
Function Get-JoinedTeams
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "users/{id}/joinedTeams",
                   ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]

    # if ($global:PowerGraph_AccessToken.TokenType -eq "Client Credentials")
    # { Write-Warning "You cannot currently retrieve Plans for a Group using the Client Credentials authorization model. You might need to call Connect-MSGraph with a username and password first instead." }

    switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
        "users/{id}/joinedTeams" {

            #Todo: Validate UserId is valid for type

            if ($global:PowerGraph_AccessToken.TokenType -eq "Password")
                { Write-Warning "This operation is not support for this type of login ('Delegated') to the API. Please try using 'Connect-MSGraph' without a username and password." }

            $uri = $global:PowerGraph_BaseUrl + "users/$UserId/joinedTeams"

        default {
            if ($global:PowerGraph_AccessToken.TokenType -eq "Client Credentials")
                { Write-Warning "This operation is not support for this type of login ('Application') to the API. Please try using 'Connect-MSGraph' with a username and password." }

            $uri = $global:PowerGraph_BaseUrl + "me/joinedTeams"
    $return = Invoke-MSGraphRequest -Uri $uri

    return $return.value

