
Function ConvertTo-Array {
            Creates an array out of the omnirpt output
            Converts the "omnirpt <...> -tab" output into a native PowerShell array for easy filtering and manipulation.
            omnirpt -report list_sessions -timeframe 24 24 -tab | ConvertTo-Array
            omnirpt -report used_media -timeframe 24 24 -tab | ConvertTo-Array | Where-Object {$_.Location -like "*HP:MSL6480*"}

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
    BEGIN {
        $ConvertFrom = ""
        $Headers = $False
        $ArrayOutput = @()
        $i = 0
        $Lines | ForEach-Object {
            #Detect type of input
            if($ConvertFrom -eq ""){
                    $ConvertFrom = "tab"
                } else {
                    $ConvertFrom = "notab"

            $StartTime, $EndTime, $Time = $null

            #skip line if null or empty

            $ArrLine = @()
            $Item = New-Object PSObject

            if($ConvertFrom -eq "tab"){
                #skips lines until at the headers line
                    #if current line contains the headers
                    if($Headers -eq $True){
                        $Headers = $_.replace("# ","")
                        $Headers = $Headers.split("`t")
                    #if the next line contains the headers
                    if($_.StartsWith("# Headers")){
                        $Headers = $True
                #exit if unable to fetch the headers
                } elseif($Headers -eq $False -or $Headers.Count -eq 0) {
                    Write-Error "Failed to fetch the headers from the input."
                $ArrLine = $_.split("`t")

            } else {

                #Skip if delimiter line
                if($_ -match "^(={3,}|-{3,}|_{3,})" -or [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_)){

                #Parse line with pattern
                $line = $_ | Select-String -Pattern "\s*(.*?)(?:\s{2,}|$)" -AllMatches
                #Skip if invalid line
                if($line.Matches.count -lt 3){

                #Convert the line to an array
                Foreach($match in $line.Matches) {
                        $ArrLine += $match.Groups[1].Value

                #Grab the headers
                if($Headers -eq $false){
                    $Headers = $ArrLine


            0..($Headers.count-1) | ForEach-Object {
                if($Headers[$_] -match '^.*_t'){
                    $Time = (ConvertFrom-UnixDate $ArrLine[$_])
                    if($Headers[$_] -match '^Start.*_t'){
                        $StartTime = $Time
                    } elseif($Headers[$_] -match '^End.*_t'){
                        $EndTime = $Time
                    $Item | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name $Headers[$_].replace('_t','') -Value $Time
                } elseif($Headers[$_+1] -match '^.*_t') {
                } elseif($Headers[$_] -match '^Duration.*') {

                    #If job is not ended yet, we set the Duration to null
                    if($StartTime -gt $EndTime){
                        $Duration = $null

                    } elseif($StartTime -ne $null -and $EndTime -ne $null){
                        $Duration = [TimeSpan]::Parse($EndTime - $StartTime)

                    } else {
                        try {
                            $Duration = [TimeSpan]::Parse($ArrLine[$_])
                        } catch {
                            $Duration = $ArrLine[$_]
                    $Item | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name $Headers[$_].replace(' [hh:mm]','') -Value $Duration
                } elseif($Headers[$_] -match '^.*\[kB\]') {
                    $Size = $ArrLine[$_]/1KB/1KB
                    $Item | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name $Headers[$_].replace(' [kB]',' (GB)') -Value $Size
                } elseif($Headers[$_] -match '^.*\[MB/min\]') {
                    $Value = ConvertTo-Int $ArrLine[$_]
                    $Item | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name $Headers[$_].replace(' [MB/min]',' (MB/min)') -Value $Value
                } elseif($Headers[$_] -match '(GB Written|Media|Errors|Warnings|Objects|Files)') {
                    $Value = ConvertTo-Int $ArrLine[$_]
                    $Item | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name $Headers[$_].replace(' [MB/min]',' (MB/min)') -Value $Value
                } else {
                    $Item | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name $Headers[$_] -Value $ArrLine[$_]


            $ArrayOutput += $Item
    END {
        return $ArrayOutput

Function ConvertTo-Int {
            Converts a string value to a Int or Double

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        if($IntVal.GetType().FullName -match '^.*Int.*$') {
            return [int]$IntVal
        } elseif($IntVal.GetType().FullName -match '^.*(Double|Float).*$') {
            return [math]::Round([double]$IntVal,2)
        } elseif($IntVal -match '^.*(\,|\.).*$') {
            return [math]::Round([double]($IntVal.replace(',','.')),2)
        } else {
            return [int]($IntVal)
    } catch {
        return $IntVal