using namespace Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration function Add-PowerConfigCommandLineSource { [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding=$false)] param ( #The PowerConfig object to operate on [Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilder][Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeline)]$InputObject, # A hashtable that remaps arguments to their intented destination, for instance @{'-f'='force'} remaps the shorthand -f to the force key [HashTable]$ArgumentMap, #The arguments that were passed to your script. You can pass the arguments directly to this script, or supply them as a variable similar to $args (an array of strings, one statement per string) [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromRemainingArguments)]$ArgumentList ) #Couldn't cast a hashtable directly because it was seeing it as new properties, so here is a workaround $ArgumentMapDictionary = [Collections.Generic.Dictionary[String,String]]::new() $ArgumentMap.keys.foreach{ $ArgumentMapDictionary[$PSItem] = $ArgumentMap[$PSItem] } [CommandLineConfigurationExtensions]::AddCommandLine($InputObject, $ArgumentList, $ArgumentMapDictionary) } |