#Requires -Version 5.1 #Requires -Modules 'PowerProfile.Core' $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Module.OnRemove = { function Global:prompt { "PS $($ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation)$('>' * ($nestedPromptLevel + 1)) "; # .Link # https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=225750 # .ExternalHelp System.Management.Automation.dll-help.xml } Remove-Module -Force -Name PowerProfile-Dyn.* -ErrorAction Ignore Remove-Module -Force -Name PowerProfile.Core.Load -ErrorAction Ignore Remove-Module -Force -Name PowerProfile.Core -ErrorAction Ignore } #region PowerProfile Environment if ($null -eq $env:PSLVL) { if ((Get-PoProfileContent).Modules.Count -gt 0) { [array]::Reverse((Get-PoProfileContent).Modules) foreach ($p in (Get-PoProfileContent).Modules) { $env:PSModulePath += [System.IO.Path]::PathSeparator + $p } } if ((Get-PoProfileContent).Scripts.Count -gt 0) { [array]::Reverse((Get-PoProfileContent).Scripts) foreach ($p in (Get-PoProfileContent).Scripts) { $env:PATH += [System.IO.Path]::PathSeparator + $p } } } if ($null -ne $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Module.PrivateData.PSData.Prerelease) { $Global:PoProfilePrerelease = $true } #endregion #region Profiles function Initialize-Profiles { Write-PoProfileProgress -ProfileTitle 'Loading profile' #region User functions if ((Get-PoProfileContent).Functions.Count -gt 0) { New-Module -Name 'PowerProfile-Dyn.Functions' -ScriptBlock { $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' Write-PoProfileItemProgress -ItemTitle 'Functions' :FunctionNames foreach ($FunctionFullName in (Get-PoProfileContent).Functions.Keys) { $FunctionIsVisible = $false if ($FunctionFullName -match '(?i)^([0-9\w- ]+)((?:\.\w+)+)?\.(\w+)$') { $FunctionName = $Matches[1] if ($null -ne $Matches[2]) { :FunctionProperties switch ($Matches[2].Substring(1).Split('.')) { Visible { $FunctionIsVisible = $true } Setup { if ( $IsCommand -or $null -ne $env:PSLVL -or $IsNonInteractive -or $null -ne $PSDebugContext ) { continue FunctionNames } # Do not run any setup with root privileges # to avoid file permission hickups on *Unix if ( -Not $IsWindows -and $null -ne $env:IsElevated ) { continue FunctionNames } } Interactive { if ( ( $IsCommand -and -Not $IsNoExit ) -or $IsNonInteractive ) { continue FunctionNames } } NonInteractive { if (-Not $IsNonInteractive) { continue FunctionNames } } Command { if (-Not $IsCommand) { continue FunctionNames } } NoCommand { if ($IsCommand) { continue FunctionNames } } CommandNoExit { if ( -Not $IsCommand -or -Not $IsNoExit ) { continue FunctionNames } } Login { if (-Not $IsLogin) { continue FunctionNames } } NoLogin { if ($IsLogin) { continue FunctionNames } } Elevated { if ($null -eq $env:IsElevated) { continue FunctionNames } } NotElevated { if ($null -ne $env:IsElevated) { continue FunctionNames } } Default { Write-PoProfileItemProgress -ItemTextColor $PSStyle.Foreground.Magenta -Depth 1 -ItemText (($FunctionFullName -replace '\.[^.]*$','') + '?') continue FunctionNames } } } } else { Write-PoProfileItemProgress -ItemTextColor $PSStyle.Foreground.BrightMagenta -Depth 1 -ItemText ($FunctionFullName -replace '\.[^.]*$','') continue FunctionNames } try { $null = . (Get-PoProfileContent).Functions.$FunctionFullName if ($FunctionIsVisible) { Write-PoProfileItemProgress -ItemTextColor $PSStyle.Foreground.Green -Depth 1 -ItemText $FunctionName } } catch { Write-PoProfileItemProgress -ItemTextColor $PSStyle.Foreground.BrightRed -Depth 1 -ItemText $FunctionName } } Export-ModuleMember -Function * -Alias * -Variable @() } | Import-Module -Global -DisableNameChecking } #endregion #region User profiles $ProfileId = 1 foreach ($CurrentProfile in @(Get-PoProfileProfilesList)) { if ($null -eq (Get-PoProfileContent).Profiles.$CurrentProfile) { $ProfileId++ continue } switch ($ProfileId) { 1 { $DynModName = 'PowerProfile-Dyn.Scripts' } 2 { $DynModName = 'PowerProfile-Dyn.Scripts.' + (($env:LC_PSHOST -replace ' ','.') -replace '_','') Write-PoProfileProgress -ProfileTitle "Loading profile for $env:LC_PSHOST" if ([System.IO.File]::Exists($PROFILE.CurrentUserCurrentHost)) { Write-PoProfileProgress -ScriptTitleType Warning -ScriptTitle ((Split-Path -Leaf $PROFILE.CurrentUserCurrentHost)+' might interfere with PowerProfile.'),'You should delete the file and transform its functionality to PowerProfile directory format.' } } 3 { $DynModName = 'PowerProfile-Dyn.Scripts.' + (($env:LC_TERMINAL -replace ' ','.') -replace '_','') Write-PoProfileProgress -ProfileTitle "Loading profile for $env:LC_TERMINAL" } } Set-PoProfileState -Name 'CurrentProfile' -Value $CurrentProfile New-Module -Name $DynModName -ScriptBlock { $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' $CurrentProfile = Get-PoProfileState 'CurrentProfile' $SetupState = Get-PoProfileState ('PoProfile.Setup.'+$CurrentProfile) :ScriptNames foreach ($ScriptFullName in ((Get-PoProfileContent).Profiles.$CurrentProfile.keys | Sort-Object)) { $ScriptIsHidden = $false $ScriptHasOutput = $false $ScriptIsSetup = $false if ($ScriptFullName -match '(?i)^([0-9]{4,})?((?:\.\w+)+)?-?([\w ]+)((?:\.\w+)+)?\.(\w+)$') { if ($null -ne $Matches[1]) { [decimal]$ScriptSortingNumber = $Matches[1] } if ($null -ne $Matches[2]) { $ScriptProviderDetails = $Matches[2].Substring(1).Split('.') } $ScriptName = $Matches[3] -replace '_',' ' if ($null -ne $Matches[4]) { :ScriptProperties switch ($Matches[4].Substring(1).Split('.')) { Hidden { $ScriptIsHidden = $true } Output { $ScriptHasOutput = $true } Setup { if ( $IsCommand -or $null -ne $env:PSLVL -or $IsNonInteractive -or $null -ne $PSDebugContext ) { continue ScriptNames } # Do not run any setup with root privileges # to avoid file permission hickups on *Unix if ( -Not $IsWindows -and $null -ne $env:IsElevated ) { continue ScriptNames } $ScriptIsSetup = $true } Interactive { if ( ( $IsCommand -and -Not $IsNoExit ) -or $IsNonInteractive ) { continue ScriptNames } } NonInteractive { if (-Not $IsNonInteractive) { continue ScriptNames } } Command { if (-Not $IsCommand) { continue ScriptNames } } NoCommand { if ($IsCommand) { continue ScriptNames } } CommandNoExit { if ( -Not $IsCommand -or -Not $IsNoExit ) { continue ScriptNames } } Login { if (-Not $IsLogin) { continue ScriptNames } } NoLogin { if ($IsLogin) { continue ScriptNames } } Elevated { if ($null -eq $env:IsElevated) { continue ScriptNames } } NotElevated { if ($null -ne $env:IsElevated) { continue ScriptNames } } } } } else { Write-PoProfileProgress -ScriptTitle ($PSStyle.Foreground.BrightYellow + $PSStyle.BoldOff + '[Ignored] ' + $PSStyle.Foreground.White + $ScriptFullName + $PSStyle.Foreground.Yellow + ' (file name sorting number?)') -NoCounter continue ScriptNames } if ($ScriptIsSetup) { if ($null -eq $SetupState.$ScriptFullName) { Add-Member -InputObject $SetupState -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $ScriptFullName -Value @{ ErrorMessage = @() LastUpdate = $null State = 'Incomplete' } } elseif($SetupState.$ScriptFullName.State -ne 'Complete') { $SetupState.$ScriptFullName.ErrorMessage = @() $SetupState.$ScriptFullName.State = 'Incomplete' } else { continue ScriptNames } } if (-Not $ScriptIsHidden) { Write-PoProfileProgress -ScriptTitle $ScriptName } try { if ($ScriptHasOutput) { . (Get-PoProfileContent).Profiles.$CurrentProfile.$ScriptFullName } else { $null = . (Get-PoProfileContent).Profiles.$CurrentProfile.$ScriptFullName } } catch { if (-Not $ScriptHasOutput) { if ($ScriptIsHidden) { Write-PoProfileProgress -ScriptTitle $ScriptName } Write-PoProfileProgress -ScriptTitle @(($_.Exception.Message).Trim() -split [System.Environment]::NewLine) -ScriptTitleType Error } } if ($ScriptIsSetup) { $SetupState.$ScriptFullName.LastUpdate = Get-Date } } Set-PoProfileState -Name ('PoProfile.Setup.'+$CurrentProfile) -Value $SetupState } | Import-Module -Global -DisableNameChecking $ProfileId++ } #endregion Remove-PoProfileState 'CurrentProfile' Save-PoProfileState } # Load narrow profile if ($IsCommand) { Initialize-Profiles } # Load full interactive profile if(-Not $IsCommand -or $IsNoExit) { # Environment notices if ($null -eq $env:PSLVL -and -Not $IsNoExit) { Write-PoProfileProgress -ProfileTitle 'NOTICE' -ScriptCategory '' if ($null -ne $env:IsElevated) { Write-PoProfileProgress -ScriptTitle 'Careful! Running session with ELEVATED PRIVILEGES' -ScriptTitleType Warning } if ($IsWindows -and $null -ne $env:IsProfileRedirected) { Start-Job -Name 'PROFILEHOMEAttr' -ScriptBlock { attrib.exe +P $PROFILEHOME; Push-Location $PROFILEHOME; attrib.exe +P /S /D /L } } } # Load scripts from narrow profile if not loaded already if (-Not $IsCommand) { Initialize-Profiles } Write-PoProfileProgress -ProfileTitle 'INITIALIZATION COMPLETE' # just to get newline in case we had output before } #endregion |