
Takes an enumerable keyvaluepair from Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration and converts it to a nested hashtable

function ConvertTo-NestedHashTable {
    param (

    #First group the entries by hierarchy
    $depthGroups = $InputObject | Group-Object {
    $result = [ordered]@{}

    foreach ($DepthItem in ($DepthGroups | Sort-Object Name)) {
        foreach ($ConfigItem in ($DepthItem.Group)) {
            $ConfigItemLevels = $ConfigItem.key.split(':')
            #Iterate through the levels and create them if not already present
            $lastLevel = $result
            For ($i=0;$i -lt ($ConfigItemLevels.count -1);$i++) {
                if ($lastLevel[$ConfigItemLevels[$i]] -isnot [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]) {
                    $lastLevel[$ConfigItemLevels[$i]] = [ordered]@{}
                #Step up to the new level for the next activity
                $lastLevel = $lastLevel[$ConfigItemLevels[$i]]

            #Assign the value now that the levels have been created
            $valueKey = $ConfigItemLevels[($ConfigItemLevels.count -1)]
            $lastLevel.$valueKey = $ConfigItem.Value
        #Emit the result before foreach cleanup

    return $result