#This is needed because assemblies must be loaded before classes that reference them in Windows Powershell 5.1 #It should be referenced from "ScriptsToProcess" in the manifest file #PSES on Windows 5.1 is currently unsupported try { if ([Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilder].Assembly.Location -match 'PowershellEditorServices') { throw [NotSupportedException]'Sorry, PowerConfig is currently not supported if Powershell Editor Services is loaded on Windows Powershell due to a conflict. See:' } } catch { if ($PSItem.FullyQualifiedErrorId -ne 'TypeNotFound') {throw} } <# .SYNOPSIS Used to add automatic binding redirection to related modules for Powerconfig to redirect CompilerServices to the net5.0 assembly version .NOTES CompilerServices.Unsafe won't load without this Reference: #> if ($PSEdition -ne 'Desktop') { $bindingRedirectHandler = [ResolveEventHandler] { param($sender, $assembly) try { Write-Debug "BindingRedirectHandler: Resolving $($" #Skip Powershell Assemblies if ($ -like '*Management.Automation*') { return $null } $assemblyShortName = $',')[0] $matchingAssembly = [AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() | Where-Object fullname -Match ('^' + [Regex]::Escape($assemblyShortName)) if ($matchingAssembly.count -eq 1) { Write-Debug "BindingRedirectHandler: Redirecting $($ to $($matchingAssembly.Location)" return $MatchingAssembly } } catch { #Write-Error will blackhole, which is why write-host is required. This should never occur so it should be a red flag Write-Host -fore red "BindingRedirectHandler ERROR: $PSITEM" return $null } return $null } [Appdomain]::CurrentDomain.Add_AssemblyResolve($bindingRedirectHandler) } $libroot = "$PSScriptRoot/../lib" #If this is a "debug build", use the assemblies from buildoutput $debugLibPath = "$PSScriptRoot/../../BuildOutput/PowerConfig/lib" if (Test-Path $debugLibPath) { $libroot = Resolve-Path $debugLibPath } $libPath = Resolve-Path $( if ($PSEdition -eq 'Desktop') { "$libroot/winps" } else { "$libroot/pwsh" } ) Write-Verbose "Loading PowerConfig Assemblies from $libPath" Add-Type -Path "$libPath/*.dll" |