## Constants #ToDo Change all hashtables to lookups from API for more flexibility # Mist API Endpoint #Forcing TLS1.2 otherwise requests on certain machines will fail [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 Import-module AdhocAves.CommonFunctions -force ## Variables + getters and setters $MistAPIURI = "https://api.mist.com/api/v1" $MistSession = $null $MistAPIToken = $null $MistOrgID = $null $MistUserCreds = $null $MistVariablesSave = $false $MistVariablesToSave = @("MistAPIToken","MistAPIURI","MistOrgID","MistVariablesSave","MistVariablesToSave") $ModuleFolder = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -replace "PowerMist\.psm1" $SaveFile = "PowerMist-$($ENV:Username)-Variables.json" $MistCountries = @{ "default"="GB" } $MistTimeZones = @{ "default"="Etc/GMT" } Function Get-MistSavedAPIURI { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the current used APIUri for the mist module .DESCRIPTION Outputs the module variable that stores the URI used for API Calls to Mist #> $MistAPIURI } Function Get-MistSavedSession { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the current used WebSession for the mist module .DESCRIPTION Outputs the module variable that stores the WebSession used for API Calls to Mist #> $MistSession } Function Get-MistSavedAPIToken { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the current used APIToken for the mist module .DESCRIPTION Outputs the module variable that stores the APIToken used for API Calls to Mist #> $MistAPIToken } Function Get-MistSavedOrgID { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the current used orgid for the mist module .DESCRIPTION Outputs the module variable that stores the currently selected orgid used for organisation specific api calls #> $MistOrgID } Function Get-MistSavedUserCreds { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the current used credentials for the mist module .DESCRIPTION Outputs the module variable that stores the credentials used for API Calls to Mist #> $MistUserCreds } Function Get-MistVariableSaveStatus { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the current status of the variable save functions for the mist module .DESCRIPTION Outputs module variable save system status #> $MistVariablesSave } Function Get-MistVariableSaveList { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the current list of variables to save from the mist module .DESCRIPTION Outputs the list of module variable that will be saved #> $MistVariablesToSave } Function Set-MistSavedAPIURI { <# .SYNOPSIS Sets the APIURI to use for API Calls to Mist .DESCRIPTION Sets the APIURI to use for API Calls to Mist The APIURI has to follow the following format: (protocol)://(fqdn)/(apiroot) by default it is https://api.mist.com/api/v1 This variable should never change. .EXAMPLE Set-MistAPIURI -NewMistAPIURI https://api.mist.com/api/v1 #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $NewMistAPIURI ) set-variable -scope Global -name MistAPIURI -value $NewMistAPIURI } Function Restart-MistSession { <# .SYNOPSIS Refreshes the Web session to use for API Calls to Mist .DESCRIPTION Refreshes or creates a new API Session .EXAMPLE Restart-MistSession -token #> param ( [switch] $token, [switch] $credentials ) if (($token) -or ($MistAPIToken -ne $null)) { Invoke-MistLogin -APIToken $MistAPIToken } elseif ($credentials -or ($MistUserCreds -ne $null)) { Invoke-MistLogin -AP } else { throw "No possible authentication process designated, please check your credentials and try again" } } Function Set-MistSavedAPIToken { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [System.Collections.Hashtable] $NewMistAPIToken ) set-variable -scope Global -name MistAPIToken -value $NewMistAPIToken } Function Set-MistSavedAPITokenFromPath { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $NewMistAPITokenPath ) $NewMistAPIToken = Import-MistAPIToken $NewMistAPITokenPath set-variable -scope Global -name MistAPIToken -value $NewMistAPIToken } Function Set-MistSavedOrgID { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $NewMistOrgID ) set-variable -scope Global -name MistOrgID -value $NewMistOrgID } Function Set-MistSavedUserCreds { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [System.Management.Automation.PsCredential] $NewMistUserCreds ) set-variable -scope Global -name MistUserCreds -value $NewMistUserCreds } Function Set-MistVariablesSave { param ( [switch] $enable, [switch] $disable ) if ($enable) { set-variable -scope Global -name MistVariablesSave -value $true } elseif ($disable) { set-variable -scope Global -name MistVariablesSave -value $false } else { throw "No flag set, please call this function with either -enable or -disable" } } Function Set-MistVariablesToSave { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Object[]] $NewVariablesToSave ) set-variable -scope Global -name MistVariablesToSave -value $NewVariablesToSave } Function Add-MistVariablesToSave { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Object[]] $NewVariablesToSave ) $TempVars = (($MistVariablesToSave + $NewVariablesToSave) | select -unique) set-variable -scope Global -name MistVariablesToSave -value $TempVars } Function Invoke-MistVariableSave { $AllVariables = Get-Variable -scope Global | where {$_.name -match "Mist"} | where {$_.name -in $MistVariablesToSave} Write-Debug "Starting save job to $SaveFile" Invoke-VariableJSONSave -ModuleName "PowerMist" -SaveFile $SaveFile -Variables $AllVariables -verbosepreference:$VerbosePreference } Function Invoke-MistVariableLoad { Write-Debug "Starting load job from $SaveFile" $Variables = Invoke-VariableJSONLoad -LoadFile $SaveFile -Verbosepreference:$VerbosePreference foreach ($Variable in $Variables) { Write-Debug "Importing variable $($Variable.name)" set-variable -name $Variable.name -Value $Variable.Value -scope Global } } ## Functions Import-module "$ModuleFolder\PowerMist_Auth.psm1" ## Load any saved variables Invoke-MistVariableLoad try { $MistAPIToken = Get-Variable -Scope Global -Name MistAPIToken -Value -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $MistUserCreds = Get-Variable -Scope Global -Name MistUserCreds -Value -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } catch { } if ($MistAPIToken -ne $null) { Write-Verbose $MistAPIToken.id Write-Verbose $MistAPIToken.key Invoke-MistLogin -APIToken $MistAPIToken } elseif ($MistUserCreds -ne $null) { Write-Verbose $MistUserCreds Invoke-MistLogin -Credentials $MistUserCreds } else { Write-Debug $MistAPIToken Write-Debug $MistUserCreds Write-Debug "No credentials stored" } |