$ModuleFolder = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -replace "PowerMist_Orgs\.psm1" Function Get-MistOrganizations { param ( ) return (Get-MistUserInfo $MistSession).privileges | where {$_.Scope -eq "org"} } Function Get-MistOrgWlans { param ( ) Invoke-RestMethod -uri "$MistAPIURI/orgs/$MistOrgID/wlans" -WebSession $MistSession } Function Get-MistOrgTemplate { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidatePattern("\w{8}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{12}")] [String] $TemplateID ) Invoke-RestMethod -uri "$MistAPIURI/orgs/$MistOrgID/templates/$TemplateID" -WebSession $MistSession } Function Get-MistOrgWlan { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidatePattern("\w{8}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{12}")] [String] $OrgWlanID ) Invoke-RestMethod -uri "$MistAPIURI/orgs/$MistOrgID/wlans/$OrgWlanID" -WebSession $MistSession } Function Get-MistOrgTemplates { param ( ) Invoke-RestMethod -uri "$MistAPIURI/orgs/$MistOrgID/templates" -WebSession $MistSession } Function Get-MistOrgGroup { param ( [ValidatePattern("\w{8}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{12}")] [String] $GroupID ) Invoke-RestMethod -uri "$MistAPIURI/orgs/$MistOrgID/sitegroups/$GroupID" -WebSession $MistSession } Function Get-MistOrgRFTemplates { param ( ) Invoke-RestMethod -uri "$MistAPIURI/orgs/$MistOrgID/rftemplates" -WebSession $MistSession } Function Get-MistOrgPsks { param ( ) Get-PageinatedList -ListUri "$MistAPIURI/orgs/$MistOrgID/psks" -PageSize 100 -WebSession $MistSession } Function Get-MistGroupWlans { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidatePattern("\w{8}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{12}")] [String] $GroupID ) $Wlans = @() $Templates = Get-MistOrgTemplates $MistSession $MistOrgID $OrgWlans = Get-MistOrgWlans $MistSession $MistOrgID foreach ($Template in $Templates) { Write-verbose "Checking Template - $($Template.id)" if ($Template.applies.sitegroup_ids -contains $GroupID) { Write-verbose "Template - $($Template.id) is applied to the group" foreach ($Wlan in $OrgWlans) { if ($Wlan.template_id -eq $Template.id) { Write-verbose "WLAN - $($Wlan.id) is part of the template" $Wlans += @($Wlan) } else { Write-verbose "WLAN - $($Wlan.id) is not part of the template" } } } else { Write-verbose "Template - $($Template.id) is not applied to the group" } } return $Wlans } Function Get-MistSites { param ( ) Get-PageinatedList -ListURI "$MistAPIURI/orgs/$MistOrgID/sites" -PageSize 100 -WebSession $MistSession } Function Get-MistSiteGroups { param ( ) Invoke-RestMethod -uri "$MistAPIURI/orgs/$MistOrgID/sitegroups" -WebSession $MistSession } Function Get-MistInventory { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidatePattern("\w{8}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{12}")] [String] $OrgID ) if ($OrgID -eq $null) { $OrgID = $MistOrgID } Invoke-RestMethod -uri "$MistAPIURI/orgs/$OrgID/inventory" -WebSession $MistSession } Function New-MistOrgPSK { param ( $Name, $Passphrase, $SSID, $Usage = 0, $VLAN = "" ) $PSKInfo = " { ""name"": ""$Name"", ""ssid"": ""$SSID"", ""passphrase"": ""$Passphrase"", ""usage"": ""0"", ""vlan"": ""$VLAN"" } " Invoke-WebRequest -uri "$MistAPIURI/orgs/$MistOrgID/psks" -WebSession $MistSession -Method Post -Body $PSKInfo -ContentType "application/json" } Function Update-MistOrgPSK { param ( $PSKs ) if ($PSKs.count -eq $Null) { $PSKs = @($PSKs) } $PSKJSON = convertto-json $PSKs Invoke-WebRequest -uri "$MistAPIURI/orgs/$MistOrgID/psks" -Websession $MistSession -Method PUT -Body $PSKJSON -ContentType "application/json" } Function Get-MistOrgDeviceStats { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidatePattern("\w{8}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{12}")] [String] $DeviceID ) $ListURI = "$MistAPIURI/orgs/$MistOrgID/stats/devices" $AllWaps = Get-PageinatedList -ListURI $ListURI -PageSize 100 -WebSession $MistSession if ($DeviceID) { $AllWaps = $AllWaps | where {$_.id -eq $DeviceID} } return $AllWaps | where {$_.ip.Length -gt 0} } Function Get-MistOrgEdges { param ( ) $ListURI = "$MistAPIURI/orgs/$MistOrgID/mxedges" $Edges = Get-PageinatedList -ListURI $ListURI -PageSize 100 -WebSession $MistSession return $Edges } Function New-MistSite { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $SiteName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String] $TimeZone = "Etc/GMT", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String] $Country = "GB", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String] $Address = "Greenwich, London SE10 8XJ, United Kingdom", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Object[]] $SiteGroups ) $SiteProperties = "{ ""name"": ""$SiteName"", ""timezone"": ""$TimeZone"", ""country_code"": ""$Country"", ""secpolicy_id"": """", ""alarmtemplate_id"": """", ""sitegroup_ids"": $(if ($SiteGroups -ne $null) {Get-JSONArray $SiteGroups} else {"[ ]"}), ""address"": ""$Address"" }" Invoke-WebRequest -uri "$MistAPIURI/orgs/$MistOrgID/sites" -WebSession $MistSession -Method Post -Body $SiteProperties -ContentType "application/json" } Function New-MistSiteGroup { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $Name ) $SiteGroupProperties = "{ ""name"": ""$Name"" }" Invoke-WebRequest -uri "$MistAPIURI/orgs/$MistOrgID/sitegroups" -WebSession $MistSession -Method Post -Body $SiteGroupProperties -ContentType "application/json" } Function Reset-MistOrgEdgePorts { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidatePattern("\w{8}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{12}")] [String] $MEID, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Object[]] $BouncePorts ) $Ports = "{ ""ports"": $(if ($BouncePorts -ne $null) {Get-JSONArray $BouncePorts} else {"[ ]"}) }" ## Write-Host "$MistAPIURI/orgs/$MistOrgID/mxedges/$MEID/services/tunterm/bounce_port" ## Write-Host "$BouncePorts" ## Write-Host $Ports Invoke-WebRequest -uri "$MistAPIURI/orgs/$MistOrgID/mxedges/$MEID/services/tunterm/bounce_port" -WebSession $MistSession -Method Post -Body $Ports -ContentType "application/json" } Function Disconnect-MistWAPfromEdge { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidatePattern("\w{8}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{12}")] [String] $MEID, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string[]] $DisconnectWAPs ) Write-Host $DisconnectWAPs $Hyphenated = @() $Hyphenated += Get-SeperatedMAC $DisconnectWAP "-" #Write-Host $Hyphenated $WAPArr = "{ ""macs"": $(if ($DisconnectWAPs -ne $null) {Get-JSONArray $Hyphenated} else {"[ ]"}) }" Write-Host "$MistAPIURI/orgs/$MistOrgID/mxedges/$MEID/services/tunterm/disconnect_aps" Invoke-WebRequest -uri "$MistAPIURI/orgs/$MistOrgID/mxedges/$MEID/services/tunterm/disconnect_aps" -WebSession $MistSession -Method Post -Body $WAPArr -ContentType "application/json" } Function Disconnect-MistWAPsfromEdgeAtRandom { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidatePattern("\w{8}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{12}")] [String] $MEID, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [int] $percentage ) #Write-Host $Hyphenated $WAPArr = "{ ""percentage"": $percentage }" Write-Host "$MistAPIURI/orgs/$MistOrgID/mxedges/$MEID/services/tunterm/disconnect_aps" Invoke-WebRequest -uri "$MistAPIURI/orgs/$MistOrgID/mxedges/$MEID/services/tunterm/disconnect_aps" -WebSession $MistSession -Method Post -Body $WAPArr -ContentType "application/json" } Function Import-MistSites { param ( ) $Sites = import-csv -LiteralPath $CSV $ExistingSites = Get-AllSites $MistSession foreach ($Site in $Sites) { $SiteName = "$($Site.'Site Code') - $($Site.'Branch Name')" if (($ExistingSites | where {$_.name -match $Site.'Site Code'}) -eq $null) { Write-Host "$SiteName Doesn't exist" New-Site $MistSession $SiteName } else { Write-Host "$SiteName Exists" } } } Function Get-MistDeviceManagementURI { param ( $MistDevice ) return "https://manage.mist.com/admin/?org_id=$($MistDevice.org_id)#!$($MistDevice.type)/detail/$($MistDevice.id)/$($MistDevice.site_id)" } function remove-MistOrkPSK { param ( $PSKtoRemove ) } function Get-MistInsightMetrics { param ( ) Get-PageinatedList "$MistAPIURI/const/insight_metrics" } |