
function Get-VSCode
        Gets VSCode settings.
        Gets Visual Studio Code settings.
        Visual Studio code can have settings stored in a settings.json file
        that exists within the workspace or at a global location.

        We want to be able to able get the data from files at both places, if they exist, regardless of OS.

    # The Path to Visual Studio Code Settings.
    # If not provided, settings will be automatically found.
    [Alias('SettingsPath', 'Fullname')]

    dynamicParam {
        if (-not $script:VSCodeUserSettingPath) {
            $script:VSCodeUserSettingPath = 
                if ($IsMacOS) 
                    "$(Join-Path $home Library |
                        Join-Path -ChildPath 'Application\ Support' |
                        Join-Path -ChildPath Code |
                        Join-Path -ChildPath User |
                        Join-Path -ChildPath settings.json)"
                elseif ($IsLinux) 
                } else {

        $dynamicParams = Get-PowerCode -CommandName "Get-VSCode" -DynamicParameter -NoMandatoryDynamicParameter 
        return $dynamicParams

    process {
        # First, we need to find all potential settings.json paths
        $potentialPaths = @(
            # If we provided a -SettingPath
            if ($settingsPath) {
                # look for settings there.
            else {
                # Otherwise, look for a workspace setting
                $workspacePath = Join-Path $pwd ".vscode" | 
                    Join-Path -ChildPath "settings.json"
                if (Test-Path $workspacePath) {
                # and look for global settings.

        $paramCopy = [Ordered]@{} + $PSBoundParameters
        $null = $null
        $extensionOutput = Get-PowerCode -CommandName "Get-VSCode" -ExtensionParameter $paramCopy -Run

        if ($extensionOutput) {
            $extensionOutput | 
                Select-Object -ExpandProperty extensionOutput

        $CombinedSettings = [Ordered]@{

            PSTypeName = 'VSCode.Settings'
            SettingsPath = $potentialPaths
        foreach ($settingsPath in $potentialPaths) {
            $settingsFromFile = 
                Get-Content -Raw -Path $settingsPath |

            foreach ($property in $ {
                if (-not $CombinedSettings[$property.Name]) {
                    $CombinedSettings[$property.Name] = $property.Value
