
function Invoke-JiraGetIssuePickerSuggestions {
    param (
        # A string to match against text fields in the issue such as title, description, or comments.

        # A JQL string defining the set of issues from which to make suggestions

        # The ID of a project to which an issue must belong in order to be included in the suggestions

        # Provide a single issue key to be excluded from results. Useful if using this in the context of an issue.

        # Set this flag to exclude the parent issue from results if ExcludeIssueKey is a subtask

        # Set this flag to exclude subtasks from the suggestion list

        # The JiraContext object to use for the request
    begin {
        $results = @()
    process {
        $functionPath = "/rest/api/2/issue/picker"
        $verb = "GET"

        $query = New-Object RestMethodQueryParams @{
            showSubTasks = !$HideSubTasks
            showSubTaskParent = !$HideSubTaskParent

        $method = New-Object RestMethod @($functionPath,$verb,$query)
        $results += $method.Invoke($JiraContext)
    end {