch { throw "Session Authentication Failed with extended error: `r`n $($_)" } } [ServerSession]Hello() { <# .SYNOPSIS Initialize a new session with remote Viewer. #> Write-Verbose "Open a new session with remote peer..." $session = [ServerSession]::New($this.RemoteAddress()) Write-Verbose "@Session" Write-Verbose "Id: ""$($session.Id)""" Write-Verbose "Addr: ""$($session.TiedAddress)""" Write-Verbose "---" $sessionInformation = Get-LocalMachineInformation $sessionInformation | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "TransportMode" -Value $this.TransportMode $sessionInformation | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "SessionId" -Value $session.Id $sessionInformation | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Version" -Value $global:PowerRemoteDesktopVersion Write-Verbose "Sending Session Information with Local System Information..." $this.Writer.WriteLine(($sessionInformation | ConvertTo-Json -Compress)) if ($sessionInformation.Screens.Length -gt 1) { Write-Verbose "Current system have $($sessionInformation.Screens.Length) Screens. Waiting for Remote Viewer to choose which screen to capture." $screenName = $this.Reader.ReadLine() $session.Screen = $screenName } Write-Verbose "Handshake done." return $session } [string]RemoteAddress() { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the remote address of peer. #> return $this.Client.Client.RemoteEndPoint.Address } [void]Close() { <# .SYNOPSIS Release streams and client. #> if ($this.Writer) { $this.Writer.Close() } if ($this.Reader) { $this.Reader.Close() } if ($this.Stream) { $this.Stream.Close() } if ($this.Client) { $this.Client.Close() } } } class ServerIO { <# .SYNOPSIS Extended version of TcpListener. Supports SSL/TLS. #> [string] $ListenAddress = "" [int] $ListenPort = 2801 [bool] $TLSv1_3 = $false [TransportMode] $TransportMode = "Raw" [string] $Password [System.Net.Sockets.TcpListener] $Server = $null [System.IO.StreamWriter] $Writer = $null [System.IO.StreamReader] $Reader = $null [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2] $Certificate = $null [ServerSession] $Session = $null ServerIO( <# .SYNOPSIS Class constructor. .PARAMETER ListenAddress Define in which interface to listen. Listen on localhost only. Listen on all interfaces. .PARAMETER Password Password used to authentify with remote peer. .PARAMETER ListenPort Define which TCP port to listen for new connection. .PARAMETER Certificate X509 Certificate used for SSL/TLS encryption tunnel. .PARAMETER TLSv1_3 Define whether or not SSL/TLS v1.3 must be used. .PARAMETER TransportMode Define transport method for streams (Base64 or Raw) #> [string] $ListenAddress, [int] $ListenPort, [string] $Password, [TransportMode] $TransportMode, [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2] $Certificate, [bool] $TLSv1_3 ) { # Check again in current class just in case. if (-not (Test-PasswordComplexity -PasswordCandidate $Password)) { throw "You must use a complex password for Password Authentication." } $this.ListenAddress = $ListenAddress $this.ListenPort = $ListenPort $this.TLSv1_3 = $TLSv1_3 $this.Password = $Password $this.TransportMode = $TransportMode if (-not $Certificate) { Write-Verbose "Custom X509 Certificate not specified." $this.Certificate = Get-X509CertificateFromStore if (-not $this.Certificate) { Write-Verbose "Generate and Install a new local X509 Certificate." New-DefaultX509Certificate Write-verbose "Certificate was successfully installed on local machine. Opening..." $this.Certificate = Get-X509CertificateFromStore if (-not $this.Certificate) { throw "Could not open our new local certificate." } } else { Write-Verbose "Default X509 Certificate was specified." } } else { $this.Certificate = $Certificate } Write-Verbose "@Certificate:" Write-Verbose $this.Certificate Write-Verbose "---" } [void]Listen() { <# .SYNOPSIS Start listening on defined interface:port. #> Write-Verbose "Listen on ""$($this.ListenAddress):$($this.ListenPort)""..." $this.Server = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpListener($this.ListenAddress, $this.ListenPort) $this.Server.Start(2) # We are only waiting for two clients at the same time. Write-Verbose "Listening..." } [ClientIO]PullClient([int]$Timeout) { <# .SYNOPSIS Accept new client and associate this client with a new ClientIO Object. .PARAMETER Timeout By default AcceptTcpClient() will block current thread until a client connects. Using Timeout and a cool technique, you can stop waiting for client after a certain amount of time (In Milliseconds) If Timeout is greater than 0 (Milliseconds) then connection timeout is enabled. #> Write-Verbose "Pull Request..." if ($Timeout -gt 0) { $socketReadList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@($this.Server.Server) [System.Net.Sockets.Socket]::Select($socketReadList, $null, $null, $Timeout * 1000) if (-not $socketReadList.Contains($this.Server.Server)) { throw "Pull client timeout." } } $socket = $this.Server.AcceptTcpClient() $client = [ClientIO]::New( $socket, $this.Certificate, $this.TLSv1_3, $this.TransportMode ) try { Write-Verbose "New client socket connected: ""$($client.RemoteAddress())"". Proceed password authentication..." # STEP 1 : Authentication # When Password Authentication Fail, it throw an exception. But as someone paranoid I also want to be # that function returns magic token. $authenticated = ($client.Authentify($this.Password) -eq 280121) if (-not $authenticated) { throw "Access Denied." } if ($this.Session) { # STEP 2 : Session Authentication $client.Hello($this.Session) } else { # STEP 2 : Create new Session $this.Session = $client.Hello() } } catch { $this.CloseSession() $client.Close() throw $_ } return $client } [void]CloseSession() { <# Terminate an active Server Session #> $this.Session = $null } [void]Close() { <# .SYNOPSIS Stop waiting for new clients (Stop listening) #> if ($this.Server) { Write-Verbose "Stop listening." $this.Server.Stop() } } } $global:DesktopStreamScriptBlock = { <# .SYNOPSIS Threaded code block to send updates of local desktop to remote peer. This code is expected to be run inside a new PowerShell Runspace. .PARAMETER syncHash.Param.Client A ClientIO Object containing an active connection. This is where, desktop updates will be sent over network. #> function Get-DesktopImage { <# .SYNOPSIS Return a snapshot of primary screen desktop. .PARAMETER Screen Define target screen to capture (if multiple monitor exists). Default is primary screen #> param ( [System.Windows.Forms.Screen] $Screen = $null ) try { if (-not $Screen) { $Screen = [System.Windows.Forms.Screen]::PrimaryScreen } $size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size( $Screen.Bounds.Size.Width, $Screen.Bounds.Size.Height ) $location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point( $Screen.Bounds.Location.X, $Screen.Bounds.Location.Y ) $bitmap = New-Object System.Drawing.Bitmap($size.Width, $size.Height) $graphics = [System.Drawing.Graphics]::FromImage($bitmap) $graphics.CopyFromScreen($location, [System.Drawing.Point]::Empty, $size) return $bitmap } catch { if ($bitmap) { $bitmap.Dispose() } } finally { if ($graphics) { $graphics.Dispose() } } } $imageQuality = 100 if ($syncHash.Param.ImageQuality -ge 0 -and $syncHash.Param.ImageQuality -lt 100) { $imageQuality = $syncHash.Param.ImageQuality } try { [System.IO.MemoryStream] $oldImageStream = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream $jpegEncoder = [System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageCodecInfo]::GetImageEncoders() | Where-Object { $_.MimeType -eq 'image/jpeg' }; $encoderParameters = New-Object System.Drawing.Imaging.EncoderParameters(1) $encoderParameters.Param[0] = New-Object System.Drawing.Imaging.EncoderParameter([System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder]::Quality, $imageQuality) $packetSize = 4096 while ($true) { try { $desktopImage = Get-DesktopImage -Screen $syncHash.Param.Screen $imageStream = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream $desktopImage.Save($imageStream, $jpegEncoder, $encoderParameters) $sendUpdate = $true # Check both stream size. $sendUpdate = ($oldImageStream.Length -ne $imageStream.Length) # If sizes are equal, compare both Fingerprint to confirm finding. if (-not $sendUpdate) { $imageStream.position = 0 $oldImageStream.position = 0 $md5_1 = (Get-FileHash -InputStream $imageStream -Algorithm MD5).Hash $md5_2 = (Get-FileHash -InputStream $oldImageStream -Algorithm MD5).Hash $sendUpdate = ($md5_1 -ne $md5_2) } if ($sendUpdate) { $imageStream.position = 0 try { switch ($syncHash.Param.Client.TransportMode) { "Raw" { $syncHash.Param.Client.SSLStream.Write([BitConverter]::GetBytes([int32] $imageStream.Length) , 0, 4) # SizeOf(Int32) $totalBytesSent = 0 $buffer = New-Object -TypeName byte[] -ArgumentList $packetSize do { $bufferSize = ($imageStream.Length - $totalBytesSent) if ($bufferSize -gt $packetSize) { $bufferSize = $packetSize } else { # Save some memory operations for creating objects. # Usually, bellow code is call when last chunk is being sent. $buffer = New-Object -TypeName byte[] -ArgumentList $bufferSize } # (OPTIMIZATION IDEA): Try with BinaryStream to save the need of "byte[]"" buffer. $imageStream.Read($buffer, 0, $buffer.Length) | Out-Null $syncHash.Param.Client.SSLStream.Write($buffer, 0, $buffer.Length) $totalBytesSent += $bufferSize } until ($totalBytesSent -eq $imageStream.Length) break } "Base64" { $syncHash.Param.Client.Writer.WriteLine( [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($imageStream.ToArray()) ) break } } } catch { break } # Update Old Image Stream for Comparison $imageStream.position = 0 $oldImageStream.SetLength(0) $imageStream.CopyTo($oldImageStream) } else {} } catch { } finally { if ($desktopImage) { $desktopImage.Dispose() } if ($imageStream) { $imageStream.Close() } } } } finally { if ($oldImageStream) { $oldImageStream.Close() } } } $global:InputControlScriptBlock = { <# .SYNOPSIS Threaded code block to receive remote orders (Ex: Keyboard Strokes, Mouse Clicks, Moves etc...) This code is expected to be run inside a new PowerShell Runspace. .PARAMETER syncHash.Client A ClientIO Object containing an active connection. This is where, remote events will be received and treated. #> Add-Type -MemberDefinition '[DllImport("user32.dll")] public static extern void mouse_event(int flags, int dx, int dy, int cButtons, int info);[DllImport("user32.dll")] public static extern bool SetCursorPos(int X, int Y);' -Name U32 -Namespace W; enum MouseFlags { MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE = 0x8000 MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN = 0x0002 MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP = 0x0004 MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEDOWN = 0x0020 MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEUP = 0x0040 MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE = 0x0001 MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN = 0x0008 MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP = 0x0010 MOUSEEVENTF_WHEEL = 0x0800 MOUSEEVENTF_XDOWN = 0x0080 MOUSEEVENTF_XUP = 0x0100 MOUSEEVENTF_HWHEEL = 0x01000 } enum InputCommand { Keyboard = 0x1 MouseClickMove = 0x2 MouseWheel = 0x3 } enum MouseState { Up = 0x1 Down = 0x2 Move = 0x3 } class KeyboardSim { <# .SYNOPSIS Class to simulate Keyboard Events using a WScript.Shell Instance. #> [System.__ComObject] $WShell = $null KeyboardSim () <# .SYNOPSIS Class constructor #> { $this.WShell = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell } [void] SendInput([string] $String) { <# .SYNOPSIS Simulate Keyboard Strokes. It can contain a single char or a complex string. .PARAMETER String Char or String to be simulated as pressed. .EXAMPLE .SendInput("Hello, World") .SendInput("J") #> # Simulate $this.WShell.SendKeys($String) } } $keyboardSim = [KeyboardSim]::New() while ($true) { try { $jsonCommand = $syncHash.Param.Client.Reader.ReadLine() } catch { # ($_ | Out-File "c:\temp\debug.txt") break } if (-not $jsonCommand) { break } $command = $jsonCommand | ConvertFrom-Json if (-not ($command.PSobject.Properties.name -match "Id")) { continue } switch ([InputCommand] $command.Id) { # Keyboard Input Simulation "Keyboard" { if (-not ($command.PSobject.Properties.name -match "Keys")) { break } $keyboardSim.SendInput($command.Keys) break } # Mouse Move & Click Simulation "MouseClickMove" { if (-not ($command.PSobject.Properties.name -match "Type")) { break } switch ([MouseState] $command.Type) { # Mouse Down/Up {($_ -eq "Down") -or ($_ -eq "Up")} { [W.U32]::SetCursorPos($command.X, $command.Y) $down = ($_ -eq "Down") $mouseCode = [int][MouseFlags]::MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN if (-not $down) { $mouseCode = [int][MouseFlags]::MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP } switch($command.Button) { "Right" { if ($down) { $mouseCode = [int][MouseFlags]::MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN } else { $mouseCode = [int][MouseFlags]::MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP } break } "Middle" { if ($down) { $mouseCode = [int][MouseFlags]::MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEDOWN } else { $mouseCode = [int][MouseFlags]::MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEUP } } } [W.U32]::mouse_event($mouseCode, 0, 0, 0, 0); break } # Mouse Move "Move" { [W.U32]::SetCursorPos($command.X, $command.Y) break } } break } # Mouse Wheel Simulation "MouseWheel" { [W.U32]::mouse_event([int][MouseFlags]::MOUSEEVENTF_WHEEL, 0, 0, $command.Delta, 0); break } } } } function New-RunSpace { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a new PowerShell Runspace. .DESCRIPTION Notice: the $host variable is used for debugging purpose to write on caller PowerShell Terminal. .PARAMETER ScriptBlock A PowerShell block of code to be evaluated on the new Runspace. .PARAMETER Param Optional extra parameters to be attached to Runspace. .EXAMPLE New-RunSpace -Client $newClient -ScriptBlock { Start-Sleep -Seconds 10 } #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock, [PSCustomObject] $Param = $null ) $syncHash = [HashTable]::Synchronized(@{}) $syncHash.host = $host # For debugging purpose if ($Param) { $syncHash.Param = $Param } $runspace = [RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspace() $runspace.ThreadOptions = "ReuseThread" $runspace.ApartmentState = "STA" $runspace.Open() $runspace.SessionStateProxy.SetVariable("syncHash", $syncHash) $powershell = [PowerShell]::Create().AddScript($ScriptBlock) $powershell.Runspace = $runspace $asyncResult = $powershell.BeginInvoke() return New-Object PSCustomObject -Property @{ Runspace = $runspace PowerShell = $powershell AsyncResult = $asyncResult } } function Test-Administrator { <# .SYNOPSIS Return true if current PowerShell is running with Administrator privilege, otherwise return false. #> $windowsPrincipal = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal( [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent() ) return $windowsPrincipal.IsInRole( [Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator ) } function Invoke-RemoteDesktopServer { <# .SYNOPSIS Start a new Remote Desktop Server. .DESCRIPTION Notice: Certificate options are evaluated in this order. 1) CertificateFile. 2) EncodedCertificate. .PARAMETER ListenAddress Define in which interface to listen for new viewer. .PARAMETER ListenPort Define in which port to listen for new viewer. .PARAMETER Password Define password used during authentication process. (!) Absolutely use a complex password. If no password is specified, then a random complex password will be generated and printed on terminal. .PARAMETER CertificateFile A valid X509 Certificate (With Private Key) File. If set, this parameter is prioritize. .PARAMETER EncodedCertificate A valid X509 Certificate (With Private Key) encoded as a Base64 String. .PARAMETER TransportMode Tell server how to send desktop image to remote viewer. Best method is Raw Bytes but I decided to keep the Base64 transport method as an alternative. .PARAMETER TLSv1_3 Define whether or not TLS v1.3 must be used for communication with Viewer. .PARAMETER DisableVerbosity Disable verbosity (not recommended) .PARAMETER ImageQuality JPEG Compression level from 0 to 100 0 = Lowest quality. 100 = Highest quality. #> param ( [string] $ListenAddress = "", [int] $ListenPort = 2801, [string] $Password = "", [string] $CertificateFile = "", # 1 # Or [string] $EncodedCertificate = "", # 2 [TransportMode] $TransportMode = "Raw", [switch] $TLSv1_3, [switch] $DisableVerbosity, [int] $ImageQuality = 100 ) [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]$runspaces = @() $oldErrorActionPreference = $ErrorActionPreference $oldVerbosePreference = $VerbosePreference try { $ErrorActionPreference = "stop" if (-not $DisableVerbosity) { $VerbosePreference = "continue" } else { $VerbosePreference = "SilentlyContinue" } Write-Banner [W.User32]::SetProcessDPIAware() | Out-Null if (-not (Test-Administrator) -and -not $CertificateFile -and -not $EncodedCertificate) { throw "Insuficient Privilege`r`n` When a custom X509 Certificate is not specified, server will generate and install a default one on local machine store.`r`n` This operation requires Administrator Privilege.`r`n` Specify your own X509 Certificate or run the server in a elevated prompt." } if ($CertificateFile) { # TODO: Test if certificate is well-formed. if (-not (Test-Path -Path $CertificateFile)) { throw "Certificate file not found at location: ""${CertificateFile}""." } } if (-not $Password) { $Password = ( # a-Z, 0-9, !@#%^&*_ -join ((48..57) + (64..90) + 35 + (37..38) + 33 + 42 + 94 + 95 + (97..122) | Get-Random -Count 18 | ForEach-Object{[char] $_}) ) Write-Host -NoNewLine "Server password: """ Write-Host -NoNewLine ${Password} -ForegroundColor green Write-Host """." } else { if (-not (Test-PasswordComplexity -PasswordCandidate $Password)) { throw "Password complexity is too weak. Please choose a password following following rules:`r`n` * Minimum 12 Characters`r`n` * One of following symbols: ""!@#%^&*_""`r`n` * At least of lower case character`r`n` * At least of upper case character`r`n" } } $Certificate = $null if ($CertificateFile -or $EncodedCertificate) { $Certificate = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 if ($CertificateFile) { $Certificate.Import($CertificateFile) } else { $Certificate.Import([Convert]::FromBase64String($EncodedCertificate)) } } # Create new server and listen $server = [ServerIO]::New( $ListenAddress, $ListenPort, $Password, $TransportMode, $Certificate, $TLSv1_3 ) $server.Listen() while ($true) { try { Write-Verbose "Server waiting for new incomming session..." # Establish a new Remote Desktop Session. $clientDesktop = $server.PullClient(0); # Attach to existing session a new handler. # An established session is expected to open a new client in the next 10 seconds. # Otherwise a Timeout Exception will be raised. # Actually, if someone else decide to connect in the mean time it will interrupt the whole session, # Remote Viewer will then need to establish a new session from scratch. $clientControl = $server.PullClient(10 * 1000); # Grab desired screen to capture $screen = [System.Windows.Forms.Screen]::AllScreens | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.DeviceName -eq $server.Session.Screen } # Create Runspace #1 for Desktop Streaming. $param = New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property @{ Client = $clientDesktop Screen = $screen ImageQuality = $ImageQuality } $newRunspace = (New-RunSpace -ScriptBlock $global:DesktopStreamScriptBlock -Param $param) $runspaces.Add($newRunspace) # Create Runspace #2 for Input Control. $param = New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property @{ Client = $clientControl } $newRunspace = (New-RunSpace -ScriptBlock $global:InputControlScriptBlock -Param $param) $runspaces.Add($newRunspace) # Waiting for Runspaces to finish their jobs. while ($true) { # TODO: Inspect TCP Table to probe for ghost connections and gracefully close them. $completed = $true # Probe each existing runspaces foreach ($runspace in $runspaces) { if (-not $runspace.AsyncResult.IsCompleted) { $completed = $false break } } if ($completed) { break } Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 } } catch { Write-Output "Viewer Session Exception Raised:" Write-Host $_ -ForegroundColor Red Write-Output "---" } finally { Write-Verbose "Terminate session and close active connections..." $server.CloseSession() if ($clientControl) { $clientControl.Close() } if ($clientDesktop) { $clientDesktop.Close() } Write-Verbose "Free runspaces..." foreach ($runspace in $runspaces) { $runspace.PowerShell.EndInvoke($runspace.AsyncResult) | Out-Null $runspace.PowerShell.Runspace.Dispose() $runspace.PowerShell.Dispose() } $runspaces.Clear() } } } finally { if ($server) { $server.Close() } $ErrorActionPreference = $oldErrorActionPreference $VerbosePreference = $oldVerbosePreference } } try { Export-ModuleMember -Function Invoke-RemoteDesktopServer } catch {} |