
#requires -Version 5.1

function Get-KeeperRecord {
    Get Keeper Records
    .Parameter Uid
    Record UID
    .Parameter Filter
    Return matching records only

    Param (
        [string] $Uid,
        [string] $Filter

    [KeeperSecurity.Vault.VaultOnline]$vault = getVault
    if ($Uid) {
        [KeeperSecurity.Vault.KeeperRecord] $record = $null
        if ($vault.TryGetKeeperRecord($uid, [ref]$record)) {
    else {
        foreach ($record in $vault.KeeperRecords) {
            if ($Filter) {
                $match = $($record.Uid, $record.TypeName, $record.Title, $record.Notes) | Select-String $Filter | Select-Object -First 1
                if (-not $match) {
New-Alias -Name kr -Value Get-KeeperRecord

function Copy-KeeperToClipboard {
    Copy record password to clipboard or output
    .Parameter Record
    Record UID or any object containing property Uid
    .Parameter Field
    Record field to copy to clipboard. Record password is default.
    .Parameter Output
    Password output destination. Clipboard is default. Use "Stdout" for scripting

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $Record,
        [string] [ValidateSet('Login' , 'Password', 'URL')] $Field = 'Password',
        [string] [ValidateSet('Clipboard' , 'Stdout')] $Output = 'Clipboard'
    Process {
        if ($Record -is [Array]) {
            if ($Record.Count -ne 1) {
                Write-Error -Message 'Only one record is expected'
            $Record = $Record[0]

        [KeeperSecurity.Vault.VaultOnline]$vault = getVault

        $uid = $null
        if ($Record -is [String]) {
            $uid = $Record
        elseif ($null -ne $Record.Uid) {
            $uid = $Record.Uid

        $found = $false
        if ($uid) {
            [KeeperSecurity.Vault.KeeperRecord] $rec = $null
            if (-not $vault.TryGetKeeperRecord($uid, [ref]$rec)) {
                $entries = Get-KeeperChildItem -Filter $uid -ObjectType Record
                if ($entries.Uid) {
                    $vault.TryGetRecord($entries[0].Uid, [ref]$rec) | Out-Null
            if ($rec) {
                $found = $true
                $value = ''

                if ($rec -is [KeeperSecurity.Vault.PasswordRecord]) {
                    switch ($Field) {
                        'Login' { $value = $rec.Login }
                        'Password' { $value = $rec.Password }
                        'URL' { $value = $rec.Link }
                elseif ($rec -is [KeeperSecurity.Vault.TypedRecord]) {
                    $fieldType = ''
                    switch ($Field) {
                        'Login' { $fieldType = 'login' }
                        'Password' { $fieldType = 'password' }
                        'URL' { $fieldType = 'url' }
                    if ($fieldType) {
                        $recordField = $rec.Fields | Where-Object FieldName -eq $fieldType | Select-Object -First 1
                        if (-not $recordField) {
                            $recordField = $rec.Custom | Where-Object FieldName -eq $fieldType | Select-Object -First 1
                        if ($recordField) {
                            $value = $recordField.ObjectValue

                if ($value) {
                    if ($Output -eq 'Stdout') {
                    else {
                        if ([System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.GetApartmentState() -eq [System.Threading.ApartmentState]::MTA) {
                            powershell -sta "Set-Clipboard -Value '$value'"
                        else {
                            Set-Clipboard -Value $value
                        Write-Output "Copied to clipboard: $Field for $($rec.Title)"
                    if ($Field -eq 'Password') {
                else {
                    Write-Output "Record $($rec.Title) has no $Field"
        if (-not $found) {
            Write-Error -Message "Cannot find a Keeper record: $Record"
New-Alias -Name kcc -Value Copy-KeeperToClipboard

function Get-KeeperPasswordVisible {
    Show/hide secret fields

    if ($Script:PasswordVisible) {
    else {

function Set-KeeperPasswordVisible {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    Param ([switch] $Visible)
    $Script:PasswordVisible = $Visible.IsPresent

function Show-TwoFactorCode {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $Records

    Begin {
        [KeeperSecurity.Vault.VaultOnline]$vault = getVault
        $totps = @()

    Process {
        foreach ($r in $Records) {
            $uid = $null

            if ($r -is [String]) {
                $uid = $r
            elseif ($null -ne $r.Uid) {
                $uid = $r.Uid
            if ($uid) {
                [KeeperSecurity.Vault.KeeperRecord] $rec = $null
                if ($vault.TryGetKeeperRecord($uid, [ref]$rec)) {
                    if ($rec -is [KeeperSecurity.Vault.PasswordRecord]) {
                        if ($rec.ExtraFields) {
                            foreach ($ef in $rec.ExtraFields) {
                                if ($ef.FieldType -eq 'totp') {
                                    $totps += [PSCustomObject]@{
                                        RecordUid = $rec.Uid
                                        Title     = $rec.Title
                                        TotpData  = $ef.Custom['data']
                    elseif ($rec -is [KeeperSecurity.Vault.TypedRecord]) {
                        $recordTypeField = New-Object KeeperSecurity.Vault.RecordTypeField 'oneTimeCode', $null
                        [KeeperSecurity.Vault.ITypedField]$recordField = $null
                        if ([KeeperSecurity.Vault.VaultDataExtensions]::FindTypedField($rec, $recordTypeField, [ref]$recordField)) {
                            $data = $recordField.Value
                            if ($data) {
                                $totps += [PSCustomObject]@{
                                    RecordUid = $rec.Uid
                                    Title     = $rec.Title
                                    TotpData  = $data
    End {
        $output = @()
        foreach ($totp in $totps) {
            [Tuple[string, int, int]]$code = [KeeperSecurity.Utils.CryptoUtils]::GetTotpCode($totp.TotpData)
            if ($code) {
                $output += [PSCustomObject]@{
                    PSTypeName  = 'TOTP.Codes'
                    RecordTitle = $totp.Title
                    TOTPCode    = $code.Item1
                    Elapsed     = $code.Item2
                    Left        = $code.Item3 - $code.Item2
        $output | Format-Table
New-Alias -Name 2fa -Value Show-TwoFactorCode

$Keeper_RecordTypeNameCompleter = {
    param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameters)
    $result = @()
    [KeeperSecurity.Vault.VaultOnline]$vault = $Script:Context.Vault
    if ($vault) {
        $toComplete = $wordToComplete + '*'
        foreach ($rt in $vault.RecordTypes) {
            if ($rt.Name -like $toComplete) {
                $result += $rt.Name
    if ($result.Count -gt 0) {
        return $result
    else {
        return $null


function Add-KeeperRecord {
    Creates or Modifies a Keeper record in the current folder.
    .Parameter Uid
    Record UID. If provided the existing record to be updated. Otherwise record is added.
    .Parameter RecordType
    Record Type (if account supports record types).
    .Parameter Title
    Record Title. Mandatory field for added record.
    .Parameter Notes
    Record Notes.
    .Parameter GeneratePassword
    Generate random password.
    .Parameter Fields
    A list of record Fields. Record field format NAME=VALUE
    Predefined fields are
    login Login Name
    password Password
    url Web Address
    Any other name is added to Custom Fields
    Example: login=username password=userpassword "Database Server=value1"

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'add')]
    Param (
        [Parameter()] [switch] $GeneratePassword,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'add')] [string] $RecordType,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'add')] [string] $Folder,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'edit', Mandatory = $True)] [string] $Uid,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'add', Mandatory = $True)] [string] $Title,
        [Parameter()] $Notes,
        [Parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments = $true)] $Extra

    Begin {
        [KeeperSecurity.Vault.VaultOnline]$vault = getVault
        [KeeperSecurity.Vault.KeeperRecord]$record = $null

        $fields = @{}
        $fieldName = $null
        foreach ($var in $Extra) {
            if ($var -match '^-') {
                $fieldName = $var.Substring(1)
                if ($var -match ':$') {
                    $fieldName = $fieldName.Substring(0, $fieldName.Length - 1)
            elseif ($null -ne $fieldName) {
                $fields[$fieldName] = $var
                $fieldName = $null
            else {
                if ($var -match '^([^=]+)=(.*)?') {
                    $n = $Matches[1].Trim()
                    $v = $Matches[2].Trim()
                    if ($n -and $v) {
                        $fields[$n] = $v

    Process {
        if ($Uid) {
            if (-not $vault.TryGetKeeperRecord($Uid, [ref]$record)) {
                $objs = Get-KeeperChildItem -ObjectType Record | Where-Object Name -eq $Uid
                if ($objs.Length -gt 1) {
                    $vault.TryGetKeeperRecord($objs[0].Uid, [ref]$record)
            if (-not $record) {
                Write-Error -Message "Record `"$Uid`" not found"
        else {
            if (-not $RecordType -or $RecordType -eq 'legacy') {
                $record = New-Object KeeperSecurity.Vault.PasswordRecord
            else {
                $record = New-Object KeeperSecurity.Vault.TypedRecord $RecordType
                [KeeperSecurity.Utils.RecordTypesUtils]::AdjustTypedRecord($vault, $record)
            $record.Title = $Title

        if ($Notes -is [string]) {
            if ($Notes.Length -gt 0 -and $Notes[0] -eq '+') {
                $Notes = $record.Notes + "`n" + $Notes.Substring(1)
            elseif ($Notes -eq '-') {
                $Notes = ''
            $record.Notes = $Notes

        if ($GeneratePassword.IsPresent) {
            $fields['password'] = [Keepersecurity.Utils.CryptoUtils]::GenerateUid()

        foreach ($fieldName in $fields.Keys) {
            $fieldValue = $fields[$fieldName]
            $fieldLabel = ''
            if ($fieldName -match '^([^.]+)(\..+)?$') {
                if ($Matches[1] -and $Matches[2]) {
                    $fieldName = $Matches[1].Trim()
                    $fieldLabel = $Matches[2].Trim().Substring(1)
            if ($fieldName -match '^\$') {
                $fieldName = $fieldName.Substring(1).Trim()
            if ($record -is [KeeperSecurity.Vault.PasswordRecord]) {
                switch ($fieldName) {
                    'login' { $record.Login = $fieldValue }
                    'password' { $record.Password = $fieldValue }
                    'url' { $record.Link = $fieldValue }
                    Default {
                        if ($fieldLabel) {
                            if ($fieldName -eq 'text') {
                                $fieldName = $fieldLabel
                            else {
                                $fieldName = "${fieldName}:${fieldLabel}"
                        if ($fieldValue) {
                            $record.SetCustomField($fieldName, $fieldValue) | Out-Null
                        else {
                            $record.DeleteCustomField($fieldName) | Out-Null
            elseif ($record -is [KeeperSecurity.Vault.TypedRecord]) {
                if (-not $fieldLabel) {
                    [KeeperSecurity.Vault.RecordField]$recordField = $null
                    if (-not [KeeperSecurity.Vault.RecordTypesConstants]::TryGetRecordField($fieldName, [ref]$recordField)) {
                        $fieldLabel = $fieldName
                        $fieldName = 'text'
                $recordTypeField = New-Object KeeperSecurity.Vault.RecordTypeField $fieldName, $fieldLabel
                [KeeperSecurity.Vault.ITypedField]$typedField = $null
                if ([KeeperSecurity.Vault.VaultDataExtensions]::FindTypedField($record, $recordTypeField, [ref]$typedField)) {
                else {
                    if ($fieldValue) {
                        $typedField = [KeeperSecurity.Vault.VaultDataExtensions]::CreateTypedField($fieldName, $fieldLabel)
                        if ($typedField) {
                if ($typedField) {
                    if ($fieldValue) {
                        $typedField.ObjectValue = $fieldValue
                    else {
    End {
        if ($record.Uid) {
            $task = $vault.UpdateRecord($record)
        else {
            $folderUid = $Script:Context.CurrentFolder
            if ($Folder) {
                $folderNode = resolveFolderNode $vault $Folder
                $folderUid = $folderNode.FolderUid

            $task = $vault.CreateRecord($record, $folderUid)
New-Alias -Name kadd -Value Add-KeeperRecord
Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Add-KeeperRecord -ParameterName Folder -ScriptBlock $Keeper_FolderPathRecordCompleter
Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Add-KeeperRecord -ParameterName RecordType -ScriptBlock $Keeper_RecordTypeNameCompleter

function Remove-KeeperRecord {
    Removes Keeper record.
    .Parameter Name
    Folder name or Folder UID

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true)][string] $Name

    [KeeperSecurity.Vault.VaultOnline]$vault = getVault

    $folderUid = $null
    $recordUid = $null
    [KeeperSecurity.Vault.KeeperRecord] $record = $null
    if ($vault.TryGetKeeperRecord($Name, [ref]$record)) {
        $recordUid = $record.Uid
        if (-not $vault.RootFolder.Records.Contains($recordUid)) {
            foreach ($f in $vault.Folders) {
                if ($f.Records.Contains($recordUid)) {
                    $folderUid = $f.FolderUid
    if (-not $recordUid) {
        $objs = Get-KeeperChildItem -ObjectType Record | Where-Object Name -eq $Name
        if (-not $objs) {
            Write-Error -Message "Record `"$Name`" does not exist"
        if ($objs.Length -gt 1) {
            Write-Error -Message "There are more than one records with name `"$Name`". Use Record UID do delete the correct one."
        $recordUid = $objs[0].Uid
        $folderUid = $Script:Context.CurrentFolder

    $recordPath = New-Object KeeperSecurity.Vault.RecordPath
    $recordPath.RecordUid = $recordUid
    $recordPath.FolderUid = $folderUid
    $task = $vault.DeleteRecords(@($recordPath))
    $task.GetAwaiter().GetResult() | Out-Null
New-Alias -Name kdel -Value Remove-KeeperRecord

function Move-RecordToFolder {
    Moves records to Folder.
    .Parameter Record
    Record UID, Path or any object containing property Uid.
    .Parameter Folder
    Folder Name, Path, or UID

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]$Records,
        [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true)][string]$Folder,

    Begin {
        [KeeperSecurity.Vault.VaultOnline]$vault = getVault
        $folderNode = resolveFolderNode $vault $Folder
        $sourceRecords = @()

    Process {
        foreach ($r in $Records) {
            if ($null -ne $r.Uid) {
                $r = $r.Uid
            [KeeperSecurity.Vault.FolderNode]$folder = $null
            [KeeperSecurity.Vault.KeeperRecord]$record = $null
            if ($vault.TryGetKeeperRecord($r, [ref]$record)) {
                if ($record -is [KeeperSecurity.Vault.PasswordRecord] -or $record -is [KeeperSecurity.Vault.TypedRecord]) {
                    if ($folderNode.FolderUid -and $vault.RootFolder.Records.Contains($record.Uid)) {
                        $folder = $vault.RootFolder
                    else {
                        foreach ($fol in $vault.Folders) {
                            if ($fol.FolderUid -eq $folderNode.FolderUid) {
                            if ($fol.Records.Contains($record.Uid)) {
                                $folder = $fol
                else {
                    Write-Error "`$r`" record type is not supported." -ErrorAction Stop
            else {
                [KeeperSecurity.Vault.FolderNode]$fol = $null
                if (-not $vault.TryGetFolder($Script:Context.CurrentFolder, [ref]$fol)) {
                    $fol = $vault.RootFolder

                $comps = splitKeeperPath $r
                $folder, $rest = parseKeeperPath $comps $vault $fol
                if (-not $rest) {
                    Write-Error "`"$r`" should be a record" -ErrorAction Stop
                [KeeperSecurity.Vault.KeeperRecord]$rec = $null
                foreach ($recordUid in $folder.Records) {
                    if ($vault.TryGetKeeperRecord($recordUid, [ref]$rec)) {
                        if ($rec.Title -eq $rest) {
                            if ($rec -is [KeeperSecurity.Vault.PasswordRecord] -or $rec -is [KeeperSecurity.Vault.TypedRecord]) {
                                $record = $rec

            if (-not $record -or -not $folder) {
                Write-Error "Record `"$r`" cannot be found" -ErrorAction Stop

            $rp = New-Object KeeperSecurity.Vault.RecordPath
            $rp.RecordUid = $record.Uid
            $rp.FolderUid = $folder.FolderUid
            $sourceRecords += $rp
    End {
        if (-not $sourceRecords) {
            Write-Error "There are no records to move" -ErrorAction Stop
        $vault.MoveRecords($sourceRecords, $folderNode.FolderUid, $Link.IsPresent).GetAwaiter().GetResult() | Out-Null
        $vault.ScheduleSyncDown([System.TimeSpan]::FromSeconds(0)).GetAwaiter().GetResult() | Out-Null
New-Alias -Name kmv -Value Move-RecordToFolder
Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Move-RecordToFolder -ParameterName Folder -ScriptBlock $Keeper_FolderPathRecordCompleter

function Get-KeeperRecordType {
    Get Record Type Information
    .Parameter Record
    Record UID, Path or any object containing property Uid.
    .Parameter Folder
    Folder Name, Path, or UID

    Param (
        [switch] $ShowFields,
        [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $false)][string] $Name

    [KeeperSecurity.Vault.VaultOnline]$vault = getVault

    if ($ShowFields.IsPresent) {
        [KeeperSecurity.Vault.RecordTypesConstants]::RecordFields | Where-Object { -not $Name -or $_.Name -eq $Name } | Sort-Object Name
    else {
        $vault.RecordTypes | Where-Object { -not $Name -or $_.Name -eq $Name } | Sort-Object Name
New-Alias -Name krti -Value Get-KeeperRecordType

function resolveFolderNode {
    Param ([KeeperSecurity.Vault.VaultOnline]$vault, $path)

    [KeeperSecurity.Vault.FolderNode]$folder = $null
    if (-not $vault.TryGetFolder($path, [ref]$folder)) {
        if (-not $vault.TryGetFolder($Script:Context.CurrentFolder, [ref]$folder)) {
            $folder = $vault.RootFolder

        $comps = splitKeeperPath $path
        $folder, $rest = parseKeeperPath $comps $vault $folder
        if ($rest) {
            Write-Error "Folder $path not found" -ErrorAction Stop
