
# dull prompt
ipmo Powerline; Set-PowerlinePrompt
# That's a little prettier ...
pushd .\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\
# Oh, I want to see the location stack size
Get-Location -Stack
if($pushd = (Get-Location -Stack).count) { "?" + $pushd }
# That'll work ... let's try putting that in our prompt
using module PowerLine
$PushLine = [PowerLineBlock]@{
    bg = "cyan";
    fg = "white"
    text = { if($pushd = (Get-Location -Stack).count) { "»" + $pushd } }
# Perfect, now let's insert that ...
# Tada!!!

# Now let's see about adding the elapsed time on the right side
$PromptLine = [PowerLine]::New(@(
    [PowerLineBlock]::Column # This is the column break, the rest is right-aligned
    [PowerLineBlock]@{ bg = "DarkGray";     fg = "white"; text = { Get-Elapsed } }
# Looks good, we'll stick it in as the first line
$PowerLinePrompt.Lines.Insert(0, $PromptLine)
# And to make it overlap the previous output, set the count of "PrefixLines"
$PowerLinePrompt.PrefixLines = 1