#requires -module @{ModuleName='PowerLine';ModuleVersion='4.0.0'} param( $StartColor = "DeepSkyBlue", $EndColor = "SlateBlue4" ) $Colors = Get-Gradient $StartColor $EndColor -steps 8 | Get-Complement -Passthru -BlackAndWhite # If this is re-run, clear up the old job, and start a new one Get-Job -Name WeatherQuery -ErrorAction Ignore | Stop-Job -PassThru | Remove-Job $null = Start-ThreadJob -Name WeatherQuery { while ($true) { (Invoke-RestMethod "wttr.in?format=%c%t") -replace " +", " " Start-Sleep 300 # This job will update the weather every 5 minutes } } $ContinuationPromptColor = $Colors[0] Set-PowerLinePrompt -SetCurrentDirectory -PowerLineFont -RepeatPrompt LastLine -PSReadlineErrorColor Tomato -PSReadLineContinuationPrompt █ -PSReadLineContinuationPromptColor $Colors[0] -Title { -join @( if (Test-Elevation) { "Admin: " } "PS" + $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major + " " Convert-Path $pwd ) } -Prompt @( Show-ElapsedTime -Autoformat -Bg White -Fg Black -Prefix "" -Caps '','' New-TerminalBlock -Newline Show-Date -Format "h\:mm" -Bg $Colors[2] -Fg $Colors[3] Show-JobOutput -Name WeatherQuery -Bg $Colors[4] -Fg $Colors[5] Show-LocationStack Show-NestedPromptLevel -RepeatCharacter "&Gear;" -Postfix " " -Bg $Colors[6] -Fg $Colors[7] New-TerminalBlock -Spacer -Bg $Colors[6] Show-PoshGitStatus -Bg $Colors[8] Show-Path -HomeString "&House;" -Separator '' -Bg $Colors[10] -Fg $Colors[11] New-TerminalBlock -Newline # This is literally just a decorative chevron to match the continuation prompt New-TerminalBlock -Content "&ColorSeparator;" -Background $Colors[0] -Foreground $colors[13] Show-HistoryId -Bg $Colors[14] -Fg $Colors[15] ) |