
   Gets powercfg configuration data with object-oriented output.
   Can list power schemes, list subgroups of a selected power scheme, and list settings of subgroups as well as their available and current settings.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
    Target remote computers. Uses Invoke-Command, relies on WinRM.
.PARAMETER PowerScheme
    Pull Subgroups of a specified Power Scheme. The active plan is the default when this parameter is not used. Produces [PowerCfgSubGroup] object for piping.
    Pull Settings of a specified SubGroup. Shows Current settings and applicable values for use in Set-PowercfgSettings. Produces [PowerCfgSetting] object for piping.
    Specifies a single setting in a SubGroup. This is recommended when piping results to Set-PowercfgSettings. Produces a single [PowerCfgSetting].
   Lists all settings for the active power scheme.
   Get-PowercfgSettings -PowerScheme "Balanced" -SubGroup "Sleep"
   Lists all settings in the "Sleep" subgroup of the "Balanced" power scheme.
   Get-PowercfgSettings -ComputerName "Server01" -PowerScheme "High Performance" -SubGroup "Processor power management" -Setting "Minimum processor state"
   Retrieves the "Minimum processor state" setting from the "Processor power management" subgroup of the "High Performance" power scheme on the remote computer "Server01".
   gpcs -ComputerName "Laptop01" -PowerScheme "Power saver"
   Using the alias, retrieves all subgroups of the "Power saver" scheme from the remote computer "Laptop01".
    Reads powercfg

function Get-PowercfgSettings {




        # Handle computername first outside of begin block in case it gets piped in
                $cfg = Invoke-Command $ComputerName {
                    powercfg /l
                } -ErrorAction Stop
                <#$DescList = Invoke-Command $ComputerName {
                    (gcim Win32_PowerPlan -Namespace root\cimv2\power)
                } -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue#>

                Write-Verbose "Connected to $ComputerName"
            Catch [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimException]{
                $writeError = @{
                    Exception = [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimException]::new("$($Error[0].Exception.Message)")
                    Category = $Error[0].CategoryInfo.Category
                    CategoryActivity = "$($Error[0].CategoryInfo.Activity)"
                    CategoryReason = "$($Error[0].CategoryInfo.Reason)"
                    CategoryTargetName = "$($Error[0].CategoryInfo.TargetName)"
                    CategoryTargetType = "$($Error[0].CategoryInfo.TargetType)"
                Write-Error @writeError
                $cfg = powercfg /l
                # $DescList = (gcim Win32_PowerPlan -Namespace root\cimv2\power -ErrorAction Stop)
            Catch [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimException]{
                $writeError = @{
                    Exception = [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimException]::new("$($Error[0].Exception.Message)")
                    Category = $Error[0].CategoryInfo.Category
                    CategoryActivity = "$($Error[0].CategoryInfo.Activity)"
                    CategoryReason = "$($Error[0].CategoryInfo.Reason)"
                    CategoryTargetName = "$($Error[0].CategoryInfo.TargetName)"
                    CategoryTargetType = "$($Error[0].CategoryInfo.TargetType)"
                Write-Error @writeError
            Write-Verbose "Queried powercfg"
        $cfg = $cfg[3..(($cfg.count)-1)]

        # Default parameter value gets SubGroup results of currently active scheme
            $cfg = $cfg.where({$_ -match "(.+)\s{1}\*$"})
            Write-Verbose "Defaulting to active power scheme"
            $cfg = $cfg.where({$_ -match "$PowerScheme"})

        $schemeTable = @()
        foreach($scheme in $cfg){
            $null = $scheme -match "\((.+)\)";$name = $Matches[1]
            $null = $scheme -match "\s{1}(\S+\d+\S+)\s{1}";$guid = $Matches[1]

            $Desc = $Desc.where({$_.ElementName -eq $name}).Description

            if($scheme -match "\*$"){$active = $true}
            elseif($scheme -notmatch "\*$"){$active = $false}

            $temp = [PSCustomObject]@{
            [PowerCfgPlan]$temp = $temp
            $schemeTable += $temp
            $null = Remove-Variable temp -Force

        # Default Parameter behavior:
        # Move the acquired name of the active scheme into the parameter variable so everything can continue smoothly.
            $PowerScheme = $schemeTable.Name
        Write-Verbose "Using $($schemeTable.Name) power scheme"

        $selPowerScheme = ($schemeTable.Where({$_.Name -like "*$PowerScheme*"}).Guid.Guid)
        if($selPowerScheme.count -gt 1){
                            "$PowerScheme matches multiple values."
        # The error if a bad PowerScheme name is entered.

        if ($null -eq $selPowerScheme) {
                        "$PowerScheme not found",
        # Error if no matching PowerScheme is found.

        # Get SubGroup info
                $QueryScheme = Invoke-Command $ComputerName {
                    powercfg /q $using:selPowerScheme
                } -ErrorAction Stop
            Write-Verbose "Queried $($schemeTable.Name) power scheme on $ComputerName"
            $QueryScheme = powercfg /q $selPowerScheme
            Write-Verbose "Queried $($schemeTable.Name)"

        # Listing subgroups for string parsing.
        $subgroups = (($QueryScheme) -match "SubGroup GUID: ").TrimStart().Trim()

        # Handler for if a SubGroup is being specified.
            if([bool]($subgroups -match $SubGroup)){
                $subgroups = $subgroups -match $SubGroup
            # $subgroups being an array doesn't assign matches to $Matches, but instead returns the result.
            # We forced a boolean return and then run it again to collect the string output.
                            "$SubGroup not found",
                ) # The error for if a bad SubGroup name is specified.

        # Diving into the SubGroup items...
        foreach($SubGroupitem in $subgroups){
            $null = $SubGroupitem -match "\((.+)\)";$Groupname = $Matches[1]
            $null = $SubGroupitem -match "\s{1}(\S+\d+\S+)\s{1}";$Groupguid = $Matches[1]

                    $subgroupQuery = Invoke-Command $ComputerName {
                        powercfg /q $using:selPowerScheme $using:Groupguid
                    } -ErrorAction Stop
                $subgroupQuery = powercfg /q $selPowerScheme $Groupguid

            $settings = ($subgroupQuery -match "Power Setting GUID: ").TrimStart().Trim()

                $settings = $settings.Where({$_ -match $Setting})

            # We query each Subgroup and handle them individually to build out a table.
            foreach($line in $settings){
            # Grabbing each Setting from the propogated Subgroup to build a nested table.
                if($line -match "Power Setting Guid: "){
                    $null = $line -match "\((.+)\)";$name = $Matches[1]
                    $null = $line -match "\s{1}(\S+\d+\S+)\s{1}";$guid = $Matches[1]
                $OptionsHash = [ordered]@{}
                $RangeHash = [ordered]@{}
                $outputCurrent = @{}
                        $settingQuery = Invoke-Command $ComputerName {
                            powercfg /q $using:selPowerScheme $using:Groupguid $using:guid
                        } -ErrorAction Stop
                    $settingQuery = powercfg /q $selPowerScheme $Groupguid $guid

                # Querying each setting to look at the optional inputs and ranges there are.
                foreach($settingConfig in $settingQuery){
                # Multiple Choice settings (Options in output)
                    if($settingConfig -match "Possible Setting Index: (\d+)"){
                        $index = $matches[1] -replace '^0*(?=\d)'
                    elseif($settingConfig -match "Possible Setting Friendly Name: (.+)"){
                        $OptionsHash[$matches[1]] = $index
                $settingRange = ($settingQuery -match "\w{3}imum Possible Setting: ")

                foreach($settingConfig in $settingRange){
                # Minimum/Maximum settings (Range in output)
                    if($settingConfig -match "Minimum Possible Setting: (.+)"){
                        $Min = [UInt32]$Matches[1]

                    elseif($settingConfig -match "Maximum Possible Setting: (.+)"){
                        $RangeHash[$Min] = [UInt32]$Matches[1]

                $currentSettings = ($settingQuery -match "Current (A|D)C Power Setting Index: ")
                foreach($settingConfig in $currentSettings){
                # Current settings on AC and DC
                    if($settingConfig -match "Current AC Power Setting Index: (.+)"){
                        $CurrentAC = $Matches[1]
                        $CurrentDC = $null
                    elseif($settingConfig -match "Current DC Power Setting Index: (.+)"){
                        $CurrentAC = $null
                        $CurrentDC = $Matches[1]
                    $outputCurrent.CurrentAC += $CurrentAC
                    $outputCurrent.CurrentDC += $CurrentDC
                # Finally, we build our table of settings belonging to the subgroup.
                # I realize I could have done an array for the ranges instead of a hash and then converting them
                # into an array (like I did with AC & DC), but I already did what I did. Oh well.
                $temp = [PSCustomObject]@{
                    Options=if($OptionsHash.Count -gt 0){$OptionsHash}else{$null}
                    Range=if($RangeHash.Count -gt 0){@($RangeHash.Keys,$RangeHash.Values)}else{$null}
                    CurrentAC = [UInt32]$outputCurrent.CurrentAC
                    CurrentDC = [UInt32]$outputCurrent.CurrentDC
                $temp = [PowerCfgSetting]::new($temp)
                # Build using our custom object
                    $temp | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ComputerName -Value $ComputerName

                $settingsTable += $temp
            # And finally, we build our table of subgroups with the nested settings.
            # If SubGroup was used, we don't want to loop output of SubGroups.
            $SubGroupOutput = [PSCustomObject]@{
                Settings = $settingsTable

            $SubGroupOutput = [PowerCfgSubGroup]$SubGroupOutput
            $settingsTable | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SubGroup -Value $SubGroupOutput
            $settingsTable | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Plan -Value $schemeTable

        # Outside of the loop, we'll call the one EXPECTED output's Settings' property from the last table.