
function New-JiraConnection {
    param (
        # The Jira username of the user performing actions

        # The Jira password (or API Token) of the user performing actions

        # The hostname of the Jira instance to interact with (e.g.

        # Configure the number of retry attempts for rest calls
        $Retries = 1,

        # Configure the delay (in seconds) between retry attempts
        $RetryDelay = 1
    # create the unencoded string
    $credentialsText = "$UserName`:$Password"

    # encode the string in base64
    $credentialsBytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($credentialsText)
    $encodedCredentials = [Convert]::ToBase64String($credentialsBytes)

    # format the host name
    $formattedHost = (&{If($HostName.EndsWith("/")) {$HostName.Substring(0,$HostName.Length-1)} else {$HostName}})

        AuthHeader = @{Authorization="Basic $encodedCredentials"}
        HostName = $formattedHost
        Retry = @{
            Max = $Retries
            Delay = $RetryDelay