
function Install-vSphereClient {
    Function to install VMware vSphere Client.
    Function to install VMware vSphere Client.
    .PARAMETER MediaPath
    Path to the vCenter vSphere Client Media executable
    .PARAMETER InstallDir
    Custom directory to install vCenter vSphere Client
    .PARAMETER Quiet
    Do not display a dialogue box during install
    PS> Install-vSphereClient -MediaPath "E:\Software\VMware\VIM\vSphere-Client\VMware-viclient.exe" -InstallDir "E:\VMware\vCenter Client"



    try {    
        # --- Test the path to $MediaPath exists
        if (!($MediaPath.Exists)) {throw "Cannot continue. vSphere Client Media does not exist"}

        # --- Build the arguments for the installer
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Quiet')) {        
            $Arguments = " /q /s /w /L1033 /v`" /qn "
        else {
            $Arguments = " /q /s /w /L1033 /v`" /qr "        
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('InstallDir')) {
            $Arguments += "INSTALLDIR=\`"$($InstallDir)\`" "
        $Arguments += "`""          

        Write-Verbose "Arguments for the install are: $arguments"
        # --- Start the install
        Start-Process $MediaPath $Arguments -Wait
    catch [Exception] {
        throw "Could not install the vSphere Client"