
function Get-Version{
    return $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.Version

function Show-Help{
    $v = Get-Version

    $help = "
Help for PowerColorLS version ${v}
Usage: PowerColorLS [OPTION]... [FILE]...
List information about files and directories (the current directory by default).
Entries will be sorted alphabetically if no sorting option is specified.
        -a, --all do not ignore hidden files and files starting with .
        -l, --long use a long listing format
        -r, --report shows a brief report
        -1 list one file per line
        -d, --dirs show only directories
        -f, --files show only files
        -ds, -sds, --sds, --show-directory-size
                            show directory size (can take a long time)
        -hi, --hide-icons hide icons
sorting options:
        -sd, --sort-dirs, --group-directories-first
                            sort directories first
        -sf, --sort-files, --group-files-first
                            sort files first
        -t, -st, --st
                            sort by modification time, newest first
 general options:
        -h, --help prints this help
        -v, --version show version information

    Write-Host $help

function Show-Version{
    $v = Get-Version
    Write-Host "PowerColorLS version ${v}"