.Synopsis Sets PowerCfg settings .DESCRIPTION Set setting values to PowerCfg or pipe settings from Get-PowercfgSettings and set values. .PARAMETER ComputerName Target a specified computer. When piping results from Get-PowercfgSettings, the original targeted computer is retained and this parameter is not necessary. .PARAMETER PowerScheme Specify the PowerScheme of which settings to be modified. When not used, the currently active power plan is used by default. .PARAMETER SubGroup Specified SubGroup that holds the settings that can be changed. .PARAMETER Setting The setting to be modified. See Get-PowercfgSettings to see valid ranges and options. .PARAMETER Value Value of which to set the specified setting to. .PARAMETER SetAC Set value to the AC mode. Can be used with SetDC to modify both values. .PARAMETER SetDC Set value to the DC mode. Can be used with SetAC to modify both values. .PARAMETER Force Ignore prompt from ShouldProcess, attempt to complete action silently. .EXAMPLE Set-PowercfgSettings -ComputerName $computername -PowerScheme 'High Performance' -SubGroup display -setting 'Turn off' -SetAC -SetDC -Value 120 Sets "Turn off display after" from the "Display" SubGroup to 120. .EXAMPLE Get-PowerCfgSettings -SubGroup display -Setting "Display Brightness" | Set-PowerCfgSettings -SetAC -Value 400 -Force Gets the "Display Brightness" setting from the "Display" Subgroup and passes it to Set-PowerCfgSettings where it's AC value is set to 400. .INPUTS ComputerName PowerScheme SubGroup Setting [PowerCfgSetting] .OUTPUTS [PowerCfgSetting] .NOTES Relies on WinRM to use Invoke-Command when targeting remote computers. .FUNCTIONALITY Configures powercfg #> function Set-PowercfgSettings { [CmdletBinding( SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact="High", DefaultParameterSetName="Manual", HelpUri="" )] [Alias("spcs")] Param ( [Parameter( ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ParameterSetName="Pipeline" )] [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline=$false, ParameterSetName="Manual" )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Alias("CN")] [String] $ComputerName, [Parameter( ParameterSetName="Manual", Position=0 )] [String] $PowerScheme, [Parameter( ParameterSetName="Manual", Position=1, Mandatory )] [String] $SubGroup, [Parameter( ParameterSetName="Manual", Position=2, Mandatory )] [String] $Setting, [Parameter( Mandatory, Position=3 )] [int] $Value, [Parameter( DontShow, ValueFromPipeline, ParameterSetName="Pipeline" )] [PowerCfgSetting] $p_Setting, [Switch] $SetAC, [Switch] $SetDC, [Switch] $Force#, #[Switch] #$PassThru ) Begin{ if(!($SetAC -or $SetDC)){ $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::new( [System.ArgumentNullException]::new( "-SetAC, -SetDC", "Setting type not specified. Use one or both." ), "PowerScheme.TypeSetting", [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::NotSpecified, "" ) ) } } Process { # Computername handler first in Process block for pipeline compatibility if($ComputerName){ Try{ $cfg = Invoke-Command $ComputerName { powercfg /l } } Catch{ throw } } Else{ $cfg = powercfg /l } # Parse out the heading $cfg = $cfg[3..(($cfg.count)-1)] # Manual entry (no pipeline) requires dedicated string parsing as if we were using Get-PowercfgSetting. if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Manual"){ # Get PowerScheme if(!$PowerScheme){ $cfg = $cfg.where({$_ -match "(.+)\s{1}\*$"}) } $schemeTable = @() foreach($scheme in $cfg){ $null = $scheme -match "\((.+)\)";$name = $Matches[1] $null = $scheme -match "\s{1}(\S+\d+\S+)\s{1}";$guid = $Matches[1] if($scheme -match "\*$"){$active = $true} elseif($scheme -notmatch "\*$"){$active = $false} $temp = [PSCustomObject]@{ Name=$name Guid=[Guid]$guid Active=[bool]$active } [PowerCfgPlan]$temp = $temp $schemeTable += $temp $null = Remove-Variable temp -Force } if(!$PowerScheme){ $PowerScheme = $schemeTable.Name } $selPowerScheme = ($schemeTable.Where({$_.Name -like "*$PowerScheme*"}).Guid.Guid) if($selPowerScheme.count -gt 1){ $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::new( [System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException]::new( "-PowerScheme", "$PowerScheme matches multiple values." ), "PowerScheme.>1", [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::LimitsExceeded, $PowerScheme ) ) } # The error if a bad PowerScheme name is entered. if ((!$?) -or ($null -eq $selPowerScheme)) { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::new( [System.ArgumentException]::new( "$PowerScheme not found", "-PowerScheme" ), "PowerScheme.notfound", [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::ObjectNotFound, $PowerScheme ) ) } # Get Power Plan if($ComputerName){ Try{ $QueryScheme = Invoke-Command $ComputerName { powercfg /q $using:selPowerScheme } } Catch{ throw } } Else{ $QueryScheme = powercfg /q $selPowerScheme } # Get SubGroup $subgroups = (($QueryScheme) -match "SubGroup GUID: ").TrimStart().Trim() # $subgroups being an array doesn't assign matches to $Matches, but instead returns the result. # We forced a boolean return and then run it again to collect the string output. if([bool]($subgroups -match $SubGroup)){ $p_SubGroup = $subgroups -match $SubGroup } else{ $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::new( [System.ArgumentException]::new( "$SubGroup not found", "-SubGroup" ), "SubGroup.notfound", [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::ObjectNotFound, $SubGroup ) ) # The error for if a bad SubGroup name is specified. } # Get Setting $settings = (($QueryScheme) -match "Power Setting Guid: ").TrimStart().Trim() if([bool]($settings -match $Setting)){ Remove-Variable p_Setting -Force $p_Setting = $settings -match $Setting } else{ $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::new( [System.ArgumentException]::new( "$Setting not found", "-Setting" ), "Setting.notfound", [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::ObjectNotFound, $Setting ) ) # The error for if a bad SubGroup name is specified. } # Get GUIDs $null = $p_SubGroup[0] -match "\s{1}(\S+\d+\S+)\s{1}";$Groupguid = $Matches[1] $null = $p_Setting[0] -match "\s{1}(\S+\d+\S+)\s{1}";$Settingguid = $Matches[1] # Get Names $null = $p_SubGroup[0] -match "\((.+)\)";$Groupname = $Matches[1] $null = $p_Setting[0] -match "\((.+)\)";$Settingname = $Matches[1] # $selPowerScheme, $Groupguid, $Settingguid # Until renamed, these are the vars for Plan, SubGroup, and Setting $commands = @() if($ComputerName){ $Target = "$ComputerName -> $Groupname -> $Settingname" } else{ $Target = "$Groupname -> $Settingname" } if($SetAC){ if(($Force) -or ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($Target, "Set AC value to $value"))){ $commands += {powercfg /setacvalueindex ($selPowerScheme) ($Groupguid) ($Settingguid) $value} } } if($SetDC){ if(($Force) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Target, "Set DC value to $value"))){ $commands += {powercfg /setdcvalueindex ($selPowerScheme) ($Groupguid) ($Settingguid) $value} } } $PassThru = @{PowerScheme = $PowerScheme;SubGroup = $Groupname;Setting = $Settingname} if(!($ComputerName)){ $commands | ForEach-Object{ & $_ Get-PowercfgSettings @PassThru } } else{ $PassThru += @{ComputerName = $ComputerName} Try{ Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ComputerName { param( $selPowerScheme, $Groupguid, $Settingguid, $Value ) if($using:SetDC){ & powercfg /setdcvalueindex $selPowerScheme $Groupguid $Settingguid $Value } if($using:SetAC){ & powercfg /setacvalueindex $selPowerScheme $Groupguid $Settingguid $Value } } -ArgumentList $selPowerScheme,$Groupguid,$Settingguid,$Value Get-PowercfgSettings @PassThru } Catch{ throw } } } # Pipeline entry - where a [PowerCfgSetting] is sent over, it holds all necessary arguments for local execution. if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Pipeline"){ if($p_Setting.count -gt 1){ $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::new( [System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException]::new( "Multiple Settings Found. Specify One." ), "Setting.>1", [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::NotSpecified, "" ) ) } # Currently, not handling multiple settings. Plan to add piping entire subgroups and plans. # Breaking up the variable properties into their own vars $p_PowerScheme = $p_Setting.Plan $p_SubGroup = $p_Setting.SubGroup $commands = @() if($ComputerName){ $Target = "$ComputerName -> $($p_SubGroup.Name) -> $($p_Setting.Name)" } else{ $Target = "$($p_SubGroup.Name) -> $($p_Setting.Name)" } if($SetAC){ if(($Force) -or ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($Target, "Set AC value to $value"))){ $commands += {powercfg /setacvalueindex $p_PowerScheme.guid.guid $p_SubGroup.guid.guid $p_Setting.guid.guid $value} } } if($SetDC){ if(($Force) -or ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Target, "Set DC value to $value"))){ $commands += {powercfg /setdcvalueindex $p_PowerScheme.guid.guid $p_SubGroup.guid.guid $p_Setting.guid.guid $value} } } $PassThru = @{PowerScheme = $;SubGroup = $;Setting = $} if(!($ComputerName)){ $commands | ForEach-Object{ & $_ Get-PowercfgSettings @PassThru } } else{ $PassThru += @{ComputerName = $ComputerName} Try{ Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ComputerName { param( $p_PowerScheme, $p_SubGroup, $p_Setting, $Value ) if($using:SetDC){ & powercfg /setdcvalueindex $p_PowerScheme $p_SubGroup $p_Setting $Value } if($using:SetAC){ & powercfg /setacvalueindex $p_PowerScheme $p_SubGroup $p_Setting $Value } } -ArgumentList $p_PowerScheme.guid.guid,$p_SubGroup.guid.guid,$p_Setting.guid.guid,$Value Get-PowercfgSettings @PassThru } Catch{ throw } } } } End { } } |