#requires -module @{ModuleName='PowerLine';ModuleVersion='1.1.0'} using module PowerLine using namespace PowerLine # Replace the Caps and Separators with characters that exist in Consolas and Courier New [PowerLine.Prompt]::ColorSeparator = [char]0x258C [PowerLine.Prompt]::ReverseColorSeparator = [char]0x2590 [PowerLine.Prompt]::Separator = [char]0x25BA [PowerLine.Prompt]::ReverseSeparator = [char]0x25C4 $global:PowerLinePrompt = 1, @( # on the first line, two columns -- the first one is null (empty), the second is right-justified $null, @( @{ bg = "DarkGray"; fg = "Black"; text = { Get-Elapsed } } @{ bg = "Gray"; fg = "Black"; text = { Get-Date -f "T" } } ) ), @( @{ bg = "Blue"; fg = "White"; text = { $MyInvocation.HistoryId } } @{ bg = "Cyan"; fg = "White"; text = { [PowerLine.Prompt]::Gear * $NestedPromptLevel } } @{ bg = "Cyan"; fg = "White"; text = { if($pushd = (Get-Location -Stack).count) { "$([char]187)" + $pushd } } } @{ bg = "DarkBlue"; fg = "White"; text = { $pwd.Drive.Name } } @{ bg = "DarkBlue"; fg = "White"; text = { Split-Path $pwd -leaf } } ) Set-PowerLinePrompt -ResetSeparators -CurrentDirectory -Title { "PowerShell - {0} ({1})" -f (Convert-Path $pwd), $pwd.Provider.Name } |